Professional Visitation. Teachers may, upon application and subject to the approval of the Principal, be granted one (1) day of leave per duty year without loss of daily compensation for the purpose of professional visitation. A written report of the professional visitation shall be given to the Teacher's Principal, if requested.
Professional Visitation. Each school building shall be assigned a number of days equal to one-half (1/2) the total number of full-time persons who regularly serve that building. The staff, in cooperation with the principal, would determine the usage of these days. The usage is to be based on the educational merit and probable benefit to the school district. A written report to the Superintendent is to be submitted within one week (following the visitation). Teachers may be asked to present an oral report to the Board of Education. Application must be made through the regular channels with one week’s advance notice. Expenses for these days will be borne by the teacher applicant. Additional days may be granted or assigned by the Superintendent. This does not supersede the present professional conference policy.
Professional Visitation. Upon approval of the immediate supervisor, a member may be granted up to three (3) days’ leave for the purpose of visiting other classes, schools or educational facilities, I.E.P. planning and preparation, or attending educational conferences during the school year. The member must make a written request at least ten (10) days prior to the anticipated leave. The disposition of the request will be explained in writing by the supervisor, at least one day in advance of visitation or IEP planning and preparation. A copy will be given to Human Resources. Requests for educational conferences will receive a written disposition of the request at least four days in advance of the conference.
Professional Visitation. Upon recommendation of a building principal and approval of the Superintendent, a certificated/licensed staff member may be granted permission to visit and observe the instructional program in another educational institution for the purpose of professional improvement. Any expenses incurred, except substitute costs, will be paid by the staff member.
Professional Visitation. Professional visitation of one day will be allowed each teacher with the approval of the Superintendent. A brief report of this visitation will be conveyed to the Superintendent at the teacher’s earliest convenience.
Professional Visitation. Teachers shall be granted leave with pay plus compensation for expenses as well as District allowed mileage for all meetings required as part of their teaching responsibilities when the meeting is required/approved by the Superintendent.
Professional Visitation. Upon written request to and approval by the School District Staff Development Committee, teachers shall be allowed up to two days of release time for classroom visitation and school observation. Upon written request, teachers shall be reimbursed for appropriate expenses. Substitutes, when necessary, shall be provided by the School District.
Professional Visitation. Teachers may be allowed time for professional visitation upon the discretion and the approval of the Superintendent. The discretion of the Superintendent shall not be delegable except in his/her absence.
Professional Visitation. Any teacher may request a professional visitation day. Visitation days may be granted to teachers subject to approval by the Principal and the Superintendent.
Professional Visitation. Meeting Outside School District: Request approval in writing in Confined to area of subject employ- No deductions Not applicable advance. Approval must be ment. No deductions or specialty granted by the Building Principal, and the Superintendent of Schools