Section 7.2.1 Sample Clauses

Section 7.2.1. 29 During winter, spring and summer breaks, swing shift, mid-shift and graveyard shift employees 30 will work a regular day shift unless requested by the building administrator or department 31 supervisor, to remain on the current shift. Employees may request to stay on swing, mid-shift 32 or graveyard shift, and such request will be considered on a case by case basis. Approvals for 33 these requests shall not be unreasonably withheld. Written notice of shift change would still 34 occur in accordance with Section 7.2., other than regular shift changes that occur during breaks 35 and summer.
Section 7.2.1. Beginning September 1, 2020, employees who are scheduled to work less than a full year shall 29 receive pay in lieu of vacation according to the following schedule using 1,840 work hours as a 30 basis for pro-ration. Pay in lieu of vacation shall be calculated to the hundredth decimal. Pay in 31 lieu of vacation shall be added to the employee's work year as compensated days. 33 Zero through three years of longevity 12 days annually 34 Four through seven years of longevity 16 days annually 35 Eight through twelve years of longevity 22 days annually 36 Thirteen years of longevity 23 days 37 Fourteen years of longevity 24 days 38 Fifteen years of longevity 25 days 40 In addition, employees who are scheduled to work more than 185 days, but less than 260 days, 41 will receive one (1) day of vacation within their work calendar to be scheduled with the prior 42 approval of their supervisor. 43 44 45 46
Section 7.2.1. 39 Vacation schedules for, annual employees, shall be arranged by the Supervisor. Full-time 40 employees may request to take a portion of their accrued vacation during the period of the year 41 that school is in session. Approval of such requests shall be at the sole discretion of the 42 Supervisor.
Section 7.2.1. In the event an employee is assigned to a shift less than the normal work shift previously 33 defined in this Article, the employee shall be given a ten (10) minute uninterrupted rest period 34 for each three (3) continuous hours of work. If the employee works five (5) hours or more, 35 he/she will be provided a thirty (30) minute uninterrupted lunch period.
Section 7.2.1. 42 At the discretion of the District, full-time employee(s), on an individual basis, shall have the 43 option to work a four (4) day workweek, ten (10) hour shift. The overtime provisions pursuant 44 to Section 7.16.1 shall only apply to the forty (40) hour per week standard for employees 45 impacted by this subsection when implemented.
Section 7.2.1. 6 If a portion of a driver’s regular route is cancelled or changed, the District may request that the driver 7 slide the start and end of their assigned run by no more than thirty (30) minutes to drive an uncovered
Section 7.2.1. 16 The normal work schedule shall consist of eight and one-half (8-1/2) consecutive hours, for 17 eight (8) hours compensation, including a thirty (30) minute unpaid uninterrupted lunch period 18 as near the middle of the schedule as is practicable.
Section 7.2.1. 35 The workweek, for the payroll purposes, shall be defined as a seven- (7) day week, commencing at 36 12:01 a.m., Monday, through 12:00 midnight the following Sunday. 37
Section 7.2.1. 39 A full-time shift shall consist of eight and one-half (8-1/2) hours, for eight (8) hours’ 40 compensation, including a thirty (30) minute uninterrupted lunch period as near the middle of the 41 shift as is practicable, and also including a fifteen (15) minute first half and a fifteen (15) minute 42 second half rest period, both of which rest periods shall occur as near the middle of each half shift 43 as is practicable. Any adjustment to the shift schedule must be approved by the immediate 44 supervisor or superintendent.
Section 7.2.1. 29 In the event of an unusual school closure due to inclement weather, plant inoperation, or the 30 like, the District will notify employees to refrain from coming to work on the local radio 31 station, via a phone tree and TV channels 4, 5 and 7.