Observations and Conferences Sample Clauses
Observations and Conferences. Observations and conferences for the focused evaluation shall follow the process set forth in this Section, Paragraph 6., Items 2-5 (with the exception of Item 3., c. – provisional employees).
Observations and Conferences. 1. Pre-observation conferences shall be scheduled with reasonable notification to the teacher.
2. Pre-observation conferences between the teacher and the evaluator shall take place no later than one week prior to the formal observation. Teachers are encouraged to complete the Pre-Conference Pro- tocol prior to the Pre-Conference. Pre- observation conferences prior to a formal observation shall be private interactive discussions between the evalua- tor-observer and the teacher at which lesson and unit plans, portfolios of student work, student is- sues, resource needs, the teacher’s identification of areas in which he or she wishes to have focused feedback from the evaluator-observer and other professional practice issues identified by the teach- er or evaluator-observer shall be discussed.
3. Evidence collected during formal or informal obser- vations shall be aligned to the CPS Framework for Teaching. In the case of observations of educators where CPS Addendums exist, no evidence shall contradict such an Addendum.
4. Each formal observation shall take place within five school days of the pre-conference and during the time that the instructional module discussed at the pre-conference is to be taught.
5. Post-conferences between the teacher and eval- uator-observer shall take place within three to ten school days following the formal observation and shall be private. Feedback after an informal obser- vation may be provided in person or electronically. The teacher may request in person feedback after an informal observation.
6. The evaluator shall provide the teacher with all the evidence, observation scoring and reflections via the BOARD’S on-line teacher evaluation data sys- tem, to which the BOARD will provide teachers un- limited access.
7. The evaluator will reschedule observations if class- room activity has been disrupted at the time of the scheduled observation (e.g., when a co-teacher is absent, if the building loses electricity, when the teacher is conducting a test, etc.)
Observations and Conferences. Parent observations and conferences are scheduled twice each year; progress reports are given to parents at these times. Parents may arrange to discuss questions and concerns with the staff at any time during the year by calling the School Office.
Observations and Conferences. 1. Pre-observation conferences shall be scheduled with reasonable notification to the teacher.
2. Pre-observation conferences between the teacher and the evaluator shall take place no later than one week prior to the formal observation. Pre-observation conferences prior to a formal observation shall be private interactive discussions between the evaluator-observer and the teacher at which lesson and unit plans, portfolios of student work, student issues, resource needs, the teacher’s identification of areas in which he or she wishes to have focused feedback from the evaluator-observer and other professional practice issues identified by the teacher or evaluator-observer shall be discussed.
3. Evidence collected during formal or informal observations shall be aligned to the CPS Framework for Teaching.
4. Each formal observation shall take place within five school days of the pre-conference and during the time that the instructional module discussed at the pre-conference is to be taught.
5. Post-conferences between the teacher and evaluator- observer shall take place within threefive to ten school days following the formal observation and shall be private. Feedback after an informal observation may be provided in person or electronically. The teacher may request in person feedback after an informal observation.
6. The evaluator shall provide the teacher with all the evidence, observation scoring and reflections via the BOARD’S on-line teacher evaluation data system, to which the BOARD will provide teachers unlimited access.
7. The evaluator will reschedule observations if classroom activity has been disrupted at the time of the scheduled observation (e.g., when a co-teacher is absent, if the building loses electricity, when the teacher is conducting a test, etc.)
Observations and Conferences. Pre-observation conferences shall be scheduled with reasonable notification to the teacher.
Observations and Conferences. Frequent informal observations are strongly encouraged. It is strongly recommended that feedback be given to the staff member after an informal observation. As per state law, at least one Documented Observation is required for non-probationary teachers every year in which they are not receiving a summative evaluation. At least two Formal Observations and conferences must be completed prior to writing the formal evaluation. These standards are stated in terms of minimums; more inter-action is strongly recommended. The pre-observation conference is an optional meeting between the evaluator and teacher held prior to a classroom visit for the purpose of exchanging information about the lesson to be observed. The post-observation conference is a required meeting between evaluator and teacher held following a formal observation (within a five school-day period) for the purpose of discussing the observation and other factors relevant to the teacher's performance.
Observations and Conferences. Each evaluatee shall be formally observed at least once during each semester. Evaluator and evaluatee shall schedule formal observations at times that are mutually agreeable. The number of times a unit member may be observed may vary on an individual basis.
Observations and Conferences. Observations and conferences for the focused evaluation shall follow the process set forth in Section F.
Observations and Conferences. Observations and conferences for the focused evaluation shall follow the process set forth in Section F. 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616
Observations and Conferences