PLACE OF SERVICE. The following is determined at the Administrator’s sole discretion; as deemed appropriate for the particular problem Your Product is experiencing, and based on the explanation You have provided when initiating Your Claim. All Claims submitted in accordance with this Agreement are handled individually; the place of service provision that applies to one Claim may not necessarily apply to another Claim.
PLACE OF SERVICE. If Your Service Agreement includes In-Home/On-Site Service, We will arrange for Your Product to be serviced at Your residence, provided You have prepared the following provisions: (1) accessibility to the Product; (2) a non-threatening and safe environment; and (3) an adult over the age of 18 to be present for the period of time Our authorized technician is on Your property servicing Your Product. In the event it is necessary to continue certain repair services at a repair center, You may be required to ship/transport the Product to a designated repair center; in such circumstances, the shipping/transportation charges will be covered by this Service Agreement. In-Home/On-Site Service will be provided by the authorized service provider during regular business hours, local time, Monday through Friday, except holidays. If Your Service Agreement includes Depot Service, You will be responsible for shipping and insurance of the Product to the designated Depot Center. We will pay for return shipping of the Product to Your residence. If Your Product qualifies for Carry-In Service, You are responsible for transporting Your Product to and from the designated service center. If We require You to ship Your Product, any shipping charges will be Your responsibility. If Your covered Service Agreement originally included Carry-In, Depot or Mail-In Service but has been built-in and rendered as a permanent fixture inside or outside of Your residence and You are unable to transport or ship the Product in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Service Agreement, You will be responsible for the On-Site service call charge. The service call charge is payable to the servicer at the time of service. If Our diagnosis indicates that the failure is not covered by this Service Agreement, You may be responsible for all service fees incurred for such diagnosis. Televisions 32” and larger will receive In-Home Service as stated above; all Televisions smaller than 32”, Notebook, Laptop, Desktop Computer, SmartPhone and Gaming Console will be repaired at an authorized depot center. We will provide three (3) way shipping for Televisions, Notebook, Laptop, Desktop Computer and Gaming Console designated for depot repair.
PLACE OF SERVICE. Substantially all of Xxxxxxxxx’x duties shall be performed in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, California, and unless mutually agreed upon by Xxxxxxxxx and Employer, Xxxxxxxxx shall be headquartered in Beverly Hills, California.
PLACE OF SERVICE. If Your Service Agreement includes In-Home/On-Site Service, We will arrange for Your Product to be serviced at Your residence, provided You have prepared the following provisions: (1) accessibility to the Product; (2) a non-threatening and safe environment; and (3) an adult over the age of 18 to be present for the period of time Our authorized technician is scheduled for service and while Our authorized technician is on Your property servicing Your Product. In the event it’s necessary to continue certain repair services at the repair center, You may be required to ship/transport the Product to the designated repair center; in such circumstances, the shipping/transportation charges will be covered by this Service Agreement. In-Home/On-Site Service will be provided by the authorized service provider during regular business hours, local time, Monday through Friday, except holidays.
PLACE OF SERVICE. At Our discretion, large items will receive on-site service. Within five (5) business days of determining Your Product requires on-site service, We will assign You an authorized service center technician and arrange to repair or replace the Product at Your location during normal business hours. If We fail to have an authorized service center technician assigned within five (5) business days, We will continue to service Your Product and the cost of Your Protection Plan will be refunded to You at Your request. On-site service may occasionally necessitate the authorized service center technician to bring the Product back to their shop to complete repairs. For shippable items, We will provide a free prepaid shipping label to Our authorized service center for repair, replacement or settlement. You will be responsible for safe packaging and shipment of Your Product. If, upon inspection, Your Product is determined to have experienced a failure which is covered by Your Protection Plan, We will service Your Product, in accordance with Section 5, “HOW WE WILL SERVICE YOUR PRODUCT”, within five (5) days of our authorized service center’s receipt of Your Product. If We fail to repair, payout or replace the Product within five (5) business days of receiving it, We will continue to service Your Product and the cost of Your Protection Plan will be refunded to You at Your request. If the authorized service center determines Your Product is in working condition or is not covered by Your Protection Plan, We will return Your Product to You or dispose of it at Your request.
