Personal Leaves Sample Clauses
Personal Leaves. As approved by the Board, personal leaves without pay may be granted in cases of exceptional need for up to six (6) months. Any such leave exceeding one (1) semester shall not be counted toward tenure or promotion or for computing salary increments. These leaves may be extended by the PVPAA upon recommendation of the xxxx for up to one (1) year.
Personal Leaves. A. Personal leave, without pay, short term or extended, may be granted an employee. A valid reason must be given to justify personal leave.
Personal Leaves. This section shall cover leaves of absences which are in excess of or not covered by the District’s Family Care and Medical Leave Policy or Pregnancy Disability Leave policy.
Personal Leaves. Personal leave shall be granted to the professional employee at the rate of (3) three days per year. Personal leave may be taken as a full day or half days at the discretion of the employee. Up to (2) two unused personal leave days may be carried over to the next year, with the maximum accumulation of (5) five days per year. In the event an employee has more than (2) two personal days left at the close of the school year, the district will buy the personal days back from the employee at the rate of $125.00
Personal Leaves. A personal leave of absence without pay for periods of up to four
Personal Leaves. 1520 Personal Leaves of Absence, without pay, may be granted for justifiable reasons, subject to the eligibility requirements, for a period up to a maximum of thirty (30) days per paragraph 1502. 1521 The Employer agrees that in cases of a Personal Leave due to a death in the employee's immediate family or other justifiable personal reasons, the Union could, on behalf of the employee, request a meeting with Human Resources to discuss an extension to the maximum period of Personal Leaves. However, such extensions shall be granted at the discretion of the Employer and shall not exceed thirty (30) calendar days.
Personal Leaves. Employees may request leaves of absence for reasons not covered elsewhere in this Article. Such leaves may be granted at the discretion of the employer for up to one year.
Personal Leaves. As per Article 16.01 of the full-time section of this Agreement.
Personal Leaves. (a) The Employer may grant leave of absence without pay to any employee for legitimate reasons. Such permission and request are to be in writing on the standard leave of absence request form at least, thirty (30) calendar days in advance, except in any emergency. The granting or refusal of all such leaves of absence shall be at the discretion of the Employer and shall be made in writing to the employee concerned. A claim that the Employer withheld permission without reasonable cause may be made the subject of a grievance and processed accordingly.
(b) When the leave of absence is granted, there shall be no loss of seniority.
(c) Benefits of employees absent for more than one (1) month for reason other than compassionate, parental, maternity leave, illness or a workplace injury or any other leave of absence under the Employment Standards Act of Ontario may be discontinued during such absence at the discretion of the Employer the month following the first (1st) month of absence and at any given time after such month.
(d) Seniority shall still accumulate for a six (6) month period, and then seniority shall be maintained but not accumulate.
(e) Any leave of absence granted in conjunction with the employee’s vacation will be deemed to follow their vacation period.
Personal Leaves. 8.8.1 Personal leaves may be granted permanent certificated employees for purposes not listed above. Such leaves shall be in the best interest of the District and shall be granted when the withholding of such a leave would work an undue hardship upon the employee requesting the leave. Such leaves shall not constitute a break in the continuity of service within the District and normally will be granted for only a one-year duration. Certificated employees on unpaid personal leave may continue participation in District group insurance plans by paying their own premiums.