Safe Harbor Notice Sample Clauses
Safe Harbor Notice. The Plan Administrator must provide a safe harbor notice to each Participant a reasonable period prior to each Plan Year for which the Employer in its Adoption Agreement has elected to apply the safe harbor provisions.
Safe Harbor Notice. The Plan Administrator annually must provide a safe harbor notice to each Participant a reasonable period prior to each Plan Year for which the Employer in its Adoption Agreement has elected to apply the safe harbor provisions. For this purpose, the Plan Administrator is deemed to provide timely notice if the Plan Administrator provides the safe harbor notice at least 30 days and not more than 90 days prior to the beginning of the safe harbor Plan Year. The safe harbor notice must provide comprehensive information regarding the Participants' rights and obligations under the Plan and must be written in a manner calculated to be understood by the average Participant. If an Employee becomes eligible to participate in the Plan after the Plan Administrator has provided the annual safe harbor notice, the Plan Administrator must provide the safe harbor notice no later than the Employee's Plan Entry Date. A Participant may make or modify a salary reduction agreement under the Employer's safe harbor 401(k) Plan for 30 days following receipt of the safe harbor notice, or if greater, for the period the Plan Administrator specifies in the salary reduction agreement.
Safe Harbor Notice. The Sponsoring Employer must give a Safe Harbor Notice to each Safe Harbor Participant, which must satisfy the following content and timing requirements:
Safe Harbor Notice. When the individuals associated with the Study about whom Personal Data may be disclosed to CRO and Pfizer are located in the European Union or Switzerland, Principal Investigator or Institution, as appropriate, will inform them and any other appropriate third party of CRO’s and Pfizer’s enrollment in the EU-US Safe Harbor program. Principal Investigator or Institution, as appropriate, will also furnish those affected individuals a form of notice, to be made available by CRO, setting out the intended use of the Personal Data by CRO and Pfizer and other pertinent information.
a. Oznámení o účasti v programu na ochranu osobních údajů „Safe Harbor“. Pokud osoby, které se účastní Studie a jejichž osobní údaje mohou být sděleny CRO nebo společnosti Pfizer, sídlí v Evropské unii nebo ve Švýcarsku, bude Hlavní zkoušející nebo Instituce (podle konkrétní situce) tyto osoby a příslušné třetí strany informovat o zapojení CRO a společnosti Pfizer do programu ochrany osobních údajů mezi USA a EU (tzv. „Safe Harbor“). Hlavní zkoušející nebo Instituce (podle konkrétní situace) také poskytne dotčeným osobám formulář oznámení, připravený CRO, který bude obsahovat popis zamýšleného využití osobních údajů ze strany CRO a společnosti Pfizer a další související informace.
Safe Harbor Notice. PCS can furnish a notice about the Plan’s safe-harbor contribution arrangement described in 26 C.F.R. § 1.401(k)-3 or § 1.401(m)-3.
Safe Harbor Notice. When the individuals associated with the Study about whom Personal Data may be disclosed to CRO and Pfizer are located in the European Union or Switzerland, Principal Investigator or Institute, as appropriate, will inform them and any other appropriate third party of CRO’s and Pfizer’s enrollment in the EU-US Safe Harbor program. Principal Investigator or Institute, as appropriate, will also furnish those affected individuals a form of notice, to be made available by CRO, setting out the intended use of the Personal Data by CRO and Pfizer and other pertinent information. majetkových podílech ve společnosti Pfizer nebo v kterékoli z jejích sesterských společností) týkajících se hlavního zkoušejícího, resp. spoluzkoušejících (a v relevantních pšípadech také manžela, manželky a vyživovaných osob hlavního zkoušejícího nebo spoluzkoušejícího), jak to vyžaduje CRO za účelem umožnení společnosti Pfizer splnit požadavky našízení FDA.
