REPORT OF THE DEPOSITARY. 5. ACAP Secretariat 5.1 Activities undertaken in 2022 - 2023 intersessional period 5.2 Secretariat Work Programme 2023 - 2025
REPORT OF THE DEPOSITARY. 4.1 Australia tabled the Report of the Depositary Government to the Agreement (AC12 Doc 06 Rev 1), which indicated that there have been no new accessions or notifications to the Agreement since AC11, Florianópolis, Brazil, 13 – 17 May 2019.
4.2 The Executive Secretary described activities undertaken by the Secretariat to encourage accession to the Agreement. In 2019 she made a liaison visit to Mexico. Following the cessation of travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Secretariat had maintained contact by correspondence with prospective Parties, Namibia, and the USA. Correspondence about ACAP membership had been sent to Portugal. The Secretariat had also used meetings of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) and other bodies to urge relevant participating countries to become ACAP Parties.
REPORT OF THE DEPOSITARY. 25. The Interim Secretariat introduced document UNEP/GA/MOP2/Doc.
REPORT OF THE DEPOSITARY. It was recalled that the CMS Secretariat was the legal depositary for the Gorilla Agreement, and it was currently also acting as the Interim Secretariat. Uganda had acceded to the Agreement in 2014 and as of 1 April 2019, seven Parties had joined the Agreement: the CAR, Congo (Brazzaville), the DRC, Gabon, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Uganda. The Interim Secretariat would provide support to non-Party Range States for their accession processes.
REPORT OF THE DEPOSITARY. The CMS Secretariat will give its depository report for the last triennium. • Report of the Depositary (UNEP/GA/MOP2/Doc.8)
REPORT OF THE DEPOSITARY. 4.1 Australia tabled the Report of the Depositary Government to the Agreement (AC14 Doc 06), which indicated that there had been no new accessions or notifications to the Agreement since its last report to AC13, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 22 – 26 May 2023.
5.1 Activities undertaken in 2023 - 2024 intersessional period
5.1.1 The Executive Secretary introduced AC14 Doc 07 which provided a report on activities undertaken by the Secretariat during the 2023 - 2024 intersessional period. The Secretariat provided support for a range of tasks in the Advisory Committee Work Programme. The planning and organisation of the current Advisory Committee and Working Group meetings was the main focus of recent months. The Executive Secretary extended thanks for help received in this lengthy process from the AC Chair and Vice-chair, the Working Group convenors and Peruvian colleagues from IMARPE. Other key activities included the implementation of the 2023 Small Grants and Secondments round, representation at a range of meetings, and discussions on the renewal of cooperation arrangements.
5.1.2 Another task which dominated the Secretariat’s work in the first half of 2024 was the preparation of the brochure to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Agreement. The Executive Secretary thanked Parties and Observers who contributed to this informative and beautifully illustrated document, which is available in all three ACAP languages, in print and in electronic format on the ACAP website. The brochure summarises ACAP’s achievements and ongoing challenges. These were highlighted as part of a keynote address by the Executive Secretary at the Seventh International Albatross and Petrel Conference in Ensenada, Mexico in May 2024.
5.1.3 The Executive Secretary provided administrative support to the Recruitment Sub-committee selected by MoP7 to carry out the process to recruit the new Executive Secretary, who would take up the position in July 2025.
5.1.4 The Secretariat, as well as the ACAP officials, represented ACAP at a large number of international meetings, which are listed in the Secretariat report and which are discussed in the Joint Working Group paper SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Doc 04 Rev 1. ACAP’s engagement with Regional Fisheries Management and Conservation Organisations is also discussed in SBWG12/PaCSWG8 Doc 03 Rev 1, and in AC14 Doc 20, discussed under Agenda Item 14.
5.1.5 The Executive Secretary took the opportunity to make liaison visits to Ecuador and Peru before and after atte...
REPORT OF THE DEPOSITARY. 68. Mr. Xxxxxx introduced document UNEP/GA/MOP2/Doc.8: Report of the Depositary. As of 31 October 2011, six Parties had joined the Agreement: Central African Republic, Congo (Brazzaville), Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Nigeria and Rwanda. He expressed the hope that all ten Range State countries would have joined by the time of MOP3.
REPORT OF THE DEPOSITARY. 5.1 Australia, as Depositary for the Agreement, tabled its report (AC5 Inf 12) noting that there had been no new accessions to the Agreement since the last meeting.
5.2 The Committee noted the report of the Depositary.
REPORT OF THE DEPOSITARY. 4.1 Australia tabled the Report of the Depositary Government to the Agreement (AC7 Doc 07), which indicated that there been no new accessions or notifications to the Agreement since MoP4 in Lima, Peru, 23-27 April 2012, and that the Balearic Shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus) was added to the list of petrel species in Annex 1 of the Agreement.
4.2 AC7 Doc 19 outlines a proposed strategy to engage new Parties. There have been no new accessions to the Agreement since 9 October 2008. The proposed approach to engaging new Parties considered the species assessments and prioritisation framework, to identify non-Party States considered to have most relevance to the conservation objective of the Agreement. Non-Party States with breeding sites for Annex 1 species are identified (see Table 1) along with fisheries of non-Party States identified for priority conservation action (see Table 2). These highlight candidates for engagement based on threats to ACAP species on land and at sea.
4.3 The proposed engagement strategy includes: 1) preparation of briefing about the Agreement and its relevance to the conservation needs of species within the jurisdiction of the State concerned; 2) development of a demarche template; 3) establishing a timeline for advancing non-Party Range States; 4) monitoring progress; and 5) appointing officials to coordinate the engagement activities.
4.4 Argentina asked for the deletion of the row in Table 1 of AC7 Doc 19, which referred to Disputed Territories, and of the footnote that mentions the Senkaku or Diaoyutai Islands, as they are not States.
4.5 Brazil considered that any demarche should stress the importance to the conservation of albatrosses and petrels of accession by the relevant non- Party Range State, particularly noting the highly mobile nature of ACAP species and range of impacts on these species.
4.6 France stressed the ongoing importance of recommending to Contracting Parties to RFMOs their accession to the Agreement and expressed concerns about the listing of countries for disputed territories in Table1 of AC7 Doc 19.
4.7 Peru supported the views of France, adding that some non-Party Range States do not belong to RFMOs and it was important to reach out to these States to explain the benefits of their accession to the conservation of ACAP species.
4.8 Australia indicated a willingness to assist in the engagement processes including drafting a demarche. Argentina expressed its disposition to cooperate with the engagement strat...