Regular Staff Meetings Sample Clauses

Regular Staff Meetings. The Union will be provided an opportunity to make union announcements at the conclusion of any meeting convened by the Employer provided that the Union’s representative is already in approved attendance at the meeting.
Regular Staff Meetings. 14.01 Regular staff meetings shall be scheduled by the Principal in consultation with the teaching staff upon consensus whenever possible. Regularly scheduled staff meetings shall be held no more than once per month on average. Each meeting shall be no more than 75 minutes in length. The dates of regular staff meetings shall be set within the first month of the school year and communicated to all teachers. Regularly scheduled staff meetings should include a balanced approach to administrative/organizational issues, and professional items. Teachers are expected to attend regularly scheduled staff meetings. Teachers may submit teacher-generated items and issues of common concern to the staff to the Principal for the staff meeting agenda before the distribution of the agenda.
Regular Staff Meetings. 1. At least seven (7) days' notice of regular Staff meetings shall be given. 2. All Staff members shall have the right to place items for consideration on the Staff meeting agenda. This agenda will be distributed to teachers at least 24 hours before the meeting. 3. Written minutes of Staff meetings shall be kept and circulated to all Staff members. 4. Teachers shall not be required to attend regular Staff meetings: a. which commence prior to one hour before classes begin or which conclude later than one and one-half hours after dismissal of pupils, b. during recess or during the noon intermission, c. on weekends, holidays or other days when school is not in session. 5. Teachers shall attend regular Staff meetings unless excused by the Principal. 6. If more than one regular Staff meeting per month is required, the scheduling will be developed collegially by school Staff.
Regular Staff Meetings. 1. School staff meetings will normally be regularly scheduled although occasionally, additional staff meetings may be required for items of concern that require attention before the next regularly scheduled meeting. 2. At least seven days' notice of regular staff meetings shall be given. Such notice shall include an agenda to which all staff and the school administrator may add items prior to the commencement of the meeting. 3. The school administrator will make all reasonable efforts to restrict regular staff meetings as to frequency and length. 4. Teachers shall not be required to attend staff meetings on weekends, holidays, or other days when school is not in session for teachers. 5. Part-time teachers are encouraged to attend all regular staff meetings.
Regular Staff Meetings. 11.14.01 Regular staff meetings shall be scheduled by the Principal in consultation with the teaching staff upon consensus whenever possible. Regularly scheduled staff meetings shall be held no more than once per month on average. Each meeting shall be no more than 75 minutes in length. The dates of regular staff meetings shall be set within the first month of the school year and communicated to all teachers. Regularly scheduled staff meetings may include administrative/organizational issues, professional development, training and other matters aligned with school and board goals. Teachers are expected to attend regularly scheduled staff meetings. Teachers may submit agenda items to the Principal for consideration. 11.14.02 At the beginning of the school year, the School Staffing Committee will meet to discuss the desired timing and frequency for regular staff meetings. 11.14.03 An agenda shall be distributed to all Teachers before the staff meeting. 11.14.04 Teachers may place items on the staff meeting agenda. 11.14.05 Where school union representatives (e.g., School Stewards or designates, Local or Provincial Executive or Committee members) are required to attend union meetings to represent staff, they shall be excused from school meetings, and shall receive meeting notes to keep them updated as required. 11.14.06 The ETFO School Xxxxxxx may call school Teacher meetings from time to time to provide information, discuss issues and carry on union business. Such school meeting should not conflict with staff meetings. A suitable space in the school will be provided at no charge. 11.14.07 Staff meetings will end before 5:00 p.m. except with the consent of the School Staffing Committee.
Regular Staff Meetings. 14.10.01 At the beginning of the school year, all teaching staff in each school shall meet to determine the desired timing and desired length for regular staff meetings. Part-time assignments and other regular commitments of a professional nature related to teaching shall be accommodated in such determination. 14.10.02 The Principal, after consultation with teaching staff, will post the notice of the regularly scheduled staff meetings no later than one week following the meeting in 14.10.01. This notice will include the dates of the regularly scheduled staff meetings for the school year. 14.10.03 Regularly scheduled staff meetings shall be held no more than once per month on average. 14.10.04 Each meeting shall be no more than 75 minutes in length. 14.10.05 Regularly scheduled staff meetings may include administrative / organizational issues, professional development, training and other matters aligned with school and Board goals. Teachers shall have the right to place items on the staff meeting agenda. An agenda shall be distributed to all teachers before the staff meeting. 14.10.06 Teachers are expected to attend regularly scheduled staff meetings.
Regular Staff Meetings. At least seven (7) days' notice of regular staff meetings shall be given with the agenda of items to be considered at the meeting to be distributed at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting.
Regular Staff Meetings. The respective staffs of LCWD and NSD, and their retained consultants or contractors, will meet as needed to address matters contained in this Agreement.
Regular Staff Meetings a) In consultation with the school’s teachers, the principal shall establish, no later than September 30th of each year, the regular staff meeting dates for the school year. b) Teachers may make a request to put items on the staff meeting agenda.
Regular Staff Meetings. The staff team consists of. and will meet regularly, (frequency) The Reader is/is not expected to attend. (By Bishops’ Regulations (5.5) Readers are