Safe Harbor Notice. When the individuals associated with the Study about whom Personal Data may be disclosed to CRO and Pfizer are located in the European Union or Switzerland, a. Oznámení ve věci programu na ochranu soukromých údajů „Safe Harbor“. Pokud osoby, které se účastní klinického hodnocení a jejichž osobní údaje mohou být sděleny CRO nebo společnosti Institution will inform any affected employees or contractors of Institution and any other appropriate third party of CRO’s and Pfizer’s enrollment in the EU-US Safe Harbor program. Institution will also furnish such affected individuals a form of notice, to be made available by CRO, setting out the intended use of the Personal Data by CRO and Pfizer and other pertinent information. Pfizer, sídlí v Evropské unii nebo ve Švýcarsku, bude zdravotnické zařízení všechny dotčené zaměstnance nebo dodavatele zdravotnického zařízení a jiné příslušné třetí strany informovat o zapojení CRO a společnosti Pfizer do programu ochrany soukromých údajů mezi USA a EU (tzv. „Safe Harbor“). Zdravotnické zařízení také poskytne dotčeným osobám formulář vyrozumění, který připraví CRO, a který bude obsahovat popis zamýšleného využití osobních údajů ze strany CRO a společnosti Pfizer a další relevantní informace.
Safe Harbor Notice. REQUIREMENT The notice requirement is satisfied if each Eligible Employee is given an annual written notice of the Employee's rights and obligations under the Plan and the notice provided to the Employee satisfies the content requirement and the timing requirement mandated under IRS Notices 98-52 and 2000-3.
(a) The notice shall be sufficiently accurate and comprehensive to inform the Employee of the Employee's rights and obligations under the Plan and written in a manner calculated to be understood by the average Employee eligible to participate in the Plan. The notice shall accurately describe:
(1) the Safe Harbor Matching or Non-Elective Contribution Formula (including a description of the levels of Matching Contributions, if any, available under the Plan);
(2) any other contributions under the Plan (including the potential for discretionary Matching Contributions) and the conditions under which such contributions are made;
(3) the Plan to which the Safe Harbor Contributions will be made (if different than the Plan containing the cash or deferred arrangement);
(4) the type and amount of Compensation that may be deferred under the Plan;
(5) how to make cash or deferred elections, including any administrative requirements that apply to such elections;
(6) the periods available under the Plan for making cash or deferred elections; and
(7) withdrawal and vesting provisions applicable to contributions under the Plan.
Safe Harbor Notice. The Plan's safe harbor notice provisions apply as set forth in Section 12.8, except the Employer must provide the initial QACA safe harbor notice sufficiently early so that an Employee has a reasonable period after receiving the notice and before the first Automatic Deferral to make an Affirmative Election. In addition, the notice must state: (1) the Automatic Deferral amount that will apply in absence of the Employee's Affirmative Election; (2) the Employee's right to elect not to have any Automatic Deferral amount made on the Employee's behalf or to elect to make Elective Deferrals in a different amount or percentage of Compensation; and (iii) how the Plan will invest the Automatic Deferrals. However, if it is not practicable for the notice to be provided on or before the date an Employee becomes a Participant, then the notice nonetheless will be treated as provided timely if it is provided as soon as practicable after that date and the Employee is permitted to elect to defer from all types of Compensation that may be deferred under the Plan earned beginning on that date. For this purpose, the Administrator is deemed to provide timely notice if the Administrator provides the notice at least thirty (30) days and not more than ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the QACA Plan Year.
Safe Harbor Notice. Certain statements contained herein are "forward-looking statements" (as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995). GlobeTrac Inc. cautions that statements made in this news release constitute forward-looking statements and makes no guarantee of future performance. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and opinions of Management at the time statements are made. These statements may address issues that involve significant risks, uncertainties, estimates and assumptions made by Management. Actual results could differ materially from current projections or implied results. GlobeTrac Inc. undertakes no obligation to revise these statements following the date of this news release.