REVEGETATION. Purchaser shall spread grass seed on all exposed soils resulting from road work activities using manual dispersal. Other methods of covering must be approved in writing by the Contract Administrator. Required seed not spread by the termination of this contract will become the property of the state. *Quantities are estimates only. Actual quantities may vary and are the responsibility of the Purchaser.
REVEGETATION. Previously stripped and stockpiled topsoil should be applied as evenly as possible to newly recontoured slopes. Revegetation as soon as possible following recontouring of a pit is the best way to stabilize slopes, control weeds, minimize erosion and promote an aesthetic and productive after use. The most essential aspect of revegetation is rapid establishment of a ground cover to pre-development or adjacent site conditions. Grasses are usually the best species for doing this. The use of mulches, soil stabilizers, and fertilizers to establish plant growth and reduce erosion is acceptable. Spreading of slash on recontoured slopes will also speed revegetation. The following revegetation principles apply throughout Saskatchewan, but site specific circumstances may require different or additional reclamation measures. ▪ The need to revegetate will depend on the nature of the area. For example, if the rates of natural vegetation are high, or if the area is predominantly rock, active revegetation may not be required. ▪ Native plant species are to be encouraged so that the eventual plant community will comprise only native species. All seed mixtures or plant materials to be used in reclamation must be approved by the ministry. ▪ Non-native plant species must NOT be used for reclamation. The use of non- natives that are short lived, such as annuals, for the quick establishment of cover, where required, may be permitted. ▪ For best results, seeding of native species should occur in early spring or dormant seeded in late fall. ▪ Developers must ensure that any plant material used for reclamation is free of noxious weeds as specified under The Seeds Act (Canada) and The Noxious Weeds Act (Saskatchewan). ▪ In forested areas, where natural regeneration may be preferred, reseeding or other procedures necessary for site reclamation may not be required unless a site is erosion prone or other specific measures are identified by the ministry. In Forest Management Agreement (FMA) areas where reforestation fees are collected, the establishment of tree species is the responsibility of the FMA holder. Therefore, the proponent is responsible only for the establishment of ground cover. ▪ Where reclamation sites are located within active grazing areas, they should be fenced. ▪ If site reclamation requirements are not being met by the developer, the ministry may complete reclamation at the developer’s expense. ▪ For information about native plant suppliers, contact: Native Plant Soc...
REVEGETATION. All disturbed soil surfaces resulting from construction, maintenance, or reclamation of the herein authorized well site, shall be revegetated with a mixture of native perennial grasses listed in Exhibit "(appropriate exhibit)" sufficient to prevent accelerated erosion and restore, as closely as possible, the original long-term productivity. The use of any other seed mixtures shall be subject to the prior written approval of the State Land Department. Reclamation shall not be deemed completed until erosion is controlled, the surface is revegetated with a mixture of native grasses, and written approval is issued by the State Land Department.
REVEGETATION. Purchaser shall spread seed and fertilizer on all exposed soils within the grubbing limits resulting from road work activities. Cover all exposed soils using manual dispersal of grass seed and fertilizer. Other methods of covering must be approved in writing by the Contract Administrator.
REVEGETATION. On the following road(s), Purchaser shall spread grass seed and a layer of straw on all exposed soils resulting from road work activities that have potential to deliver to typed water. See shall be covered within 3 days of application. *Quantities are estimates only.
REVEGETATION. On the following roads, Purchaser shall supply and spread grass seed at a rate of 50 pounds per acre, and certified weed free straw a minimum of six (6) inches thick, on all exposed soils resulting from road work activities that are within 50 feet of live water. Other methods of covering must be approved in writing by the Contract Administrator. Required seed not spread by the termination of this contract will become the property of the state. Quantities are estimates only. Actual quantities may vary and are the responsibility of the Purchaser.
REVEGETATION. The Developer shall stabilize and re-seed areas of the Property disturbed by installation of Improvements to the pre-development state in accordance with the existing conditions identified in the Grading Plan submitted for the Development taking into consideration additional grading and site disturbance that will result from the development of Developer’s adjacent real property. All land disturbed by earth moving must be revegetated using native species already growing on or near the site. Fill piles shall be removed from the Property within 24 months from the filing of the final plat for the Development.
REVEGETATION. Any area disturbed by construction must be promptly revegetated with Native Vegetation following completion of such work unless a building permit application has been requested for such area. In addition, the Developer shall control all Noxious Weeds within such area to the reasonable satisfaction of the City.
REVEGETATION. On the following road(s), Purchaser shall spread grass seed and a layer of straw on all exposed soils that have potential to deliver to typed water. Seed shall be covered within 3 days of application. Alternative methods of seeding and mulching must be approved in writing by the contract administrator. 5516-19 50+36 to 50+85 50 lb/acre Pasture Mix Apply when constructed 5516-19 53+84 to 54+34 50 lb/acre Pasture Mix Apply when constructed 5516-19 60+03 to 60+53 50 lb/acre Pasture Mix Apply when constructed 5516-19 61+59 to 62+09 50 lb/acre Pasture Mix Apply when constructed 5516-19 63+29 to 63+79 50 lb/acre Pasture Mix Apply when constructed 5516-19 98+80 to 99+30 50 lb/acre Pasture Mix Apply when constructed 5516-19 113+88 to 114+38 50 lb/acre Pasture Mix Apply when constructed *Quantities are estimates only.
REVEGETATION. Native plants may be seeded or planted to increase the cover and diversity of native vegetation on a project site, discourage potential spread and establishment of exotic and woody species, and improve habitat for Fender’s blue butterfly and other associated species. Adding native nectar plants to sites where native nectar plants are depauperate may be essential for successful butterfly habitat restoration (Xxxxxxxx 2001, as cited in Fish and Wildlife Service 2005). Additionally, most of the current Fender’s blue butterfly sites are isolated from one another and in order to “connect” these habitats for Fender’s blue butterfly dispersal, native prairie habitat patches will need to be reestablished. Revegetation will involve many of the treatments to remove exotic vegetation as previously described, followed by the planting of native species, including Xxxxxxx’x lupine. This work will be conducted in early spring or late winter in occupied habitat, while Fender’s blue butterflies remain in diapause, and at some distance from extant Xxxxxxx’x lupine plants, where the inactive larvae may be present. Spot tilling may be used to control monotypic weed patches. Revegetation may occur on all enrolled lands each year. Seed and plant parts from native prairie plants may be collected to create nursery stock for restoration projects, and a variety of native forbs, including nectar species for Fender’s blue butterfly. If listed species occur at a site where collection of seeds or plant parts of non-listed plants is to take place, care will be taken to avoid trampling or otherwise harming listed plants.