Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank Sample Clauses

Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank. Any professional staff member may contribute to the sick leave bank by contributing one (1) sick leave day of the current year's sick leave to the sick leave bank. Only earned sick leave may be contributed to the bank. Advanced sick leave may not be contributed. The procedures of the sick leave bank will be as follows: 1. All professional staff members may apply for the use of sick leave days. The Association, on behalf of the staff member, may also apply for use of the sick leave bank. 2. A staff member shall be eligible for consideration for the award of sick leave days from the sick leave bank after the following conditions have been met: (a) The staff member's accumulated sick leave days have been exhausted and his/her advanced five (5) days of sick leave have been used. (b) The staff member has been on unpaid leave for five (5) consecutive work days. This stipulation may be waived if agreed upon by the Superintendent/designee and DEA President/designee. (c) The staff member has submitted a written application to the Superintendent setting forth the reason(s) for the request of sick leave bank days along with any attending physician's statement pertinent to the member's request. 3. The Superintendent and Association President shall be responsible for developing any forms that may be required and for keeping all necessary records. 4. The Superintendent and Association President shall meet and determine each case of eligibility to qualify for this leave. Both must agree for sick leave bank days to be awarded. 5. No recipient shall be required to replace these sick leave bank days. 6. The catastrophic sick leave bank is not intended to be used prior to and/or as a bridge to provide compensation for an employee who has applied for STRS Disability benefits. The use of the catastrophic sick leave bank shall not be construed as a condition for, disability leave under the State Teachers Retirement System ("STRS"). Once a member has qualified for STRS disability, the staff member shall not be eligible to use sick leave bank days.
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank. [a] General Provisions. The District shall establish and manage a catastrophic sick leave bank from which eligible classified employees may draw leave under the conditions and restrictions outlined. Classified employees who wish to participate in the catastrophic sick leave bank program shall be required to contribute one (1) day of their available sick leave to the bank. The contribution must be made each year during the insurance open enrollment period, as designated by the District, by donating a day of sick leave through the District’s electronic open enrollment process. If the bank has a substantial balance of days remaining at the end of the academic year, the Association and the District may agree to suspend the contribution requirement for the following year. Any employee who did not previously participate in the bank but who desires to participate during the non- contribution year shall be required to donate one (1) day of sick leave through the District’s electronic open enrollment process during the insurance open enrollment period, as designated by the District. [b] Eligibility. Employees who have contributed to the bank and who have depleted their sick leave, personal leave, vacation leave, and accrued compensation-time balances shall be eligible to receive consideration for sick leave from the bank. [c] Requests for use of the bank. All requests for sick leave from the bank must be in writing and must be addressed to the Human Resource Director or designee. Requests may be submitted and approved any time after the required sick leave has been contributed. The requests must include the reasons for the request, written verification from the attending physician indicating the nature and severity of the illness or health problem along with the projected recovery date, and the number of sick leave days requested. (Written verification from a physician is not required for requests based on leave taken for childbirth.) The District reserves the right to approve requests, deny requests, or to approve only a portion of the leave days requested. [d] Criteria for Consideration. Only severe, extended illnesses and catastrophic medical problems as well as leave taken by a mother or father due to childbirth or adoption, shall be considered for leave withdrawals from the bank. Illnesses or medical problems of a short-term nature shall not be considered. Life-threatening illnesses or severe accidents requiring extended recovery periods shall be given first p...
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank. Purpose: To provide additional paid sick leave benefits for permanent employees who suffer a catastrophic illness to supplement the extended leave entitlement in 7.1.2 so that the employee can receive full pay during the extended sick leave period. Donation of sick leave to the sick leave bank shall not be considered utilization of sick leave for evaluation purposes related to attendance. Eligibility: To be eligible to contribute to the bank, an employee must: 1. Be a permanent employee assigned to a position in the supervisor’s Association. 2. Make a donation of at least one day per work year (employee’s regularly scheduled hours) to the bank. 3. Have at least five (5) days of accrued sick leave following the donation. 4. Donate accrued sick leave or vacation. 5. Complete the irrevocable donation form during the donation period (November) and submit it to the Human Resources Department by the last work day in November of each year.
