Part-Time Holiday Pay Sample Clauses
Part-Time Holiday Pay. Holiday pay for employees who work less than forty (40) hours shall be based on twenty percent (20%) of the employee’s average hours worked per week in the six (6) weeks worked immediately preceding the holiday or the number of weeks worked if less than six (6) except that in computing pay for the New Year’s holiday the same period of time used in computing pay for the Christmas holiday shall be used. Pay for the personal, anniversary, and birthday shall be based on the daily average twenty percent (20%) of the weekly average hours worked or compensated for the fifty- two (52) week period from anniversary date to anniversary date. Provided however, that time not worked because of an approved medical leave, worker’s compensation leave or family medical leave of absence shall not adversely affect the calculation and the number of weeks used shall be adjusted accordingly.
Part-Time Holiday Pay. In the case of an employee hired to and working a reduced working schedule, holiday will be paid on the number of hours actually worked for the day.
Part-Time Holiday Pay. It is understood and agreed that holiday pay is included within the percentage in lieu.
Part-Time Holiday Pay. Part-time employees who average twenty (20) hours per week in the four (4) weeks preceding the week of the paid Holiday shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours’ paid holiday pay for each of the paid holidays listed in Article 7.01 of this Agreement.
Part-Time Holiday Pay. (a) A regular part-time nurse who has earned wages on at least twelve (12) days during the four (4) weeks immediately preceding any holiday listed in 16.01 shall receive a day’s pay for the holiday.
(b) The amount of holiday pay shall equate to the average of the Employee’s daily hours exclusive of overtime, for the days worked in the thirteen (13) week period immediately preceding a recognized holiday.
Part-Time Holiday Pay. Part-time Food Handling Employees hired before June 28, 2008 working in any holiday week, Baggers, Utilities and Part-time Non-Food Handling Employees hired before May 1, 2005, who have completed 7 consecutive years, working in any holiday week, and who have worked their last scheduled work day before, the holiday itself (if scheduled), and their first scheduled work day after a holiday, except for bona fide illness, shall be entitled to 6 hours of holiday pay.
Part-Time Holiday Pay. Part‐time employees shall be eligible for holiday pay in accordance with Paragraph C. 1. above, if they work the holiday. In addition part‐time employees shall be paid two (2) times their straight hourly rate if they are normally scheduled by their Employer to work, and do work, on their birthday.
Part-Time Holiday Pay. Part time officers who work on a holiday as defined by this Agreement shall be compensated at an hourly rate of one and one half times (1 ½) their regular rate of pay for every work worked.
Part-Time Holiday Pay. Part time employees who are not scheduled to work the holiday, will be paid for all corporate holidays listed in 23.01, on a pro-rated basis subject to the rules of the Employment Standards Act, 2000.