Operations Training. During the first year of the Initial Term, the MPF Provider will provide a two week operations training course (“Operations Training”) for up to five, but no more than two at a time, of the Pittsburgh Bank’s employees. The Operations Training shall take place at the offices of the MPF Provider which will provide cubicles and access to computers, along with appropriate training materials and classroom instruction to the trainees. The dates for Operations Training shall be scheduled by mutual agreement. Operations Training shall cover the following topics:
1. Funding and purchasing Loans under the MPF Program.
Operations Training. Operations training, distinct from maintenance training, shall be provided by the Authority, Consultant and General Contractor to TSA for mechanical, electrical, and computer functions required to properly operate the staffed portions of the system. Training shall include, but not be limited to:
Operations Training. Consultant shall provide City O&M staff with in-person or virtual (e.g. Microsoft Teams) classroom training on major Project elements related to operations. It will build on the training module presented under Task No. 2. Training of each major Project element is anticipated within approximately 45 to 60 days of beginning seeding of the digesters for mesophilic operations, but prior to TPAD operations. Consultant shall provide four (4) training sessions for City operations staff and each training session shall last up to four (4) hours. Training will present lessons learned during the mesophilic startup related to operations, process control setpoints, troubleshooting, and key trends in the startup data and will identify opportunities for operational optimization for TPAD based on the mesophilic digestion startup experience.
Operations Training. In the interest of improved training programs on site the Company and the Union support the concept of the Training Committee making recommendations through the Department Managers directly involved with regard to operations training. To ensure a complete evaluation, the Training Committee Co-chairman may request to make a quarterly presentation at the monthly meeting outlined in Article
Operations Training. Consultant shall provide City operations staff with classroom training on major Project elements related to operations. Classroom training of each major Project element will precede its commissioning. Therefore, Task 13.1 and Task 13.2 will overlap. The Task Maximum Payable for this sub- task assumes that Consultant shall provide 6 training sessions for City operations staff and that each training session shall last 4 hours. Training will provide an overview of Project elements, design intent, and operational set points.
Operations Training. Instructors shall provide themselves with uniforms of the type and quality prescribed by the Company. The Company-prescribed uniform must be worn by the Instructor while on duty. Instructors not in uniform shall not be allowed to work. A uniform allowance of three hundred dollars ($300.00) per year shall be granted to Instructors only. The allowance shall be paid to each Instructor not later than August 31st of each year during the term of this contract. Each employee shall be responsible for the cleaning of the uniform.
Operations Training. (Budget Period 2) - This task includes operations training, which will follow on program development and personnel hiring.
Operations Training.
(a) All training activity that requires City personnel to be at track level or on rail borne equipment must be undertaken between the Construction Completion Date and Service Readiness Date. City trainers will be responsible for providing training to City personnel. The Design-Builder will be responsible for providing training to City trainers.
(b) The City will design training courses for all City personnel that are A-Book or B-Book certified. This will include Train Operators, LRT supervisory personnel whose job requires that they be at track level, and track level workers including both City personal or City certified contractors.
(c) The Design-Builder must review training courses prepared by the City and advise of any revisions required
Operations Training. 1.1 Flight Crew Training (standard transition course) The Seller shall provide flight crew training (standard transition course) [***].
Operations Training. The Consultant shall provide process operation training during startup. The intent of this training shall be to inform the operations staff of the intended normal operating configurations and the available operational flexibility features. This training does not replace the individual equipment manufacturer training provided by the Contractor. Training shall occur in 2 separate sessions of 6 hours and include classroom and field time. Services shall include preparation of written training material to support the training sessions.