Outcomes Report. By March 31 of each year, British Columbia and UBCM will provide to Canada an outcomes report that will outline the following program benefits:
a) beneficial impacts on communities of completed Eligible Projects, supported by specific outcomes examples in communities;
b) the impact of CCBF as a predictable source of funding;
c) progress made on improving Local Government planning and asset management, including development or update of Housing Needs Assessments; and
d) a description of how CCBF funding has alleviated housing pressures tied to infrastructure gaps and contributed to housing supply and affordability outcomes (further details on this requirement may be found in Schedule G – Housing Report). The outcomes report will present a narrative on how each program benefit is being met. A template and guidance document will be provided by Canada. In support of transparency and accountability of the CCBF, the following communications protocol will apply to all communications activities undertaken regarding any CCBF funding and will apply to the Parties and Ultimate Recipients. Communicating to Canadians on the use of CCBF funding is clearly linked with our joint accountability to Canadians. Compliance with this protocol will inform the timing and flow of any CCBF funding and is critical to meeting our joint commitment to transparency.
Outcomes Report. The Recipient shall account in writing for outcomes achieved as a result of the Funds through an Outcomes Report to be submitted to AMO. Specifically the Outcomes Report shall describe, in a manner to be provided by AMO, the degree to which investments in each Eligible Project are supporting progress towards achieving:
(a) beneficial impacts on communities of completed Eligible Projects; and
(b) enhanced impact of Funds as a predictable source of funding.
Outcomes Report. The Outcomes Report will report on the cumulative investments made, including information on the degree to which these investments have actually contributed to the objectives of cleaner air, cleaner water and reduced GHG emissions.
Outcomes Report. 1.2.1 The Outcomes Report will report on cumulative investments made with Gas Tax Funds, including the degree to which the investments have contributed to cleaner air, cleaner water and greenhouse gas reduction.
1.2.2 The Outcomes Report will use as a guide the Outcome Indicators in Schedule E as well as other indicators Canada and Saskatchewan may develop subsequent to the signing of this Agreement.
Outcomes Report. 1.2.1 The Outcomes Report will report on the cumulative Fund investments made, including information on the degree to which these investments have actually contributed to the Outcomes of cleaner air and reduced GHG emissions.
1.2.2 The Outcomes Report will use as a guide the Outcome Indicators in Schedule E.
Outcomes Report. All RADF funds must be acquitted within eight (8) weeks of the stated project completion date by completing and submitting the online Outcome Report.
Outcomes Report. An Outcomes Report form, as provided by the City, shall be submitted annually, unless otherwise directed by the City. The Report shall be submitted to the City no later than fifteen calendar days following the end of the year, for the most recent 12-month period for which the Agency has complete outcomes data.
Outcomes Report. By March 31 of each year, AMO and Toronto will each provide to Canada an Outcomes Report that will outline the following program benefits:
a) beneficial impacts on communities of completed Eligible Projects, supported by specific outcomes examples in communities;
b) the impact of CCBF as a predictable source of funding;
c) progress made on improving Municipalities’ planning and asset management, including development or update of Housing Needs Assessments where applicable; and
d) a description of how CCBF funding has alleviated housing pressures tied to infrastructure gaps and contributed to housing supply and affordability outcomes (further details on this requirement may be found in Schedule G – Housing Report). The Outcomes Report will present a narrative on how each program benefit is being met. A template and guidance document will be provided by Canada.
Outcomes Report. By March 31 of each year, British Columbia and UBCM will provide to Canada an outcomes report that will outline the following program benefits:
a) beneficial impacts on communities of completed Eligible Projects, supported by specific outcomes examples in communities;
b) the impact of CCBF as a predictable source of funding;
c) progress made on improving Local Government planning and asset management, including development or update of Housing Needs Assessments; and
d) a description of how CCBF funding has alleviated housing pressures tied to infrastructure gaps and contributed to housing supply and affordability outcomes (further details on this requirement may be found in Schedule G – Housing Report). The outcomes report will present a narrative on how each program benefit is being met. A template and guidance document will be provided by Canada.
Outcomes Report. By March 31 of each year, Nova Scotia will provide to Canada an outcomes report that will outline the following program benefits:
a) beneficial impacts on communities of completed Eligible Projects, supported by specific outcomes examples in communities;
b) the impact of CCBF as a predictable source of funding;
c) progress made on improving Local Government planning and asset management, including development or update of Housing Needs Assessments; and
d) a description of how CCBF funding has alleviated housing pressures tied to infrastructure gaps and contributed to housing supply and affordability outcomes 5 For the 2024-2025 Audited Financial Report, this means the amount reported as unspent by Eligible Recipients (as defined under the 2014 to 2024 Administrative Agreement) in the 2023-2024 Annual Expenditure Report. (further details on this requirement may be found in Schedule G – Housing Report). The outcomes report will present a narrative on how each program benefit is being met. A template and guidance document will be provided by Canada. In support of transparency and accountability of the CCBF, the following communications protocol will apply to all communications activities undertaken regarding any CCBF funding and will apply to Nova Scotia and Ultimate Recipients. Communicating to Canadians on the use of CCBF funding is clearly linked with our joint accountability to Canadians. Compliance with this protocol will inform the timing and flow of any CCBF funding and is critical to meeting our joint commitment to transparency.