Requirements for Written Materials Sample Clauses

Requirements for Written Materials. The Contractor shall make all written materials available in alternative formats and in a manner that takes into consideration the Member’s special needs, including those who are visually impaired or have limited reading proficiency. The Contractor shall notify all Members and Potential Members that information is available in alternative formats and how to access those formats. The Contractor shall make all written information available in English, Spanish and all other prevalent non-English languages, as defined by DCH. For the purposes of this Contract, prevalent means a non-English language spoken by a significant number or percentage of Medicaid and PeachCare for Kidseligible individuals in the State. All written materials distributed to Members shall include a language block, printed in Spanish and all other prevalent non-English languages, that informs the Member that the document contains important information and directs the Member to call the Contractor to request the document in an alternative language or to have it orally translated. All written materials shall be worded such that they are understandable to a person who reads at the fifth (5th) grade level. Suggested reference materials to determine whether this requirement is being met are: · Fry Readability Index; · PROSE The Readability Analyst (software developed by Education Activities, Inc.); · Gunning FOG Index; · XxXxxxxxxx SMOG Index; · The Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx Index; or · Other word processing software approved by DCH. The Contractor shall provide written notice to DCH of any changes to any written materials provided to the Members. Written notice shall be provided at least thirty (30) Calendar Days before the effective date of the change. The Contractor must submit all written materials, including information for the Web site, to DCH for approval prior to use or mailing. DCH will approve or identify any required changes to the member materials within 30 days of submission. DCH reserves the right to require the discontinuation of any member materials that violate the terms of this contract.
Requirements for Written Materials. The Contractor shall make all written materials available in alternative formats and in a manner that takes into consideration the Member’s or P4HB Participants special needs, including those who are visually impaired or have limited reading proficiency. The Contractor shall notify all Members or P4HB Participants and Potential Members that information is available in alternative formats and how to access those formats. The Contractor shall make all written information available in English, Spanish and all other prevalent non-English languages, as defined by DCH. For the purposes of this Contract, prevalent means a non-English language spoken by a significant number or percentage of Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids® eligible individuals in the State. All written materials distributed to Members or P4HB Participants shall include a language block, printed in Spanish and all other prevalent non-English languages, that informs the Member or P4HB Participant that the document contains important information and directs the Member to call the Contractor to request the document in an alternative language or to have it orally translated. All written materials shall be worded such that they are understandable to a person who reads at the fifth (5th) grade level. Suggested reference materials to determine whether this requirement is being met are: • Fry Readability Index; • PROSE The Readability Analyst (software developed by Education Activities, Inc.); • Gunning FOG Index; • XxXxxxxxxx SMOG Index; • The Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx Index; or • Other word processing software approved by DCH. The Contractor shall provide written notice to DCH of any changes to any written materials provided to the Members or P4HB Participant. Written notice shall be provided at least thirty (30) Calendar Days before the effective date of the change. The Contractor must submit all written materials, including information for the Web site, to DCH for approval prior to use or mailing. DCH will approve or identify any required changes to the member or P4HB Participant materials within 30 days of submission. DCH reserves the right to require the discontinuation of any member materials that violate the terms of this contract.
Requirements for Written Materials by deleting the terms “Member” and “Members” and replacing them with the phrases “Member or P4HB Participant” and “Members or P4HB Participants” respectively throughout this section of the Contract.
Requirements for Written Materials. 6.3.1 The Contractor shall make all written materials available in alternative formats and in a manner that takes into consideration the Enrollee's special needs, including Enrollees who are visually impaired or have limited reading proficiency. The Contractor shall notify all Enrollees and Potential Enrollees that information is available in alternative formats, and shall instruct them how to access those formats. 6.3.2 Except as provided in Section 6.4 (Enrollee Handbook), the Contractor shall make all written information available in Spanish, with a language block in English, explaining (1) that the Enrollee may access an English translation of the information if needed; and (2) that the Contractor will provide oral interpretation services into any language other than Spanish or English, if needed. Such translation or interpretation shall be provided by the Contractor at no cost to the Enrollee. The language block shall comply with 42 CFR 438.1O(c)(2). 6.3.3 If oral interpretation services are required in order to explain the Benefits covered under MiSalud to a Potential Enrollee who does not speak either English or Spanish, the Contractor must, at its own cost, make such services available in a third language, in compliance with 42 CFR 438.1O(c)(4). 6.3.4 All written materials shall be worded such that they are understandable to a person who reads at the fourth (4th) grade level. 6.3.5 Within ninety (90) Calendar Days of a notification from ASES that ASES has identified a prevalent language other than Spanish or English (with "prevalent language" defined as a language that is the primary language of more than five percent (5%) of the population of Puerto Rico), all vital Contractor documents shall be translated into and made available in such language.
