Union Leave Leave of absence for Union business shall be given without pay up to a maximum of (as per the local provisions under L19) days per calendar year provided such leave does not interfere with the continuance of efficient operation of the Hospital. Such leave shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) not more than (as per the local provisions under L19) employees of the Hospital are absent on any such leave at the same time, and not more than (as per the local provisions under L19) employee from a department; (b) a request must be made in writing at least twenty-one days prior to the commencement of the function for which leave is requested, unless it is not reasonably possible to give such notice; (c) such request shall state the general nature of the function to be attended; (d) employees on a Union Leave which is approved by the Hospital in accordance with the above conditions shall be paid for such leave by the Hospital. The Hospital shall then forward a statement of such wages paid to the employee affected to the union for reimbursement of the amount stated; (e) an employee who is elected or appointed to office with the CAW, shall upon application by the Union in writing, be granted a leave of absence without loss of seniority and benefits for up to three (3) years. An extension shall be granted upon written application by the employee to the administration of the Hospital. During such leaves of absence, salary and benefits shall be kept whole by the Hospital and the Union agrees to reimburse the Hospital for such salary and the Hospital's contribution to said benefits. The employee agrees to notify the Hospital of the employee's intention to return to work within two (2) weeks following the termination of office for which the leave was granted. The union agrees to notify the Hospital five (5) months in advance of the Local Union election. The union further agrees that the requirement to meet under Article 14 will be waived. At the end of such leave, any employee hired or placed as a substitute for the employee on such absence, may be terminated or laid off by the Hospital as required, or may be transferred to the employee's previous position if the substitution was a transfer. An employee on leave of absence under this provision shall continue to accumulate all rights and privileges under this Agreement. It is understood that the intent of this article is that it shall normally apply to only one employee at a time per circumstance as noted above, and that the Union shall provide adequate notice prior to an employee commencing Union Leave of Absence. Further applications may be granted consistent with the Hospital’s staffing requirements. In addition, it is understood that any employee so elected or appointed is required to maintain their competence in the event that they are to return to the workplace.
Union Leaves Employees on Union Leaves will be treated as provided in Article 18 (Q) while working on Union leave.
Pre-Paid Leave Plan The Hospital agrees to introduce a pre-paid leave program, funded solely by the nurse, subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) The plan is available to nurses wishing to spread four (4) years' salary over a five (5) year period, in accordance with Part LXVIII of the Income (b) The nurse must make written application to the Chief Nursing Officer or Supervisor at least six (6) months prior to the intended commencement date of the program (i.e., the salary deferral portion), stating the intended purpose of the leave. (c) The number of nurses that may be absent at any one time shall be determined by local negotiations. The year for purposes of the program shall be September 1 of one year to August 31 the following year or such other twelve (12) month period as may be agreed upon by the nurse, the local Union and the Hospital. (d) Written applications will be reviewed by the Chief Nursing Officer, Supervisor or designate. Leaves requested for the purpose of pursuing further formal nursing education will be given priority. Applications for leaves requested for other purposes will be given the next level of priority on the basis of seniority. (e) During the four (4) years of salary deferral, 20% of the nurse's gross annual earnings will be deducted and held for the nurse and will not be accessible to her or him until the year of the leave or upon withdrawal from the plan. (f) The manner in which the deferred salary is held shall be at the discretion of the Hospital. (g) All deferred salary, plus accrued interest, if any, shall be paid to the nurse at the commencement of the leave or in accordance with such other payment schedule as may be agreed upon between the Hospital and the nurse. (h) All benefits shall be kept whole during the four (4) years of salary deferral. During the year of the leave, seniority will accumulate. Service for the purpose of vacation and salary progression and other benefits will be retained but will not accumulate during the period of leave. Full-time nurses shall become responsible for the full payment of premiums for any health and welfare benefits in which they are participating. Contributions to the Hospitals of Ontario Pension Plan will be in accordance with the Plan. Full-time nurses will not be eligible to participate in the disability income plan during the year of leave. (i) A nurse may withdraw from the plan at any time during the deferral portion provided three (3) months notice is given to the Chief Nursing Officer or Supervisor. Deferred salary, plus accrued interest, if any, will be returned to the nurse, within a reasonable period of time. (j) If the nurse terminates employment, the deferred salary held by the Hospital plus accrued interest, if any, will be returned to the nurse within a reasonable period of time. In case of the nurse's death, the funds will be paid to the nurse's estate. (k) The Hospital will endeavour to find a temporary replacement for the nurse as far in advance as practicable. If the Hospital is unable to find a suitable replacement, it may postpone the leave. The Hospital will give the nurse as much notice as is reasonably possible. The nurse will have the option of remaining in the Plan and rearranging the leave at a mutually agreeable time or of withdrawing from the Plan and having the deferred salary, plus accrued interest, if any, paid out to the nurse within a reasonable period of time. (l) The nurse will be reinstated to her or his former position unless the position has been discontinued, in which case the nurse shall be given a comparable job. (m) Final approval for entry into the pre-paid leave program will be subject to the nurse entering into a formal agreement with the Hospital in order to authorize the Hospital to make the appropriate deductions from the nurse's pay. Such agreement will include: i) A statement that the nurse is entering the pre-paid leave program in accordance with Article 11.11 of the Collective Agreement. ii) The period of salary deferral and the period for which the leave is requested. iii) The manner in which the deferred salary is to be held. The letter of application from the nurse to the Hospital to enter the pre- paid leave program will be appended to and form part of the written agreement.
