REPRESENTATIONS AND ASSURANCES. Many national policies, either in stat- ute or in regulation, require recipients of grants and cooperative agreements to make representations or provide as- surances (rather than certifications) that they are in compliance with the policies. As discussed in § 22.610(b), Ap- pendix B to this part suggests award terms and conditions that may be used to address several of the more com- monly applicable national policy re- quirements. These terms and condi- tions may be used to obtain required assurances and representations, if the grants officer wishes to do so at the time of award, rather than through the use of the standard application form (SF–424 8) or other means at the time of proposal. [63 FR 12164, Mar. 12, 1998, as amended at 70 FR 49464, Aug. 23, 2005] 8 For copies of Standard Forms listed in this part, contact regional grants adminis- tration offices of the Office of Naval Re- search. Addresses for the offices are listed in 32 CFR Ch. I (7–1–20 Edition)
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REPRESENTATIONS AND ASSURANCES. Subcontractor represents warrants and covenants that Subcontractor shall perform Services in a manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and practices and by Subcontractor personnel having a level of skill commensurate with the requirements of the Services. Subcontractor warrants that it is aware of and in compliance with all applicable federal requirements, including but not limited to provisions governing Equal Employment Opportunity, Drug Free Workplace, Non-procurement Suspension and Debarment, and Anti-Lobbying provisions, and maintains records establishing such compliance. Should IJIS or its Customer request, proof of such compliance will be furnished. Subcontractor warrants that any software developed by Subcontractor under any Task Order shall be free from any disabling device, “logic bomb”, or remote control mechanism that might, or might be utilized to, intentionally impede the operation of such software or damage IJIS or IJIS customers’ computer systems environment or software in any respect, or compromise the integrity of any of IJIS or IJIS customers’ files or data. Notwithstanding anything herein, the foregoing warranty is limited to the specific system and software built by Subcontractor, and does not extend to IJIS or IJIS customers’ and any third party systems, hardware and software. Except as otherwise expressly set forth in any Task Order issued hereunder, no other warranties, express or implied, are made with respect to the Services to be supplied by Subcontractor hereunder, including, without limitation, any express or implied standards, guarantees, or warranties, including implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, and any warranties that may be alleged to arise as a result of custom or usage, any warranty of error-free performance, or any warranty of third party products, or functionality of the IJIS or IJIS customers’ hardware, software, firmware, or computer systems. Subcontractor acknowledges and agrees that its employees and representatives working on-site at the facilities of IJIS and/or its Affiliates or customers shall be subject to, and shall comply with, their respective security procedures and other policies and procedures for workplace conduct, including sign-in and visitor identification procedures as such are communicated to Subcontractor and/or its employees and representatives. IJIS represents and warrants to Subcontractor that IJIS has the right to use...
REPRESENTATIONS AND ASSURANCES. M a ny n a t io n a l policies, ei t h e r i n s t a t - u t e o r i n r eg u l a t io n , r eq u i r e r ecipie n t s of g r a n t s a n d coope r a t ive a g r ee m e n t s t o m a k e r ep r ese n t a t io n s o r p r ovide a s- s ur a n ces ( r a t h e r t h a n ce r t ific a t io n s) t h a t t h e y a r e i n co m pli a n ce wi t h t h e policies. As disc u ssed i n § 22.610( b), Ap- xx x xxx B t o t h i s p a r t s u gges t s a w a r d t e r m s a n d co n di t io n s t h a t m a y be u sed t o a dd r ess seve r a l of t h e m o r e co m - m o n l y a pplic a ble n a t io n a l polic y r e- q u i r e m e n t s. T h ese t e r m s a n d co n di- t io n s m a y be u sed t o ob t a i n r eq u i r ed a ss ur a n ces a n d r ep r ese n t a t io n s, if t h e g r a n t s office r wis h es t o do so a t t h e t i m e of a w a r d, r a t h e r t h a n t hr o u g h t h e u se of t h e s t a n d a r d a pplic a t io n fo r m ( S F–424 8) o r o t h e r m e a n s a t t h e t i m e of p r opos a l . [63 F R 12164, M a r . 12, 1998, a s a m e n ded a t 70 F R 49464, A u g. 23, 2005] 8 F o r copies of S t a n d a r d F o r m s li s t ed i n t h i s p a r t , co n t a c t r egio n a l g r a n t s a d m i n i s- t r a t io n offices of t h e Office of N a v a l R e- se a r c h . Add r esses fo r t h e offices a r e li s t ed i n
REPRESENTATIONS AND ASSURANCES. By having the authorized representative of the Applicant sign below, Applicant agrees that it accepts the Terms and Conditions of Membership shown in Exhibit A herein represents and warrants the following: • That the information contained in this Application and all Schedules is true and correct. • That the Applicant either (a) it has the authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of all of its Affiliates as defined by the Bylaws in the Article pertaining to Definitions, and to bind all of its Affiliates to the obligations of this Agreement, including the obligations set out in other documents referenced herein, or (b) it has no Affiliates, or (c) each of its Affiliates has executed and delivered to ODVA a countersignature to this Agreement, indicating that it consents to this Agreement, including such terms as may be changed by ODVA by notice to the Member under this Agreement. • That the Applicant understands that the licenses for Vendor IDs and the use of ODVA technologies and trademarks are conveyed by ODVA through additional agreements and fees between the Member and ODVA and with which the Member must comply as a condition of its qualification for membership. • That the Applicant understands that its participation in specific ODVA activities, groups, bodies, committees, et cetera, may be subject to additional requirements, agreements and/or fees. • That the individual signing this Agreement for the Applicant has the authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the Applicant and to bind the Applicant to this Agreement. Submitted and Accepted by Applicant: Please complete in the English language. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRINT NAME TITLE OR OFFICE DATE OF APPLICATION ********************************************************************** THE ITEM BELOW WILL BE COMPLETED BY ODVA. Accepted and Approved by ODVA: Xx Xxxxxxx, Ph.D., President and Executive Director Date of Approval of Application SCHEDULE A REPRESENTATIVES OF APPLICANT The information supplied by the Applicant in Schedule A may be updated in the official membership records of ODVA by the Member at any time during the term of this Agreement by submitting the form provided at to update Representatives.
REPRESENTATIONS AND ASSURANCES. Seller is entering into this Supply ------------------------------ Contract in reliance on Buyer's qualifications and representation to Seller of its desire to operate the Truckstop Locations selling Seller's lubricants. Buyer acknowledges that its conduct impacts Seller's products, Trademarks, and other Seller's retailers, distributors, and dealers; therefore, Buyer agrees to conduct its business in a manner that maintains and enhances public acceptance of Seller's lubricants, Trademarks, and Seller's retailers, distributors, and dealers. At all times, Buyer shall keep visible and legible Seller's logos, signs and Trademarks used in connection with the sale of Seller's lubricants inside of Buyer's Truckstop Locations.
REPRESENTATIONS AND ASSURANCES. Seller is entering into this Supply Contract in reliance on Buyer's qualifications and representation to Seller of its desire to operate the Grease Monkey Locations selling Mobil products. Buyer acknowledges that its conduct impacts Mobil's products, trademarks, and other Mobil retailers, distributors, and dealers; therefore, Buyer agrees to conduct its business in a manner that maintains and enhances public acceptance of Mobil products, trademarks, and Mobil retailers, distributors, and dealers. At all times, Buyer shall keep visible and legible Seller's logos, signs and trademarks used in connection with the sale of Mobil products inside of Buyer's Grease Monkey Locations, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Buyer and Seller. Seller shall not require Buyer to display Seller's logo, signs or trademarks in violation of Buyer's graphic standards contained in Buyer's corporate identity guide.
REPRESENTATIONS AND ASSURANCES. Seller is entering into this Supply ------------------------------- Contract in reliance on Buyer's qualifications and representation to Seller of its desire to operate the Truckstop Locations selling Mobil lubricants. Buyer acknowledges that its conduct impacts Seller's products, Trademarks, and other Mobil retailers, distributors, and dealers; therefore, Buyer agrees to conduct its business in a manner that maintains and enhances public acceptance of Mobil lubricants, Trademarks, and Mobil retailers, distributors, and dealers. At all times, Buyer shall keep visible and legible Seller's logos, signs and Trademarks used in connection with the sale of Mobil lubricants inside of Buyer's Truckstop Locations.
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REPRESENTATIONS AND ASSURANCES. 22.1 party B shall abide by the laws and regulations, the stipulations of the lease contract and the various management systems formulated and amended by party a from time to time
REPRESENTATIONS AND ASSURANCES. 3.19.1 The Contractor, in addition to the requirements of the Contract Documents, represents to the Owner, as an inducement to the Owner to execute the Owner-Contractor Agreement, which representations will survive the execution and delivery of the Agreement and the completion of the Work that Contractor:


  • Representations and Warranties of Lender Lender hereby represents and warrants to Borrower as follows:

  • Representations and Warranties of Consultant Consultant warrants to The Company that:

  • Representations and Warranties of the Assignee The Assignee hereby represents and warrants to the Assignor as follows:

  • Representations and Warranties of Assignee Each Lender, upon execution and delivery hereof or upon succeeding to an interest in the Commitments and Loans, as the case may be, represents and warrants as of the Closing Date or as of the Assignment Effective Date that (i) it is an Eligible Assignee; (ii) it has experience and expertise in the making of or investing in commitments or loans such as the applicable Commitments or Loans, as the case may be; and (iii) it will make or invest in, as the case may be, its Commitments or Loans for its own account in the ordinary course and without a view to distribution of such Commitments or Loans within the meaning of the Securities Act or the Exchange Act or other federal securities laws (it being understood that, subject to the provisions of this Section 10.6, the disposition of such Commitments or Loans or any interests therein shall at all times remain within its exclusive control).

  • Representations and Warranties of Lenders Each Lender, upon execution and delivery hereof or upon succeeding to an interest in the Commitments or Loans, as the case may be, represents and warrants as of the Closing Date or as of the effective date of the applicable Assignment and Assumption that (i) it is an Eligible Assignee; (ii) it has experience and expertise in the making of or investing in commitments, loans or investments such as the Commitments and Loans; and (iii) it will make or invest in its Commitments and Loans for its own account in the ordinary course of its business and without a view to distribution of such Commitments and Loans within the meaning of the Securities Act or the Exchange Act, or other federal securities laws (it being understood that, subject to the provisions of this Section 10.6, the disposition of such Commitments and Loans or any interests therein shall at all times remain within its exclusive control).

  • Representations and Warranties of Loan Parties Each of the Loan Parties represents and warrants as follows:

  • Representations and Warranties of Sponsor The Sponsor represents and warrants to, and agrees with, the Investor that:

  • Representations and Warranties of the Lender The Lender hereby represents and warrants to the Borrower as follows:

  • Representations and Warranties of Lessor Lessor represents and warrants to Lesse as follows:

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