Requirements for Written Materials a. The Health Plan shall make all written materials available in alternative formats and in a manner that takes into consideration the Enrollee's special needs, including those who are visually impaired or have limited reading proficiency. The Health Plan shall notify all Enrollees and Potential Enrollees that information is available in alternative formats and how to access those formats. b. The Health Plan shall make all written material available in English, Spanish, and all other appropriate foreign languages. The appropriate foreign languages comprise all languages in the Health Plan Service Area spoken by approximately five percent (5%) or more of the total population. The Health Plan shall provide, free of charge, interpreters for Potential Enrollees or Enrollees whose primary language is a foreign language. c. The Health Plan shall provide Enrollee information in accordance with 42 CFR 438.10, which addresses information requirements related to written and oral information provided to Enrollees, including: languages; format; Health Plan features, such as benefits, cost sharing, service area, Provider network, and physician incentive plans; Enrollment and Disenrollment rights and responsibilities;
Requirements for Written Materials a. The Health Plan shall make all written materials available in alternative formats and in a manner that takes into consideration the Enrollee's special needs, including those who are visually impaired or have limited reading proficiency. The Health Plan shall notify all Enrollees and Potential Enrollees that information is available in alternative formats and how to access those formats. b. The Health Plan shall make all written material available in English, Spanish, and all other appropriate foreign languages. The appropriate foreign languages comprise all languages in the Health Plan Service Area spoken by approximately five percent (5%) or more of the total population. The Health Plan shall provide, free of charge, interpreters for Potential Enrollees or Enrollees whose primary language is a foreign language. c. The Health Plan shall provide Enrollee information in accordance with 42 CFR 438.10, which addresses information requirements related to written and oral information provided to Enrollees, including: languages, format, Health Plan features such as benefits, Service Area, Provider network and physician incentive plans, Enrollment and Disenrollment rights and responsibilities, the Grievance System, Advance Directives. The Health Plan shall notify Enrollees on at least an annual basis of their right to request and obtain information in accordance with the above regulations. d. All written materials shall be at or near the fourth (4th) grade comprehension level. Suggested reference materials to determine whether the Health Plan’s written materials meet this requirement are:
Requirements for Written Materials. The Contractor shall make all written materials available in alternative formats and in a manner that takes into consideration the Member’s special needs, including those who are visually impaired or have limited reading proficiency. The Contractor shall notify all Members and Potential Members that information is available in alternative formats and how to access those formats. The Contractor shall make all written information available in English, Spanish and all other prevalent non-English languages, as defined by DCH. For the purposes of this Contract, prevalent means a non-English language spoken by a significant number or percentage of Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids eligible individuals in the State. All written materials distributed to Members shall include a language block, printed in Spanish and all other prevalent non-English languages, that informs the Member that the document contains important information and directs the Member to call the Contractor to request the document in an alternative language or to have it orally translated. All written materials shall be worded such that they are understandable to a person who reads at the fifth (5th) grade level. Suggested reference materials to determine whether this requirement is being met are: Fry Readability Index; PROSE The Readability Analyst (software developed by Education Activities, Inc.); Gunning FOG Index; MxXxxxxxxx SMOG Index; The Fxxxxx-Xxxxxxx Index; or Other word processing software approved by DCH. The Contractor shall provide written notice to DCH of any changes to any written materials provided to the Members. Written notice shall be provided at least thirty (30) Calendar Days before the effective date of the change. All written materials, including information for the Web site, must be submitted to DCH for approval before being distributed.
