WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY The parties to this Agreement are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace and work practices. The parties recognise that illness or injury at the workplace is costly to the employer and the employees and also disruptive to the respective parties. To facilitate healthy and safe work practices, the parties to the Agreement are committed to discussing health and safety issues as they apply to the operations of the employer as part of the consultative measures under this Agreement. The employer and employees under this agreement may refer to their respective industrial representatives for appropriate advice or expertise in enhancing performance with due regard to health and safety initiatives. The parties also recognise the importance of conducting regular audits of the employer's operations, policies and procedures including the employees' skills, knowledge, qualifications and application of healthy and safe work practices.
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 34.01 The parties recognize the need for a safe and healthy workplace. The Employer shall be responsible for providing safe and healthy working conditions. The Employer and Employees will take all reasonable steps to eliminate, reduce or minimize all workplace safety hazards. Occupational health and safety education, training and instruction provided by the Employer, shall be paid at the Basic Rate of Pay, to fulfill the requirements for training, instruction or education set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation or Code. (a) There shall be an Occupational Health and Safety Committee (Committee), which shall be composed of representatives of the Employer and representatives of the Local and may include others representing recognized functional bargaining units. This Committee shall meet once a month, and in addition shall meet within 10 days of receiving a written complaint regarding occupational health or safety. An Employee shall be paid the Employee’s Basic Rate of Pay for attendance at Committee meetings. A request to establish separate committees for each site or grouping of sites shall not be unreasonably denied. The Employer shall provide training at no cost to all Employees on the Committee to assist them in performing their duties on the Committee. Training shall be paid at the Employee’s Basic Rate of Pay. (b) Minutes of each meeting shall be taken and shall be approved by the Employer, the Local, and other bargaining groups, referred to in (a), prior to circulation. (c) The purpose of the Committee is to consider such matters as occupational health and safety and the Local may make recommendations to the Employer in that regard. (d) If an issue arises regarding occupational health or safety, the Employee or the Local shall first seek to resolve the issue through discussion with the applicable immediate supervisor in an excluded management position. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, it may then be forwarded in writing to the Committee. (e) The Committee shall also consider measures necessary to ensure the security of each Employee on the Employer’s premises and the Local may make recommendations to the Employer in that regard. (f) (i) Should an issue not be resolved by the Committee, the issue shall be referred to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A resolution meeting between the Local and the CEO, or designate(s), shall take place within 21 calendar days of the issue being referred to the CEO. The CEO or designate(s) shall reply in writing to the Local within seven (7) calendar days of the resolution meeting.
Work Health and Safety (a) The employer and employee acknowledge their responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012. (b) Where there is a Work Health and Safety Representative they must be elected and will carry out the tasks associated with the role of Work Health and Safety Representative set out within the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
Workplace Harassment The Hospital and the Union are committed to ensuring a work environment that is free from harassment. Harassment is defined as a “course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome”, that denies individual dignity and respect on the basis of the grounds such as gender, disability, race, colour, sexual orientation or other prohibited grounds, as stated in the Ontario Human Rights Code. All employees are expected to treat others with courtesy and consideration and to discourage harassment. ref. Ontario Human Rights Code, Sec. 10(1). Harassment may take many forms including verbal, physical or visual. It may involve a threat, an implied threat or be perceived as a condition of employment. The Parties agree that harassment is in no way to be construed as properly discharged supervisory responsibilities, including the delegation of work assignments and/or the assessment of discipline. If an employee believes that she/he has been harassed and/or discriminated against on the basis of any prohibited ground of discrimination, there are specific actions that may be undertaken. The employee should request the harasser to stop the unwanted behaviour by informing the harassing individual(s) that the behaviour is unwanted and unwelcome. Should the employee not feel comfortable addressing the harasser directly, she/he may request the assistance of the manager or a Union representative. If the unwelcome behaviour was to continue, the employee will consult the Hospital policy on harassment and will be free to pursue all avenues including the complaint investigation and resolution. The Parties agree that an employee may have a representative of the Union with her/him throughout the process, if requested.
Behavioral Health Services – Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Inpatient Hospital Unlimited days at a general hospital or a specialty hospital including withdrawal management (detoxification) per plan year. Residential Treatment Facility Unlimited days for residential mental health and substance use disorder services per plan year. Notification of admission may be required. 0% - After deductible Not Covered Outpatient or intermediate care services - See Covered Healthcare Services: Behavioral Health Section for details about partial hospital program, intensive outpatient program, adult intensive services, and child and family intensive treatment. Notification of services may be required. 0% - After deductible Not Covered Office visits - See Office Visits section below for Behavioral Health services provided by a PCP or specialist. Psychological Testing 0% - After deductible Not Covered Medication-assisted treatment - when rendered by a mental health or substance use disorder provider. $20 Not Covered Methadone maintenance treatment. $0 Not Covered Outpatient - Benefit is limited to 18 weeks or 36 visits (whichever occurs first) per covered episode. 0% - After deductible Not Covered