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank. 1. A Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank (CSLB) will be established in the 2010- 2011 school year. 2. Any employee under a certified teaching contract may voluntarily join the CSLB. Long-term substitutes are not eligible. 3. Any employee under a certified teaching contract may contribute one (1) sick day to the CSLB. 4. Any employee under a certified teaching contract may contribute one (1) personal day to the CSLB. 5. All contributions to the CSLB must be made on the CSLB contribution form and submitted to the treasurer. For the first year of the CSLB, the enrollment period will be August 1 through August 30, 2010. The enrollment period thereafter will be January 1 through February 1 of each year of the contract. 6. When the CSLB contains less than 100 days eligible CSLB participants will be notified in writing and open contribution/enrollment period will be determined by the AEA Executive Committee. 7. Days contributed to the CSLB will be deducted and reflected on the first payroll in March. 8. Once a sick day has been contributed to the CSLB, it cannot be returned to the eligible participant. 9. The CSLB will be administered by a committee composed of AEA President, (1) member of the AEA Executive Committee, the Superintendent of schools, and the Treasurer. 10. Any employee under a certified teaching contract who has contributed a day to the sick bank, is eligible to request days from the CSLB if he/she meets the following criteria: a. All the eligible participant’s sick leave has been exhausted. b. The eligible participant’s absence is due to personal catastrophic illness, accident resulting in recovery from long-term injuries, or the catastrophic illness/accident of a spouse or dependent child still living at home. c. The eligible participant has submitted the written medical verification of the condition and the expected recovery period. d. The eligible participant is not receiving any form of xxxxxxx’x compensation or disability. e. The CSLB Committee has the discretion to consider other unusual catastrophic leave requests. 11. Any eligible participant may request no more than 30 days from the CSLB during one school year. 12. Decisions of the Sick Leave Bank Committee will be final and are not eligible for the grievance process. 13. All records will be kept confidential and will not affect the eligible participant’s status in the group health insurance.
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank. 1. Bargaining Unit Members who have reached the maximum allowed amount of sick leave days (245) can contribute up to ten (10) days of additional accumulated days over 245 each year.
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank. Definition - Catastrophic sick leave as used in this Agreement is defined as an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that is expected to critically incapacitate the unit member for ten (10) or more duty days, and which requires the unit member to take time off from work due to their incapacity, and, as a consequence, the member will suffer financial hardship.
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank a. Association members may donate up to ten (10) days per year of accrued sick leave to a Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank. Donation of earned sick leave normally shall be at the beginning of each school year and shall be in multiples of four (4) hours. Donations of sick leave to the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank are irrevocable. b. Association members who have exhausted all accrued paid leaves and who are suffering from a catastrophic illness or injury, or that of a member of their immediate family, may request leave from the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank to cover unpaid catastrophic leave days or, if applicable, to supplement differential-pay sick leave for catastrophic illness, up to their regular per diem rate. Immediate family includes the relatives listed under Article 16, Section F. c. The District and Association representatives shall agree on the amount, if any, of donated sick leave that shall be transferred from the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank to the employee on catastrophic leave. The amount of additional leave granted to an employee as a result of leave donation(s) from the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank shall not exceed twelve (12) months. Catastrophic sick leave donated from the Bank to an employee in excess of that needed by the employee for the catastrophic illness/ injury, shall be transferred back to the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank.
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank. 18.4.1 The Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank shall be created to assist bargaining unit members who have a long term illness or disability as verified by a physician and who have exhausted their accumulated sick leave. Only individuals who have contributed to the Bank shall be eligible to draw from the Bank. 18.4.2 Only bargaining unit members who have ten (10) days of earned sick leave may contribute one (1) sick leave day to the Bank. All donations to the Bank shall be irrevocable. 18.4.3 The Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank Committee (Committee) A. The Association shall establish a Committee to review and approve or deny requests from the Bank. B. The Committee shall consist of four (4) members. Two (2) members shall be appointed by the Association and two (2) members shall be appointed by the District. In the event there is a tie vote among the Committee Members, the AEA President and the Human Resources administrator shall make the decision to approve or deny the request. C. Decision of the Committee, or the AEA President and Human Resources administrator, shall be final and shall not be subject to the grievance procedure in Article 14 of this Agreement. D. The Committee shall treat all applications and attendant materials as confidential information. 18.4.4 The maximum cumulative number of days which any one (1) person may be granted from the Bank during his/her period of employment with the District is thirty (30) days. Members of the Bank may draw from the Bank after all sick leave has been exhausted. A member who draws from the Bank shall be paid at his/her per diem rate of pay. Sick leave from the Bank may not be granted for periods of disability when monies are being paid to the bargaining unit member under Article
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank. 1. Permanent employees may donate up to ten (10) days of earned Personal Illness/Injury Leave accrued as set forth in A.1. of this Article to a
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank. 9 Permanent certificated employees are eligible to participate in the Catastrophic 10 Leave Bank for the length of their employment provided they are donors to the Bank of at 11 least one day. All permanent certificated employees who are members of the Bank shall 12 be eligible to use catastrophic leave under this article if, (henceforth the use of the term 13 employee shall be synonymous with certificated employee): 14 1. The employee suffers a catastrophic injury or illness that is expected to 15 incapacitate the employee for an extended period of time (in excess of ten days);