Requirements for Written Materials. 6.3.1 The Contractor shall maintain written policies and procedures governing the development and distribution of written materials including how the Contractor will meet the requirements in this Section 6.3, with such policies and procedures to be submitted in accordance with Attachment 12 to this Contract for prior written approval from ASES. The Contractor shall, at a minimum, have policies and procedures regarding the process for developing/creating, proofing, approving, publishing, and mailing the (i) Enrollee Handbook, (ii) Provider Directory, and (iii) form letters within contractual standards and timeframes. The Contractor shall include a separate set of policies and procedures for the items listed above. 6.3.2 The Contractor shall make all written materials available through auxiliary aids and services or alternative formats, and in a manner that takes into consideration the Enrollee’s or Potential Enrollee’s special needs, including Enrollees and Potential Enrollees who are visually impaired or have limited reading proficiency. The Contractor shall notify all Enrollees and Potential Enrollees that Information is available in alternative formats, and shall instruct them on how to access those formats. Consistent with Section 1557 of PPACA and 42 CFR 438.10(d)(3), all written materials critical to obtaining services must also include taglines in the prevalent languages, as well as large print, that is conspicuously visible, to explain the availability of written and oral translation to understand the Information provided and the toll-free and TTY/TDD telephone number of the GHP Service Line. 6.3.3 Once an Enrollee has requested a written material in an alternative format or language, the Contractor shall at no cost to the Enrollee or Potential Enrollee (i) make a notation of the Enrollee or Potential Enrollee’s preference in the Contractor’s system and (ii) provide all subsequent written materials to the Enrollee or Potential Enrollee in such format unless the Enrollee or Potential Enrollee requests otherwise. 6.3.4 Except as provided in Sections 1.1.5 and 6.4 (Enrollee Handbook) and subject to Section 6.3.8, the Contractor shall make all written information available in Spanish or other applicable Prevalent Non-English Language, as defined in Section 6.3.8 below, with a language block in English, explaining that (i) Enrollees may access an English translation of the Information if needed, and
Requirements for Written Materials a. The Health Plan shall make all written materials available in alternative formats and in a manner that takes into consideration the Enrollee’s special needs, including those who are visually impaired or have limited reading proficiency. The Health Plan shall notify all Enrollees and Potential Enrollees that information is available in alternative formats and how to access those formats. b. The Health Plan shall make all written material available in English, Spanish, and all other appropriate foreign languages. The appropriate foreign languages comprise all languages in the Health Plan Service Area spoken by approximately five percent (5%) or more of the total population. The Health Plan shall provide, free of charge, interpreters for Potential Enrollees or Enrollees whose primary language is a foreign language. c. The Health Plan shall provide Enrollee information in accordance with 42 CFR 438.10, which addresses information requirements related to written and oral information provided to Enrollees, including: languages, format, Health Plan features such as benefits, Service Area, Provider network and physician incentive plans, Enrollment and Disenrollment rights and responsibilities, the Grievance System, Advance Directives. The Health Plan shall notify Enrollees on at least an annual basis of their right to request and obtain information in accordance with the above regulations. d. All written materials shall be at or near the fourth (4th) grade comprehension level. Suggested reference materials to determine whether the Health Plan’s written materials meet this requirement are: (1) Fry Readability Index; (2) PROSE The Readability Analyst (software developed by Education Activities, Inc.); (3) Gunning FOG Index; (4) XxXxxxxxxx SMOG Index; (5) The Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx Index; or (6) Other software approved by the Agency. e. The Health Plan shall provide written notice to the Agency of any changes to any written materials provided to Enrollees. Written materials shall be provided to the Agency at least forty-five (45) Calendar Days prior to the effective date of the change. Written notice of such changes shall be provided to Enrollees at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the change. f. All written materials, including any materials for the Health Plan Web site, shall be submitted to the Agency for written approval prior to being distributed.
Requirements for Written Materials. The Contractor shall maintain written policies and procedures governing the distribution of written materials. The Contractor shall make all written materials available through auxiliary aids and services or alternative formats, and in a manner that takes into consideration the Enrollee’s or Potential Enrollee’s special needs, including Enrollees and Potential Enrollees who are visually impaired or have limited reading proficiency. The Contractor shall notify all Enrollees and Potential Enrollees that Information is available in alternative formats, and shall instruct them on how to access those formats. Consistent with 42 CFR 438.10(d)(3), ASES will ensure that all written materials include taglines in the prevalent languages, as well as large print, with a font size of no smaller than 18 point, to explain the availability of written and oral translation to understand the Information provided and the toll-free and TTY/TDD telephone number of the Call Center dedicated to phone and internet Enrollment Counselor functions. ASES will provide all written information available in Spanish or other applicable Prevalent Non-English Languages, with a language block in English, explaining that (i) Enrollees may access an English translation of the Information if needed, and (ii) the Contractor will provide oral interpretation services into any language other than Spanish or English, if needed. Such translation or interpretation shall be provided by the Contractor at no cost to the Enrollee. The language block and all other content shall comply with 42 CFR 438.10(d)(2). If oral interpretation services are required in order to provide Choice Counseling to a Potential Enrollee or Enrollee who does not speak either English or Spanish, the Contractor must, at its own cost, make such services available in a third language, in compliance with 42 CFR 438.10(d)(4). All written materials shall be worded such that they are understandable to a person who reads at the fourth (4th) grade level. All written materials must be clearly legible with a minimum font of size twelve (12) point. Within ninety (90) Calendar Days of a notification from ASES that ASES has identified a Prevalent Non-English Language other than Spanish or English, ASES will translate all written materials provided to Enrollees and Potential Enrollees into and made available in such language. The Contractor shall have written policies and procedures regarding the rights of Enrollees and shall comply with any app...