Purpose of information sharing Sample Clauses

Purpose of information sharing. 5.1 Information may be shared (in accordance with the relevant legislation) between parties for the following purposes :  In the interest of promoting the education or well-being of children in England.  To protect and maintain the welfare of a child or children.  To prevent and/ or detect crime, including abuse of the immigration system.  In the interest of protecting/ securing national security. 6 Method of information sharing
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Purpose of information sharing. 3.1 The overall objective of sharing information within safeguarding adults work is to ensure that adults at risk are effectively safeguarded, by providing all relevant parties with the information they need in order to address concerns, reduce risks or prevent abuse happening in the future.
Purpose of information sharing. The purpose of the agreement is to enable sharing of information between Partners to enable the completion of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and compliance with the structure of EHCPs as outlined in the ‘Special Educational needs and Disability Code of Practice – Section 9.62’.
Purpose of information sharing. What specific information is required for the purpose of this agreement? Include an explanation of how anonymised information may be used where appropriate. A written protocol should start by explaining the reasons for sharing personal information. It should also state whether partners are obliged to, or are merely enabled to, share data. Where it is relevant to do so, achievement targets should be set. (For example, a data sharing initiative may aim to provide effective service improvements that are measurable). The purpose of the data sharing arrangement must be approved, understood and formally agreed by those entering into a data sharing agreement. In instances where organisations develop a database to share pooled data, it is necessary to establish which organisation will act as the 'data controller' - they alone will have responsibility for disclosing information on a need to know basis. The data controller will be responsible for storing the information safely by limiting access. Reduce the risk of information being seen by an unauthorised person by establishing levels of access. State within the protocol, whether the organisations will be anonymising aggregated information on the database, or pseudonymising data where only a few authorised personnel can access the information with a 'key' (sometimes this is required by legislation). Remember that when disclosing data to a third party, the database is still subject to rules of confidentiality. Such databases must contain relevant information and the way that information is used should not exceed the protocol's original purpose.
Purpose of information sharing. The Specified Purpose of the data sharing initiative is to enable the Parties to view information for candidates who have uploaded their information to the Step into Health system and expressed a desire to work for the Parties, with a view to matching and signposting the individual to current or emerging vacancies. The details shared are provided in Schedule 1. Parties and candidates will be able to message each other via the Step into Health System or via opting to share their email addresses. The data will also enable Parties to have the ability to understand the number and demographics of the candidates engaging with the Step into Health programme and which stage of the journey the candidate is in. This is vital to evidencing the success of Step into Health both for the national co-ordination team and local employer. LEGAL BASIS FOR SHARING The legal basis for sharing is based on Consent: that the individuals have given explicit consent for their data to be shared and processed for the specific purpose of matching their details to potential employment opportunities For the purposes of this Agreement, The NHS Confederation and <EMPLOYER> are the Data Controllers. The Parties have identified that it is lawful for the Relevant Information to be shared further to this Agreement. The collaborative arrangements between the Parties may mean they have a legitimate interest in transmitting personal data between the Parties for administrative purposes which do not relate to the performance of their public tasks or other purposes, in which case Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR may apply – processing is “…necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or a third party…”.
Purpose of information sharing. The purpose of sharing information is to carry out statutory homelessness duties, match individuals with available housing, financial inclusion and employment support, ensure these services are targeted at the most vulnerable groups to prevent homelessness and financial exclusion, monitor the performance of commissioned services, identify and respond to trends in homelessness and financial inclusion including identifying opportunities for earlier intervention, and to develop services to better meet the needs of clients seeking support. The purposes of information sharing via Gateway are to create a single record for each client requiring or receiving support from the services above to ensure continuity of support and sharing of essential risk information with partners from whom that individual may require support. Additionally, Newcastle Gateway collects aggregated data which will be used to:  Monitor performance of commissioned services against contractual aims and inform the commissioning process  Monitor patterns and trends in service use, reasons for seeking support (such as causes of homelessness) and outcomes achieved (such as number of homelessness preventions) to develop a citywide consensus and response  Complete statutory returns to government
Purpose of information sharing. Where there is specific information or concerns that an adult with care and support needs is being neglected, abused or exploited or there is a risk of neglect or abuse, information will be shared between the partners. It will be used to investigate the concerns and prevent the risk of neglect or abuse. Only relevant, accurate and proportionate information will be disclosed to help partners to carry out Safeguarding duties for which the data is required. This ISA is underpinned by the following principles: • The safety and well-being of adults with care and support needs is paramount in determining the need to share information; • The partners have a responsibility to reduce risk of harm, abuse or neglect to adults with care and support needs; • Joint working is the most effective route to improving outcomes for adults with care and support needs; • Information sharing is underpinned by the relevant partner agencies legislative framework, codes of professional conduct for managing confidential information and by policies for the assessment of risk and safeguarding adults with care and support needs. There is also a need to carry out multi-agency case file audits in order for the DSAB to quality assure the effectiveness of local systems and services in place for adults. Multi-agency case file audits identify good practice as well as questioning whether things could be done differently to improve safeguarding adult processes and outcomes. DSAB partners who are signed up to this ISA are also signed up to The Derbyshire and Derby SAB Multi Agency Audits Process dated October 2020 which provides a framework for undertaking audits in Derbyshire and Derby City including the legal basis for undertaking audits and sharing information for this purpose under S45 of the Care Xxx 0000. Please refer to the Derbyshire and Derby SAB Multi Agency Audits Process document for further information (link to be inserted).
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Purpose of information sharing. Information may be shared under the Agreement for the following purpose:
Purpose of information sharing. Where there is specific information or concerns that an adult with care and support needs is being neglected, abused or exploited or there is a risk of neglect or abuse, information will be shared between the partners. It will be used to investigate the concerns and prevent the risk of neglect or abuse. Where there is a need to carry out multi-agency case files audit by DSAB for the purpose of assuring the quality of local systems and services in place for adults. Multi-agency case file audits identify good practice, questioning whether things could be done differently to improve the safeguarding adults system. Only relevant, accurate and proportionate information will be disclosed to help partners to carry out Safeguarding duties for which the data is required. This agreement is underpinned by the following principles: • The safety and well-being of adults with care and support needs is paramount in determining the need to share information • The partners have a responsibility to reduce risk of harm, abuse or neglect to adults with care and support needs • Joint working is the most effective route to improving outcomes for adults with care and support needs • Information sharing is underpinned by the relevant partner agencies legislative framework, codes of professional conduct for managing confidential information and by policies for the assessment of risk and safeguarding adults with care and support needs
Purpose of information sharing. The Purpose of the information sharing is to facilitate safe and effective health and social care services for integrated care planning and service delivery. Personal information must not be copied, disclosed or used for any other purpose than that agreed between DHCFT and DCC in this agreement. Information shared under this agreement may only be used to facilitate the Purpose described above. The information must not be processed for any other purpose without explicit agreement between both partners.
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