Pricing and Costs Sample Clauses
Pricing and Costs. For each order under this Term Sheet and Addendum for which Hxxxxxx processes and ships, Hxxxxxx will charge Intuit the pricing/costs in accordance with the following mutually agreed upon pricing exhibits to be attached to this Term Sheet, and in accordance with the existing Supply Agreement. • Exhibit A. Pricing for P-TAP Fulfillment and Products • Exhibit B. Pricing for Non-Imprintable FSG Fulfillment and Products In addition, Hxxxxxx will credit Intuit for material costs associated with any products that were produced using Intuit-owned materials, excluding the products TPH and TPR where the pricing and costs in Exhibit A already reflect these credits. Exceptions include the items listed under the “Open Items” referenced below. These mutually agreed upon prices should be competitive in the market, and in compliance with applicable laws, and will remain in effect for 1 year subject to the following provisions of the Supply Agreement: Section 38, (future Cost Savings), and Section 40 (allowable Price Adjustments) subject to additional allowable price adjustments, increases or decreases, resulting from significant changes in order quantities. Exempted from Section 40 are certain P-TAP and/or FSG non-imprintable products that need to be ordered within a term less than one year, and where the prices are highly sensitive to volume variances. For these products identified by Hxxxxxx 60 days in advance, Intuit and Hxxxxxx will mutually agree to any price change every six months and/or prior to any inventory replenishment. Price changes will reflect prices that should be competitive in the market and in compliance with applicable laws, and will be effective when the new products begin to ship. Hxxxxxx will work with Intuit on continuous improvements to reduce material, administrative and freight costs. Also, Hxxxxxx agrees to review with Intuit Harland’s costs, and Intuit has the right to audit Hxxxxxx’x invoicing on an ongoing basis.
Pricing and Costs. For each Sixth Addendum Product and service provided pursuant to this Sixth Addendum, Hxxxxxx will charge Intuit in accordance with the following: Exhibit A (Manual Checks Products and Pricing). These mutually agreed upon prices should be competitive in the market, and in compliance with applicable laws, and will remain in effect from the Sixth Addendum Effective Date and will continue in effect thereafter during the term of this Sixth Addendum, subject to the following sections of the Supply Agreement: Section (*) and Section (*). Hxxxxxx will work with Intuit on continuous improvements to reduce material, administrative, freight and warehousing costs, and will (*).
Pricing and Costs. Costs per Good, Fundraiser compensation, or other pricing shall be as follows: ☐ As specified in the Fundraiser’s Contract. ☐ As here described: Agreement Begin/End. This Agreement is in effect from the Effective Date through and including the date specified as the Agreement End Date on the Cover and Signature Page.
Pricing and Costs o The CTA document must specify unit prices or hourly rates and how pricing is calculated. If there is a project management fee divided within the team, it should be specified. If there are any award or incentive fees, the CTA document should explain how they will be divided within the team. • Independent Contractors o The CTA document must state that all team members remain independent contractors, responsible for their own employees. • Delivery Responsibility o The CTA document must state whether the team lead or each team member is responsible for a particular part of the project, so that delivery responsibility is clearly established.
Pricing and Costs. Pricing/costs under this Term Sheet and the Addendum shall be in accordance with the Exhibit A attached to this Term Sheet, and in accordance with the existing Supply Agreement. These mutually agreed upon prices should be competitive in the market, and will remain in effect for the term of the Addendum subject to the following provisions of the Supply Agreement: Section 38 (Future Cost Savings), and Section 40 (Allowable Price Adjustments).