PLACE OF SERVICE. If You purchased On-Site Service, we will arrange to repair or replace the product at Your location during normal business hours. If you purchased Carry/Mail-In Service, You will be responsible for delivery or shipment, prepaid and insured, of the product to Our authorized service facility for repair or replacement. LIMIT OF LIABILITY: The total amount that We will pay for repairs made in connection with all claims that You make pursuant to this Service Agreement shall not exceed the purchase price of the product, less taxes. In the event that We make payments for repairs, which in the aggregate, are equal to the Purchase Price or We replace the product with a new, rebuilt or refurbished product of equal or similar features and functionality, We will have no further obligations under this Service Agreement. WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROPERTY DAMAGE, LOST TIME, OR LOST DATA RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE OF ANY PRODUCT OR EQUIPMENT OR FROM DELAYS IN SERVICE OR THE INABILITY TO RENDER SERVICE.
PLACE OF SERVICE. The Consultant acknowledges that in providing services, the employees of the Consultant will be required from time to time to travel and provide services elsewhere than at the Consultant's principal offices, and/or other branch offices as may be established, and the Consultant agrees to such amount of travel away from the principal office of the Consultant as may be reasonably necessary for the purposes of the Company's business and the Company agrees to reimburse all reasonable travel and related expenses incurred by the Consultant in that regard.
PLACE OF SERVICE. At our discretion, large items will receive On-Site Service and we will arrange to repair or replace the Product at Your location during normal business hours. On-Site Service may occasionally necessitate the Service Provider to bring the unit back to their shop to complete repairs. For shippable items, We will provide a free prepaid shipping label to our authorized service facility for repair, replacement or settlement. For fragile items like laptops, we may also provide you with a free prepaid Shipping Box to send your item to Us. You will be responsible for safe packaging and shipment. If the authorized service facility determines the item is in working condition or is not covered by Your Service Agreement, We will return the item to you or dispose of it at your request.
PLACE OF SERVICE. Under this Service Agreement, Your Equipment qualifies for service at an authorized Trek Care Plus retailer or any other service center designated by the Administrator. You are responsible for the transportation of the Equipment to the applicable servicing location; this Service Agreement does not provide reimbursement for any costs associated with such transportation. LIMIT OF LIABILITY: The total amount that We will pay for repairs or replacement made in connection with all claims that You make pursuant to this Service Agreement shall not exceed the original purchase price of Your Equipment, less taxes. In the event We make payments for repairs, which in the aggregate are equal to the original Equipment purchase price or We replace Your Equipment, We will have no further obligations under this Service Agreement. In no event shall the total of all claims or replacement exceed the original price paid by You for the covered Equipment. WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: PROPERTY DAMAGE, LOST TIME OR LOST DATA RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE OF ANY COMPONENT OR EQUIPMENT, FROM DELAYS IN SERVICE, OR THE INABILITY TO RENDER SERVICE. WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY AND ALL PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS THAT OCCUR PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS SERVICE AGREEMENT, INCLUDING INHERENT PRODUCT FLAWS. TERM OF COVERAGE: Coverage begins upon purchase date of this Service Agreement and continues or the period of time specified on Your sales receipt/invoice. This Service Agreement is inclusive of the manufacturer’s warranty; it does not replace the manufacturer’s warranty but provides certain benefits during the term of the manufacturer’s warranty. During the manufacturer’s warranty period, any repairs covered by that warranty are the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. Upon expiration of the manufacturer’s warranty, this Service Agreement will provide a continuance of coverage for Your Equipment in accordance with the terms and conditions stated herein.