Board Agenda Sample Clauses

Board Agenda. The Association may request matters to be placed on the agenda of all regular Board meetings as long as these matters are requested in writing to the Superintendent prior to the date on which the agenda and notice of the Board meeting are posted as required by law.
Board Agenda. The Association President or designee will be guaranteed a place on the agenda at each regular Governing Board meeting, but not at the dais.
Board Agenda. On the dates of the Board’s official meetings, a copy of the Agenda with all normal attachments shall be provided for the Association before such meetings. A copy of the approved minutes of Board meetings shall be provided to the Association within ten (10) days after the date the minutes were approved. Agendas and minutes shall be sent to each officer of the Association as well as each member of its negotiating team and to its grievance chair. The Association, upon request, shall have the opportunity for presentations at all regular Board meetings.
Board Agenda. The Association shall be entitled to appear on the Board agenda, provided a written notification, outlining the business to be discussed, is submitted to the President's Office 11 days or more before a regularly scheduled Board meeting.
Board Agenda. The Association has the right to request items to be placed on the Board agenda. Such request shall be handled consistent with Board policies and procedures on Board agendas.
Board Agenda. The Association shall be recognized as a part of the Agenda of all regular Board meetings.
Board Agenda. The County will arrange to transmit or make available to the Association President, or designee, two copies each week of the Board of Supervisors’ regular public meeting agenda in advance of the regular Board meeting. The County will also continue to transmit or make available to the Association President, or designee, two copies of the regular Civil Service Commission agenda and classification studies scheduled on that agenda pertaining to classifications represented by the Association in advance of the Commission meeting.
Board Agenda. The Association may request to be placed on the agenda of any Board meeting. Such request will be made at least five (5) days prior to the preparation of the agenda and will state the purpose of the request.