OVERVIEW AND SCOPE. The purpose of this Contract is to provide Authorized Users with a means of acquiring Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) – Propane by 20 LB cylinders (4.7 gallons), 34 LB cylinders (7.9 gallons), 100 LB cylinders (23.6 gallons), and Bulk gallons, which includes tank and regulator installations, testing and inspections provided by the Contractor, as set forth in the Price clause herein. This Contract is based on the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) requirements submitted to OGS by Authorized Users, in which 56 of the 62 counties had filed requirements, and the following six (6) counties had no filed requirements: Allegany, Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens, and Richmond. The specific users, counties, and tank types are listed in the Delivery Schedules. See Attachments 2 and 3.
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE. This document sets forth the terms and conditions governing acquisitions under this Piggyback Contract for use by Authorized Users. All the terms, conditions, covenants and representations contained herein and in the Master Contract, except as modified by or in conflict with the terms of this Piggyback Contract, are hereby incorporated by reference and deemed to be a part of this Piggyback Contract as if fully set forth at length herein. The terms and conditions of this Piggyback Contract shall supersede any conflicting terms and conditions set forth in the Master Contract. For purposes of this Piggyback Contract, where references are made to the State of Washington, Enterprise Services in the Master Contract, such references shall be deemed to be to Procurement Services, and any rights given to or reserved by the State of Washington, Enterprise Services in the Master Contract shall be given to or reserved by Procurement Services. The Master Contract is expressly amended as noted in Section 2.1, Contract Documents and Conflict of Terms, below.
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE. This document sets forth the terms and conditions governing acquisitions under this Piggyback Contract for use by Authorized Users. All the terms, conditions, covenants and representations contained herein and in the Master Contract, except as modified by this Piggyback Contract, are hereby incorporated by reference and deemed to be a part of this Piggyback Contract as if fully set forth at length herein. The terms and conditions of this Piggyback Contract shall supersede any conflicting terms and conditions set forth in the Master Contract.
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE. 1.1. Through RxCheck, IJIS shall provide the State with technical services that are conformant to the consensus-based national standard called the Prescription Monitoring Information eXchange 1.2. Through RxCheck, IJIS shall provide the State with a message brokering service (the “Services”) for the routing of request and response messages between the State and entities approved by the State. The Services are described in more detail in Attachment B hereto. 1.3. IJIS will provide an application programming interface (API), additional webservices and/or translation service for facilitating the integration of electronic health records, pharmacy IT systems, HIE or other healthcare related systems unless a state wishes to provide their own translation service for facilitating the integration.
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE. The Governor’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) exists in Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS § 24-37.5-101 et seq.) and consolidates the acquisition of information technology (IT) within Colorado State Government. The intent of this solicitation is to provide the State of Colorado with one (1) or more enterprise agreements for the procurement CommVault SIMPANA Data Management and Information Management platforms. The current licensing agreement is a Capacity-Based License Agreement (CLA). This allows the State to purchase additional required licensing for existing and new deployments on a per Terabyte (TB) basis for all Infrastructure, Data Protection, Archiving, and e-Discovery (Content Indexing, Search, Legal Hold) capabilities. Although the current scope includes twelve agencies as detailed in the Overview, the State will use the resulting Enterprise Agreement where other departments, agencies, and offices may implement the awarded solution in the future, based on need and funding (Section 1, 1.10 Cooperative Agreements). The Legislative and judicial branches of State government are eligible to participate. OIT will extend the resulting award and agreement to Institutions of Higher Education and Local Governments. The principal intent is to provide permissive OIT Enterprise Agreement and State Price Agreement(s) for State agencies, Institutions of Higher Education and political subdivisions to buy products and related services. The “permissive” status means that all State agencies and State institutions of higher education may utilize the Enterprise Agreement (EA) for any equipment/services on the agreement which will meet that agency’s or institution’s need. The awarded Vendor must be willing to extend the EA pricing, products and services available to all State agencies and political subdivisions within the State of Colorado. Examples of “political subdivisions” include, but are not limited to, city and county governments, local school districts, municipal police and fire departments and municipal correctional facilities. As a result of this solicitation, all purchases for an Executive Branch Agency governed by OIT’s statute, may be made by OIT or by the Executive Branch Agency. All other purchases shall be made, directly by the ordering entities, through that ordering entities purchase orders. All terms and conditions of this solicitation shall remain in effect for purchases made whether through Enterprise Agreement(s) via OIT or individually throu...