Local Union Leave Upon written request, leave of absence without pay shall be granted to employees for Union business in accordance with the following provisions: i) In bargaining units with up to 12 members, no more than one (1) employee shall be on leave at any one time. In bargaining units with 13 or more members, no more than two (2) employees shall be on leave at any one time. ii) The aggregate total number of days of leave, including Provincial Committee Leave, will not exceed sixty-five (65) working days in a calendar year. iii) The Union will give at least four (4) weeks’ written notice where practicable. iv) Replies to request for leaves of absence shall be given within two
Pre-Paid Leave The Employer agrees to introduce a pre-paid leave program, funded solely by the employee, subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) The plan is available to employees wishing to spread four (4) years’ salary over a five (5) year period or three (3) years’ salary over a four (4) year period, in accordance with Part LXVII of the Income Tax Regulations, Section 6801, to enable them to take a maximum one (1) year leave of absence following the four (4) years or three (3) years of salary deferral. The plan is not to provide benefits to employees on or after retirement. (b) The employee must make written application to the appropriate Director at least three (3) months prior to the intended commencement date of the program (i.e., the salary deferral portion). (c) The number of employees that may be absent at any one (1) time shall be three (3), with a maximum of one (1) per program or department, subject to operational requirements. (d) Written applications will be reviewed by the appropriate Director or designate and granted subject to operational requirements. The principle of seniority shall govern in cases of suitable applications greater than the number outlined in (c). Decisions will be made twice a year, February 15th and September 15th. (e) During the years of salary deferral, twenty percent (20%) or twenty-five percent (25%) as applicable, of the employee’s gross annual earnings will be deducted and held for the employee and will not be accessible to her or him until the year of the leave or upon withdrawal from the plan. (f) The manner in which the deferred salary is held shall be at the discretion of the Employer. (g) All deferred salary shall be paid to the employee at the commencement of leave or in accordance with such other payment schedule as may be agreed upon between the Employer and the employee. (h) Accrued interest, if any, shall be payable to the employee in the year that it is earned. (i) All benefits shall be kept whole during the years of salary deferral. (j) During the year of the leave, seniority will be retained but will not accumulate. Service for the purpose of vacation and salary progression and other benefits will be retained but will not accumulate during the period of leave. Employees shall become responsible for the full payment of premiums for any health and welfare benefits in which they are participating. Contributions to the Pension Plan will be in accordance with the Plan. Employees will not be eligible to participate in the disability income plan during the year of leave. (k) An employee may withdraw from the plan only as a result of financial or other hardship, provided one (1) month’s notice is given to the Director. Deferred salary, plus accrued interest, if any, will be returned to the employee, within a reasonable period of time. (l) If the employee terminates employment, the deferred salary held by the Employer plus accrued interest, if any, will be returned to the employee within a reasonable period of time. In case of the employee’s death, the funds will be paid to the employee’s estate. (m) If the Employer intends to fill the temporary vacancy, then Article 10 shall apply. If the Employer is unable to find a suitable replacement, it may postpone the leave. The Employer will give the employee as much notice as is reasonably possible. The employee will have the option of remaining in the plan and rearranging the leave at a mutually agreeable time or of withdrawing from the plan and having the deferred salary, plus accrued interest, if any, paid out to the employee within a reasonable period of time. (n) The employee will be reinstated to her or his former position unless the position has been discontinued in which case the employee may exercise her/his seniority to bump as per Article 11. The employee must plan to return for a minimum of one (1) year. (o) Final approval for entry into the pre-paid leave program will be subject to the employee entering into a formal agreement with the Employer in order to authorize the Employer to make the appropriate deductions from the employee’s pay. Such agreement will include: i) A statement that the employee is entering the pre-paid leave program in accordance with Article 13.10 of the Collective Agreement. ii) The period of salary deferral and the period for which the leave is requested. iii) The manner in which the deferral salary is to be held. iv) The letter of application from the employee to enter the prepaid leave program will be appended to and form part of the written agreement.
Union Leave of Absence An employee on an unpaid Union leave of absence shall have her wages, benefits and seniority continued by the Employer, and the Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for the costs of such wages and benefits. Employees requesting leave under this article will provide the Employer with as much advance notice as possible of the dates of the leave. Where there are less than fifteen (15) regular employees at a workstation at the time the leave request is submitted, and subject to operational requirements, unpaid Union leave of absence will be granted to one employee for the purpose of conducting Union business. This would be an additional person on Union leave at worksites where the position of the Union President or Council member has been backfilled for the duration of their term of office. A leave of absence without pay shall be granted to an employee who is a member of the Union and who is: A) a Union Council/Board member. Such leave shall be granted for the purpose of attending regular or special meetings of the Council/Board and shall include reasonable travel time. B) either elected or appointed to represent the Union and/or a region at annual or special conventions of the Union. C) a member of the Union’s bargaining committee. Such leave (including travelling time) shall be granted to attend preparatory negotiating meetings, to conduct negotiations, and to participate in mediation, industrial inquiry commissioner hearings and arbitrations. D) selected by the Union or its members as a delegate to attend the Provincial Bargaining Conference. E) selected by the Union or its members as a delegate to attend regional Bargaining Conference.
Maternity/Parental Leave The term of the temporary posting shall be for the term of the illness or maternity/parental leave but shall not exceed eighteen (18) continuous months.
Union Business Leave 1. The officers and representatives of the Union are as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Stewards. The President of the Union shall provide the City with a roster of officers and representatives and keep the City informed of any changes in that roster. 2. Up to three (3) representatives of the Union shall be allowed time off for negotiations or conferences with City Officials, without loss of pay or benefits, provided that the City’s operations shall always take priority over other business. Off-duty personnel will not be compensated for such negotiations, conferences or hearings. 3. Officers of the Union shall be granted time off, without loss of pay, to conduct union business that cannot be conducted during off-duty time. 4. Officers and/or representatives of the Union shall be granted time off, without loss of pay, to attend training classes without loss of pay or benefits to further management-employee relations. 5. The number of days off with pay and benefits under paragraphs 3 and 4 shall not exceed an aggregate of four (4) days for the entire bargaining unit per calendar year. All requests for leave pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 4 shall be submitted in writing to the City Manager no less than ten (10) working days prior to the date of the requested leave. 6. Any Officer or Xxxxxxx of the Union shall be allowed to investigate any situation/issue brought to his/her attention by either union members or management. If the nature of the issue is such that expedited handling will result in prompt disposition thereof without interference to department operations then management shall allow the Officer/Xxxxxxx to investigate the matter while on duty, provided that City operations will always take priority over other business. It is further understood that time spent by Officers/Stewards on Union related matters while off duty is non-compensable. Time spent by Officers/Stewards processing matters through the grievance procedure, attending disciplinary sessions with supervisors, and attending disciplinary and/or administrative hearings before appropriate authorities shall only be paid during their regularly scheduled workweek. 7. Staff representatives of the Union shall be allowed to meet with employees during unpaid lunch and/or coffee breaks to the degree the meetings do not disrupt the workplace.
Unpaid Leave - Union Business (a) Short-term leave of absence without pay to a maximum of fourteen (14) days at one time shall be granted to employees designated by the Union to transact Union business including conventions and conferences unless this would unduly interrupt the operation of the department provided, however, that these designated employees shall be paid by the Employer for time lost in attending meetings during working hours whenever their attendance is requested by the Employer. The Union shall give reasonable notice to minimize disruption of the department and the Union shall make every effort to give a minimum of seven (7) days’ notice. (b) Long-term leave of absence without pay shall be granted to employees designated by the Union to transact Union business for specific periods of not less than fourteen (14) days unless this would unduly interrupt the operation of the department. Such requests shall be made in writing sufficiently in advance to minimize disruption of the department. Employees granted such leave of absence shall retain all rights and privileges accumulated prior to obtaining such leave. Seniority shall continue to accumulate during such leave and shall apply to such provisions as annual vacations, increments and promotions. (c) Leave of absence without pay shall be granted to employees designated by the Union for the purpose of collective bargaining. Seniority and all benefits shall accumulate during such leave. (d) The foregoing provisions shall not limit the provisions of Article 5.10, 9.01, 9.02, 9.03, 11.05, 11.06, 12.01, 12. (e) Every effort will be made by the Employer to retain employees on unpaid leave of absence for Union business on the Employer’s payroll and where such employees are retained, the Union shall reimburse the Employer for the wages and benefits involved. This provision does not apply to employees on extended leaves of absence who are employed by the Union on a regular full-time basis.
Education Leave Without Pay The Employer recognizes the usefulness of education leave. Upon written application by the employee and with the approval of the Employer, an employee may be granted education leave without pay for varying periods of up to one (1) year, which can be renewed by mutual agreement, to attend a recognized institution for studies in some field of education in which preparation is needed to fill the employee’s present role more adequately or to undertake studies in some field in order to provide a service which the Employer requires or is planning to provide.