Joint Working Sample Clauses

Joint Working. 5.1 All Parties shall act with fairness and good faith in respect of all matters related to the pre-application process and the handling of the Planning Application and will work jointly in complying with their respective obligations under this PPA.
Joint Working. ‌ 1.6.1 The joint working agreement on planning policy matters included preparing a Joint Local Development Plan between Cyngor Gwynedd and the Isle of Anglesey County Council. The Joint working arrangement came to an end on 31 March 2023 following a decision by the Cyngor Gwynedd Cabinet and the Isle of Anglesey County Council's Executive Committee to establish new planning policy teams for both Councils. Although the joint working arrangements have ended and both Councils have decided to prepare separate Local Development Plans, when opportunities arise to prepare or commission pieces of work on a joint basis, the feasibility of this will be considered. 1.6.2 The steps taken by neighbouring Authorities in relation to their Local Development Plans have been noted in the table below: Conwy County Borough Council Deposit Powys County Council Preferred Strategy Eryri National Park Authority Review Report Isle of Anglesey County Council Review Report Denbighshire County Council Preferred Strategy 1.6.3 When considering the steps taken by the above Authorities, the only Local Planning Authority (with the exception of Isle of Anglesey County Council) that is about to start preparing a Local Development Plan is the Eryri National Park Authority. It is not considered that collaborating with the National Park to prepare a Joint Local Development Plan is an option due to the difference in priorities, vision, and objectives of both plans. Eryri is a much more rural area with a much smaller population which also includes part of Conwy Borough Council and while also considering the statutory role of the National Park LPA and that any growth will be met by Gwynedd and Conwy’s Local Development Plans. 1.6.4 Despite what is noted above, it is noted that it is intended to collaborate with neighbouring Local Planning Authorities when preparing the Plan, receiving their input in relation to the Plan's development and ensuring that the Plan is compatible with the Plans of those authorities. Furthermore, as appropriate, there may be opportunities to undertake studies/develop an evidence base on a joint basis. This already happens between Anglesey, Gwynedd and the National Park for example with a Review of Employment Land and Needs Assessment of Gypsies and Travellers.
Joint WorkingThe objectives of this PPA are co-operation and consistency throughout the negotiation and determination of this planning application, to provide a degree of certainty for the intended outcomes and to improve the quality of the project and of the planning decision.
Joint Working. 43. The Department and TfN undertake a number of projects jointly – currently the NPR programme and elements of the IST programme – and it is expected this will continue in the future. 44. These projects are funded separately from the annual budget TfN is provided with by the Department, and in these instances separate funding arrangements and working practices have been developed. As such, the detailed working arrangements for joint 2 These figures are correct at the time of publishing but the latest annual funding letter sets out the current position. projects are not included here, but are instead set out in individual Terms of Reference (or similar documentation). However, when undertaking any joint project the Department and TfN agree that the principles outlined in this agreement will underpin the development of any project-specific ways of working and governance arrangements. In addition, as noted above any and all expenditure that is effected through TfN must comply with the requirements of TfN’s Constitution and Scheme of Delegation. A summary is provided below for the two projects currently being undertaken jointly.
Joint Working. 3.1 All Parties shall act with the utmost fairness and good faith towards each other in respect of all matters during the handling of the Planning Applications and to work jointly with each other in complying with their respective obligations under this Agreement. 3.2 In particular the Parties shall work collaboratively to ensure that the pre application discussions and determination of the Planning Applications in accordance with the Project Programme.
Joint WorkingAll Parties shall act with the utmost fairness and good faith towards each other in respect of complying with their respective obligations under this Agreement.
Joint WorkingBoth parties commit to a frequent dialogue in the intervening period between the quarterly NPR Sponsor Board. This will be essential for ensuring Transport for the North has regular information as to the status of the programme to fulfil its role as co-sponsor. It will also mean that Transport for the North can maintain a regular feedback loop with its partner organisations • To effectively manage this process, the Department will designate an official in the NPR team to fulfil the role of Sponsorship Liaison Officer. This officer will be the primary contact for Transport for the North to contact and will essentially manage the relationship between co-sponsors in the intervening period between sponsor boards. Similarly, Transport for the North will designate a dedicated officer who will manage the relationship between NPR, Transport for the North partners, the Transport for the North Board and other Transport for the North governance structuresWith respect to wider partner involvement, Transport for the North represents the interests of twenty local transport authorities and eleven local enterprise partnerships in the North of England. Although, it will not possible to guarantee partner organisations similar oversight over the programme as under the co-client model, it will be important to keep them closely engaged in activity and to ensuring they are sighted on and offered chance to challenge key decision making • In the first instance, this will be managed through materials that are presented to the NPR Sponsor Board • As the programme transitions into the next stage of delivery, certain project activities will naturally require stakeholder input so the Department will commit to working closely with Transport for the North on its future stakeholder strategy to ensure that the relevant authorities are involved in this process • Transport for the North partner organisations reserve the right to request meetings with the DfT on certain issues through escalation provisions outlined in Section 1 of the NPR Sponsor Board ToR. Any request for meetings will be communicated by Transport for the North either through the NPR Sponsor Board or in the intervening period between boards. • Under current arrangements, the NPR programme is wholly funded by the Department for Transport. This means that all programme costs including resource and capital expenditure will flow directly from the Department. • Transport for the North will receive its annual funding settlemen...
Joint Working. The way that Third Sector Intermediaries will work together. The Core Partners (Intermediary Organisations) are; AVA, ABSEN, IJCVS, Bute Community Links
Joint Working. Promoting patient understanding of the NHS
Joint Working. The CQC and the HCPC may, by agreement, undertake joint regulatory or strategic work, relevant to each body’s statutory powers. If and when the CQC and HCPC decide to undertake joint work, a joint working statement will be developed setting out the specific detail and arrangements for that work. Throughout such work the CQC and the HCPC will retain and exercise their own statutory powers. This work could include:  Joint reviews of information about a health and adult social care organisation;  site visits to a health or adult social care organisation;  the co-production of documents and reports and the coordination of any follow up action planning to address any recommendations;  the joint production of research and analysis reports;  joint public responses to external policy developments; and  joint guidance or position statements. Care Quality Commission 000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx XX0X 0XX Telephone: 00000 000000 Health and Care Professions Council Park House 000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx XX00 0XX Telephone: 0000 000 0000 North Xxxxxxx Xxxxx (North West) Xxxxxxx Xxxx (North East) Central Xxx Xxxxxx (Central Midlands) Xxx Xxxxxxx (Central west) Jemima Burnage (Central South) Xxx Xxxxxx-Marsden (Central East) Rob.assall- South Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx (South Central) Xxxxx Xxxxxxx (South West) Xxxxxx Xxxxxx (South East) Xxxx Xxxxxxxx (South Coast) London Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Segun Oladokun Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Quality Compliance Officer Email: Tel: 000 0000 0000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Quality Compliance Officer Email: Tel: 000 0000 0000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Interim Deputy Chief Inspector (South and London Region) Adult Social Care Directorate Email: Mobile: 00000 000000 Xxxx Xxxxxxx Head of Fitness to Practise Operations Email: Tel: 000 0000 0000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Head of Inspection (South Region) Adult Social Care Directorate Email: Mobile: 00000000000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Regulatory Policy Manager Email: Xxxx Xxxxxxx Head of Fitness to Practise Operations Email: Tel: 000 0000 0000 Xxx Xxxxx Assurance and Dev...