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE. ‌ Estimated Quantities‌ Lots & Items‌
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE. The purpose of this Contract is to provide Authorized Users with a means of acquiring various grades of Gasoline by bulk delivery to an Authorized User’s storage facility for use in the Authorized User’s own pumps. The product shall be Contractor furnished, delivered and unloaded as specified herein.
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE. The purpose of this Contract is to provide Authorized Users with a means of acquiring various grades of Fuel Oil, Heating (Grades #2, Kerosene, and biodiesel) by bulk delivery to an Authorized User’s storage facility for use by the Authorized User. The product shall be Contractor furnished, delivered and unloaded as specified herein. This Contract is based on the fuel oil (heating) requirements submitted to OGS by Authorized Users in various counties. The specific Authorized Users, counties and tank types are listed in the Delivery Schedule. See Attachments 2 and 3. All products provided shall be homogenous fuel oil, kerosene, or biodiesel blends suitable for burner appliances, and they shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D396 (Fuel Oil), ASTM D3699 (Kerosene), ASTM D6751, biodiesel latest revision(s) thereof, or approved equivalent method, except as listed differently elsewhere herein. There shall be no blending of other than pure distillates or unused residual fuel oils for product provided via this Contract. This Contract includes the following fuel types for the following counties: Cattaraugus 2-MT Buffalo Clinton 2-TW Albany Clinton 2-TW B2 Albany/USDA Xxxxxxx XXXX (Heating) Albany Erie 2-MT Buffalo Essex 2-MT Albany Essex 2-TW B2 Albany/USDA Essex KERO (Heating) Albany Franklin 2-MT Albany Franklin 2-TW Albany Franklin 2-TW B2 Albany/USDA Xxxxxxxx XXXX (Heating) Albany Xxxxxx 2-MT Utica Herkimer 2-MT Utica Jefferson 2-MT Utica Livingston 2-MT Buffalo Livingston 2-MT B2 Buffalo Xxxxxxxxxx 2-MT Utica Oneida 2-MT Utica Oswego 0-XX Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0-XX Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 2-TW Newburgh St. Xxxxxxxx 2-MT Albany St. Xxxxxxxx XXXX (Heating) Albany Tioga 2-MT Syracuse
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE. The purpose of this Contract is to provide Authorized Users with a means of acquiring various types of ultra low sulfur (ULS) diesel and biodiesel fuel (on-road use only) by bulk delivery. The product shall be Contractor furnished, delivered and unloaded at Authorized Users’ designated delivery locations. This Contract is based on the ULS Diesel and Biodiesel fuel requirements submitted to OGS by Authorized Users in various counties, and includes five (5) diesel fuel types (Regular, Premium, B5 Biodiesel, B10 Biodiesel and B20 Biodiesel). The specific Authorized Users, counties and fuel grades are listed in the Delivery Schedules. See Attachments 2 and 3. All products provided shall be homogenous diesel fuel, suitable for diesel engines, and they shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D975-17a, Table 1, or latest revision thereof, except as listed differently herein, and ASTM D7467-17 for Biodiesel Blends (B6 to B20), or latest revision thereof. The scope of each fuel type is as follows:
OVERVIEW AND SCOPE. The purpose of this Contract is to provide State and Non-state agencies with a method to procure Ultra-Low Sulfur (ULS) Diesel Regular, ULS Diesel Premium, B5 Biodiesel, B10 Biodiesel, and B20 Biodiesel fuels by bulk delivery. This Contract is based on the ultra-low sulfur diesel and biodiesel fuel requirements submitted to OGS by authorized NYS contract users and includes five (5) diesel fuel types (Regular, Premium, B5 Biodiesel, B10 Biodiesel and B20 Biodiesel). All products provided shall be homogenous diesel fuel, suitable for diesel engines, and they shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D975-20, Table 1, or latest revision thereof, except as listed differently herein, and ASTM D7467 for Biodiesel Blends (B6 to B20) or latest version thereof. The product shall be furnished, delivered and unloaded by the Contractor to Authorized Usersstorage tanks, as specified herein. The specific users, counties, and fuel grades are listed in the Delivery Schedules. See Attachments 2 and 3, Delivery Schedule – State Agencies and Delivery Schedule – Non-State Agencies respectively. The scope of each fuel type is as follows: