Section 9.7.1 Sample Clauses
Section 9.7.1. 16 An employee who obtains a leave under false pretense shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Section 9.7.1. 2 Employees hired on a non-continuing basis, to fill positions of employees on leave of absence, 3 will be hired for a specific time, during which they shall be subject to all provisions of this 4 Agreement. It shall be the responsibility of the employer to inform replacement employees of 5 these provisions.
Section 9.7.1. In the event of layoff, the District will provide the Association with the following information 7 as soon as practicable after the extent of the layoff is known:
Section 9.7.1. 2 The District shall publicize within the bargaining unit the availability of new or open positions
Section 9.7.1. 23 When positions are posted outside the bargaining unit, applications from outside the unit will 24 not be reviewed until the screening, testing, and interview process has been completed for all 25 bargaining unit applicants, and the District can prove that none are qualified.
Section 9.7.1. 44 Employees changing job classifications must resign their current position, using the position 45 resignation form or by submitting a written letter of resignation from their current position. All
Section 9.7.1. 14 If a substitute bus driver is unavailable and it is necessary for a transportation mechanic to drive a 15 bus route or trip, the work shall first be offered by seniority to all transportation mechanics, and 16 if there are no volunteers, assigned to the least senior transportation mechanic.
Section 9.7.1. 12 Shall a Food Service Employee elect to become a member of the School Nutrition Association, 13 the employee shall pay the cost of the initial membership and the cost of initial certification if 14 the employee desires to become certified. Thereafter, the District shall pay the cost of the
Section 9.7.1. Employees subject to this Agreement have the right to apply for and be considered for positions 6 open in all classifications covered by this Agreement, with consideration given to their skills 7 and abilities. If the District does not interview a current employee for an open position, the 8 District shall set forth in writing to the employee or employees and the chapter president its 9 reasons why the employee was not selected for an interview.
Section 9.7.1. 8 The returning employee will be assigned to the same or equivalent position occupied before the 9 leave of absence, provided there is an open position for which the employee is qualified. If 10 there is not an open position the employee will be placed by seniority, on a reemployment list 11 and rehired according to the provisions of Article X. Employees on the reemployment list must