Regular and Effective Contact. Distance Learning faculty must maintain regular and effective professor- initiated, academically-based contact with students throughout the course term. Regular and effective contact equivalent to a traditional class applies to any portion of a course delivered through distance learning and shall be evaluated as part of the regular evaluation cycle. Each professor teaching a Distance Learning course (100% on-line or hybrid) is required to have the same amount of regular and effective instructional hours as in non-distance learning classes. These hours are professor initiated contact with students that include but are not limited to group or individual meetings, orientation and review sessions, seminars or study sessions, field trips, telephone contact, voice mail, email, implementation of instructor-created materials, feedback on assignment, discussion forums, video conferencing, and blogs as described in each instructor’s syllabus.
Regular and Effective Contact. 24.7.1 Faculty teaching online will submit the Regular and Effective Contact Form once per year per class prior to teaching an online class.
24.7.2 Each division will designate faculty trained in reviewing online courses for the purpose of peer review. Such training will be done by the Online Education Committee.
Regular and Effective Contact. Distance Learning faculty must maintain regular and effective professor-initiated, academically-based contact with students throughout the course term. Regular and effective contact equivalent to a traditional class applies to any portion of a course delivered through distance learning and shall be evaluated as part of the regular evaluation cycle. Each professor teaching a Distance Learning course (100% on-line or hybrid) is required to have the same amount of regular and effective instructional hours as in non-distance learning classes. These hours are professor initiated contact with students that include but are not limited to group or individual meetings, orientation and review sessions, seminars or study sessions, field trips, telephone contact, voice mail, email, implementation of instructor-created materials, feedback on assignment, discussion forums, video conferencing, and blogs as described in each instructor’s syllabus. The Distance Learning (DL) Committee shall be empowered to conduct a pilot review of a randomly selected sample of 25 DL sections (including hybrid and fully online) for regular effective contact and will utilize form H.13 “Evaluation form for Regular and Effective Contact.” The sample shall be done by lot in presence of a manager and faculty association representative. In the absence of evidence of regular and effective contact, the immediate manager of the discipline faculty may then call a special evaluation pursuant to Article 18.P. This regular and effective contact shall be demonstrated to those conducting the DL visitations as part of the faculty evaluation process.
Regular and Effective Contact. Distance Learning faculty must maintain regular and effective professor-initiated, academically-based contact with students throughout the course term. Regular and effective contact is required for all components of the course in which seat time is replaced by distance learning. This regular and effective contact shall be evident to individuals conducting the DL equivalent of classroom visitations as part of the faculty evaluation process.
Regular and Effective Contact. Please indicate the type and purpose for each method of contact you use in the course. Contact Type: Chat Rooms Purpose: Instructor facilitates chat room discussions on topics related to the course. Instructor evaluates and provides feedback on student participation in chat room sessions. Contact Type: Email Purpose: Instructor sends students regular emails containing announcements, relevant content, and feedback on course assignments or overall class progress. Contact Type: Discussion Forum Purpose: Instructor moderates discussion forums, stimulates discussion and critical thinking, evaluates student participation and performance, and provides feedback. Contact Type: Field Trips Purpose: Instructor organizes field trips so that students can further their learning by experiencing relevant topics and events in real-world contexts. Contact Type: Group Meetings Purpose: Instructor provides guidance, evaluation, and feedback for student group meetings. Contact Type: Individual Meetings Purpose: Instructor provides opportunities for individual instructor-student meetings in order to answer questions, discuss concerns, provide guidance, or give feedback Contact Type: Learning Management System (LMS) Purpose: Instructor uses the Learning Management System to post regular announcements, upload course materials, engage in discussion, evaluate, and provide frequent feedback to students on assessments and assignments, and post grades. Contact Type: Lecture Purpose: Instructor posts lecture materials for students to access, study, and review. Instructor may also present lecture content live through video-conference. Lecture content may be presented in a variety of formats, including but not limited to written materials, PowerPoint presentations, video clips, audio recordings, links to external sources, and collaborative web-based file-sharing tools such as Google Docs or Google Slides. Contact Type: Review/Study Sessions Purpose: Instructor hosts review or study sessions to help students review key concepts, clarify understanding, and retain their knowledge of course content. Review/study sessions may be offered in a variety of formats such as in-person, live chat, or video-conference. Contact Type: Telephone/Voicemail Purpose: Instructor provides telephone contact in order to answer student questions about assignments or course content, to provide feedback on student progress, or to discuss concerns.
Regular and Effective Contact. The instructor uses a variety of modes to maintain weekly meaningful contact with students promoting instructor-to-student contact and student-to-student contact. Comments: