Layoff Procedure A. Once the University determines the need for a layoff exists, it shall employ the following procedure: 1. If at any time during the layoff process an employee submits his notice of retirement, resignation or volunteers for layoff, the University will review its layoff rationale. Where appropriate, the University may curtail staff reductions and/or recall laid-off employee(s). The University shall first lay off non-bargaining unit temporary employees with the same job classification and within the department(s) where the layoff(s) occurs. The University shall then lay off probationary employees with the same job classification and within the affected department(s). The University shall then lay off part-time employees with the same job classification and within the affected department(s). 2. If further reductions are required, employees in the affected job classification(s) shall be laid off as follows: a. any employees in the affected classification who have active discipline at the suspension (whether a working suspension or unpaid suspension) level or covered by a “last chance agreement” for conduct other than that covered by Article 41, or b. any employees who have an overall performance evaluation rating below standards (i.e. a “needs improvement” rating or below) for the two most recent performance evaluation rating periods, or c. in the inverse order of seniority. The remaining employees within the department or unit must be immediately qualified to perform the required work. For purposes of layoff, placement, bumping, and recall, “immediately qualified” shall be defined as meeting the minimum and preferred qualifications for the position to perform the work, with the exception of the Technology Scale, where “immediately qualified” shall be defined as meeting the minimum qualifications for the position to perform the required work. In determining whether the employee is immediately qualified, the University shall give consideration to ability, aptitude, skill, experience, qualifications as stated in the job description. The determination of qualifications is the responsibility of the University. If the University determines that an employee is not qualified, the employee shall have the right to grieve such decision. Part-time employees shall be laid off before full-time employees, and part-time employees cannot bump full-time employees. Similarly, temporary employees cannot bump regular or funds available employees, regardless of seniority. 3. Student employees shall not be used to perform significant components of the position of a laid off employee. It is agreed that this provision shall not apply to students, whether paid or unpaid, performing work in internships, graduate assistantships, practicums or through other programs whose primary purpose is to satisfy a degree requirement. 4. The University shall make available to laid-off employees, prior to their layoff date, job and career advising and information on benefits. Upon request, the University shall provide reasonable access to personal computers, and copiers for use in preparing resumes and cover letters. Employees shall also have access to EAP services during this time period to deal with any stress-related issues. 5. If the work force is to be reduced, it shall be accomplished by layoff and not by any hours reduction. Only by agreement between the employee, University and Union can the regular hours of employees be reduced. 6. If a layoff occurs during a period of unpaid leave, the employee on leave shall receive the same rights under this Agreement upon return to work as other employees. 7. Any employee scheduled to be laid off from his/her present job may request to be transferred into a posted vacant bargaining unit position for which the employee is immediately qualified to perform the required work. 8. Seniority will continue to accrue up to eighteen (18) months during time spent on layoff, and the employee shall retain all seniority accumulated prior to layoff. 9. Employees laid off while serving his/her initial probationary period or employees in a temporary position (an employee hired for a specific project or hired with a defined end date) will not be entitled to placement, bumping or recall rights.