Pricing and Costs. For each Fourth Addendum Product and service provided pursuant to this Fourth Addendum, Hxxxxxx will charge Intuit the pricing in accordance with Exhibit A (Core Tax Form Pricing – Tax Year 2003). These mutually agreed upon prices should be competitive in the market, and in compliance with applicable laws, and will remain in effect for the Term of this Fourth Addendum, subject to this Section 16 and Section 38 (Future Cost Savings) of the Supply Agreement. In lieu of Section 40(a) (Changes in Paper Costs) of the Supply Agreement, if after the 2003 tax season, Hxxxxxx experiences an increase of more than [ * ] in its direct material costs for paper (based on a publicly available paper price index agreed to by the parties), Intuit and Hxxxxxx shall renegotiate the pricing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon Intuit’s request, Hxxxxxx and Intuit shall renegotiate pricing for the 2004 Tax year (approximately Jan 2004), to accommodate volume changes or other factors that may reduce costs or pricing. If, during any renegotiation pursuant to this Section 16, the parties do not reach agreement within * We have requested confidential treatment for certain portions of this document pursuant to an application for confidential treatment sent to the SEC. We omitted such portions from this filing and filed them separately with the SEC.
Pricing and Costs. Unit prices/hourly rates shall be as specified in the price work sheets used to develop the Firm-Fixed Price for Phase I, and as specified in the SF 1449 and Price Schedule submitted to Solicitation Name in the Technical Proposal, Project Plan and Price Proposal in response to Solicitation #_______________ dated Month XX, XXXX,
Pricing and Costs. 5.1 All prices bid by each Supplier as part of their Proposal(s) shall be exclusive of VAT but inclusive of all other forms of tax (including, but not limited to, any value added, sales, turnover, business rates or similar tax imposed in any country).
5.2 The prices for the selected Goods and/or Services under a Direct Award shall be no higher than the prices published in the Catalogue for the relevant Goods and/or Services.
5.3 For a Proposal submitted in a Further Competition, prices shall not be higher than the prices published in the Catalogue except where Key Sector Provisions and/or Special Terms are included by the Approved Organisation. To the extent that the incorporation of any of the Key Sector Provisions and/or Special Terms is cost impacting, the relevant Supplier shall be entitled to submit a price which is higher than the prices published in the Catalogue to the extent that it can demonstrate to the satisfaction of both the Authority and Approved Organisation (acting reasonably) that it will incur additional costs. In each case, such change to the bid price will be strictly proportionate to the change in costs associated with the relevant Key Sector Provisions and/or Special Terms and must be agreed in writing by the Authority and Approved Organisation prior to work commencing. Any disagreement regarding the pricing adjustments shall be referred to the dispute resolution procedure under this Framework Agreement.
5.4 If required by the Approved Organisation, each Supplier shall provide a full breakdown of its bid price either in its Proposal or as a clarification of the Proposal.
5.5 Each Supplier shall ensure that the charging methodology contained in the Proposal represents best value for money for the Approved Organisation. If a Supplier believes that the requirements in the RFP do not work in the Approved Organisation's best interests, the relevant Supplier shall notify the Authority and shall provide recommendations or alternative solutions in its Proposal for how the Approved Organisation can achieve best value for money.
5.6 Each Supplier and Approved Organisations shall bear their own costs for participating in Further Competitions and the process for Direct Awards.
Pricing and Costs. For each Addendum Product which Hxxxxxx processes and ships, Hxxxxxx will charge Intuit the pricing/costs in accordance with the following mutually agreed upon pricing exhibit attached to this Addendum: • Exhibit A. USBP and Omware Imprintable Products Products may be deleted from this list at Intuit’s sole discretion at any time, provided that reasonable notice is given for existing USBP and Omware imprintable disposition that is acceptable to both parties. Products may be added to this list at terms mutually agreed upon in writing by both Hxxxxxx and Intuit. Subject to Section 4, the parties agree that during the term of the Supply Agreement the pricing specified in Exhibit A will remain the same except to reflect changes in volume or Harland’s direct material costs for paper and packaging material as described in Section 40 of the Supply Agreement, or to reflect decreases to the extent that Harland’s applicable costs decrease for such reasons as volume purchases, lower cost base stock, or other cost savings.
Pricing and Costs