PARENTAL & PERSONAL LEAVE. 11.1: Maternity leave shall be for the period of time during the pregnancy in which the employee is physically disabled by reason of the pregnancy from performing her duties and extending after the termination of pregnancy for the period of time immediately following said termination that the employee is physically disabled from performing her duties. The employee must notify the School Committee in writing of her pregnancy and inform the School Committee in said notification of the estimated date at which her disability will prevent her from performing her duties. The employee must also notify the School Committee after the termination of the pregnancy of the estimated date at which she will be able to return to her duties. While absent on maternity leave the employee shall be entitled to utilize her accumulated sick leave. If the maternity leave extends beyond the number of days of sick leave accumulated by the employee then the employee may apply to the sick bank for the remainder of the maternity leave.
PARENTAL & PERSONAL LEAVE. 11.1: Maternity leave shall be for the period of time during the pregnancy in which the employee is physically disabled by reason of the pregnancy from performing her duties and extending after the termination of pregnancy for the period of time immediately following said termination that the employee is physically disabled from performing her duties. The employee must notify the School Committee in writing of her pregnancy and inform the School Committee in said notification of the estimated date at which her disability will prevent her from performing her duties. The employee must also notify the School Committee after the termination of the pregnancy of the estimated date at which she will be able to return to her duties. While absent on maternity leave the employee shall be entitled to utilize her accumulated sick leave. If the maternity leave extends beyond the number of days of sick leave accumulated by the employee then the remainder of the maternity leave shall be without pay. The employee must return from maternity leave as soon as she is physically able to perform her duties.


  • Personal Leave Written request for a personal leave of absence without pay will be considered on an individual basis by the Hospital. Such requests are to be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor at least four (4) weeks in advance, unless not reasonably possible to give such notice, and a written reply will be given within fourteen (14) days except in cases of emergency in which case a reply will be given as soon as possible. Employees needing personal leave days for appointments with medical practitioners may utilize the personal leave language. Such leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.

  • Personal Leaves As approved by the Board, personal leaves without pay may be granted in cases of exceptional need for up to six (6) months. Any such leave exceeding one (1) semester shall not be counted toward tenure or promotion or for computing salary increments. These leaves may be extended by the PVPAA upon recommendation of the xxxx for up to one (1) year.

  • Paid Personal Leave A. During the first full pay period in each January, persons employed as of September 1, 2011 will be credited annually with paid personal leave credits at the following rate (including such employees laid off and subsequently recalled): Scheduled Hours per Week Personal Leave Credits 37.5 hours per week 37.500 hours 40.0 hours per week 40.000 hours B. During the first full pay period in each January, full-time employees hired after September 1, 2011 will be credited annually with paid personal leave credits at the following rate: Scheduled Hours per Week Personal Leave Credits 37.5 hours per week 22.500 hours 40.0 hours per week 24.000 hours Such personal leave may be taken during the following twelve (12) months at a time or times requested by the employee and approved by his/her Appointing Authority. Full- time employees hired or promoted into the bargaining unit after the first full pay period in January of each year will be credited with personal leave days in accordance with the following schedule: Date of Hire or Promotion Scheduled Hours per Week Personal Leave Credited January 1-March 31 37.5 22.500 hours 40.0 24.000 hours April 1-June 30 37.5 15.000 hours 40.0 16.000 hours July 1-September 30 37.5 7.500 hours 40.0 8.000 hours October 1-December 31 37.5 0.000 hours 40.0 0.000 hours Any paid personal leave not taken by the last Saturday to the first full pay period in January will be forfeited by the employee. Personal leave days for regular part-time employees will be granted on a pro-rata basis. Personal leave may be used in half-hour increments and may be used in conjunction with vacation leave. C. Nothing in this section shall be construed as giving more than three (3) personal days (to employees hired after September 1, 2011) in a given year, or more than five (5) personal days (to employees on the payroll as of September 1, 2011) in a given year. Any employee who has used one or more days leave while employed in state service shall have such time deducted from the formula contained herein

  • Personal Leave of Absence The Administrator may grant a request for leave of absence for personal reasons without pay provided that he receives at least one (1) month's clear notice, in writing, unless impossible, and provided that such leave may be arranged without undue inconvenience to the normal operations of the Nursing Home. Employees when applying for such leave shall indicate the proposed date of departure and return. Such leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.

  • Extended Personal Leave Leave without pay for up to one (1) year may be granted to a teacher provided said teacher has been actively employed for five (5) continuous contract years preceding the granting of this leave and has not been granted an extended part-time leave within that period. Application for said leave shall include a statement indicating the purpose of the leave and shall be submitted, except in unusual circumstances, as determined by the District, thirty (30) days prior to the date the leave is to commence.

  • Personal Leave Day Each employee who has been continuously employed by the College for more than four

  • Unpaid Personal Leave Where an employee has exhausted all paid personal leave entitlements, they are entitled to take unpaid personal leave to care for members of their immediate family or household who are sick and require care and support or who require care due to an unexpected emergency. The employer and the employee shall agree on the period. In the absence of agreement, the employee is entitled to take up to two days (up to a maximum of 16 hours) of unpaid leave per occasion, provided the requirements of 7.2.5(a) and 7.2.5(b) are met.

  • Personal Leave Days Section 1. All employees after completion of six (6) months of service shall be entitled to receive personal leave days in the following manner: (A) All full time employees shall be entitled to twenty-four (24) hours of personal leave with pay each fiscal year; (B) Part-time, seasonal, and job share employees shall be granted such leave in a prorated amount of twenty-four (24) hours based on the same percentage or fraction of month they are hired to work, or as subsequently formally modified, provided it is anticipated that they will work 1,040 hours during the fiscal year; Section 2. Should any employee fail to work 1,040 hours for the fiscal year, the value of personal leave time used may be recovered from the employee. Section 3. Personal leave shall not be cumulative from year to year nor is any unused leave compensable in any other manner. Section 4. Such leave may be used by an employee for any purpose he/she desires and may be taken at times mutually agreeable to the university and the employee.

  • Personal Leaves of Absence SRD includes the time an employee is on "leave", if the employee is on a: • personal leave of absence with pay; or • personal leave of absence without pay which is less than 15 working days; or • personal leave of absence without pay which is more than 15 working days and which was started on or after April 15, 1993 -- only that portion which was taken during the period from April 15, 1993 to August 31, 1997. • prepaid leave of absence, under the enhanced leaves of absence policy dated April 16, 1993, greater than eight (8) weeks.

  • Personal Medical Leave 1. Accrued 100% sick leave may be used at the employee's discretion. Such leave may be taken before or after the vacation described in No. 3 below. 2. Accrued 75% sick leave may be used following use of all 100% sick leave at the employee’s discretion. Such leave may be taken before or after the vacation described in No. 3 below.