Post-Evaluation Conference. The President of the College or the President’s designee shall upon request meet and confer with the professional staff member to discuss the reasons for that professional staff member’s evaluation within fourteen (14) days following the completion of said evaluation.
Post-Evaluation Conference. Within ten (10) days after completion of the written evaluation, the administrator/supervisor will hold a conference with the employee for the purpose of reviewing the evaluation and recommendations of the administrator/supervisor. The employee's signature simply indicates that the evaluation and comments were discussed and does not mean he/she is in agreement with such comments. An employee who disagrees with the evaluation may submit a written response within ten (10) working days, which response shall be attached to the employee's evaluation. If the administrator/supervisor believes that the employee is doing unacceptable work, he/she shall point out in specific terms where the employee is to improve. Appropriate assistance shall be given by the administration/supervisors and other employees to the employee.
Post-Evaluation Conference. Before May 10, the unit member and primary evaluator shall meet to review the progress of the unit member’s selected alternative evaluation activities. The primary evaluator shall complete and place in the unit member’s personnel file a Completion Of Alternative Evaluation form (Appendix J-7).
Post-Evaluation Conference. After an evaluation, the evaluator will meet with the employee to review the employee’s performance appraisal report.
Post-Evaluation Conference. Prior to June 1, the evaluator shall conduct a post-evaluation conference for the purpose of providing the employee a copy of the final evaluation and discussing its contents.
Post-Evaluation Conference. The faculty member’s supervising Xxxx will provide the faculty member with a copy of the completed Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form and shall meet with the faculty member at a post-evaluation conference. The conference will include a discussion about student success and retention as well as next year’s goals, which will be added to the Faculty Development, Self-Assessment, and Goal Setting Report (included in the evaluation form). The Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form and any addenda shall be signed by both the faculty member and his/her supervising Xxxx. The faculty member’s signature shall not necessarily mean agreement with the evaluation, but awareness of the content of the Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form.
Post-Evaluation Conference. The faculty member’s supervising administrator will provide the faculty member with a copy of the completed Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form and shall meet with the faculty member at a post-evaluation conference. The conference will include a discussion about goals and self-assessment, which will be added to the Faculty Development, Self-Assessment, and Goal Setting Report (included in the evaluation form). The Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form and any addenda shall be signed by both the faculty member and his/her supervising administrator. The faculty member’s signature shall not necessarily mean agreement with the evaluation, but awareness of the content of the Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form. A faculty member shall have the right to have a Union representative present at the post- evaluation conference or when the faculty member is being placed on formal notice of deficiencies in his professional performance.
Post-Evaluation Conference. The faculty member’s supervising Xxxx will provide the faculty member with a copy of the completed Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form and shall meet with the faculty member at a post- evaluation conference. The conference will include a discussion about student success and retention as well as next year’s goals. The Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form and any addenda shall be signed by both the faculty member and his supervising Xxxx. The faculty member’s signature shall not necessarily mean agreement with the evaluation, but awareness of the content of the Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form.
Post-Evaluation Conference. All evaluations shall be followed by a conference between the evaluator and the employee in order that questions arising from the evaluation may be discussed. A mutually established conference date shall be established within five (5) work days from the date of the evaluation. At such conference the employee shall be provided a copy of any evaluation report prepared by the evaluator. Following receipt of the written evaluation, a period of five (5) work days shall be allowed for the employee being evaluated to respond, in writing, to the evaluation. The written response is optional. The employee's written response will be attached to the evaluation document.
Post-Evaluation Conference. After an evaluation, the appropriate Department Head will meet with the employee to review the employee’s performance appraisal report.