Spanish. Si usted, o alguien a quien usted está ayudando, tiene preguntas acerca de Western Health Advantage, tiene derecho a obtener ayuda e información en su idioma sin costo alguno. Para hablar con un intérprete, llame al 888.563.2250, o al TTY 888.877.5378 si tiene dificultades auditivas.
Spanish. If LEP data indicates a second language interpreter is warranted, a supplemental may be required to cover that cost.
Spanish. In addition to the courses listed above, credit for payment will be made pursuant to the following limitations, if “actively pursuing" an "approved related degree":
Spanish. Xxxxxxxx et al. (2010) have developed the XXXX Processing Tool, a system for sentence splitting, tokenization and named-entity recognition of Spanish. The tool is based on rules which depend on a series of resources to improve obtained results: a grammatical phrase list, a foreign expression list, a follow-up abbreviation list, a word-form lexical database and a stop- list to increase lexical-lookup efficiency. The tool has been evaluated against a hand-tagged corpus divided in two domain specific topics (Press and Genomics). Accuracies of 99.39% and 91.55% are reported for sentence splitting in the two collections. Respective results for NER are 95.43% and 99.76%. Accuracies of 76.85% and 85.00% are reported for recognizing Named Entities at the beginning of a sentence due to the ambiguous capitalization problem. Europarl tools for sentence splitting and tokenization (xxxx:// include specific scripts for Spanish. Giménez and Xxxxxxx (2004) have developed the SVMTool, a POS tagger generator based on Support Vector Machines, coded in Perl/C++. The tagger, which is available from xxxx://, achieves a state of the art accuracy of 97.2%. Ferrández and Peral (2005) trained an HMM PoS tagger on the 50K words CLIP-TALP corpus for Spanish. An accuracy of 95.36% was reported on a test corpus of 10K words. GRAMPAL (Xxxxxx and Guirao, 2006) is a tagger and lemmatizer focusing on spoken Spanish. GRAMPAL relies on a large lexicon and a disambiguation process based on statistical training. An accuracy of over 95% has been reported on spontaneous speech. The XXXX PoS Tagger (Xxxxxxx, 2009) is an adaptation of the TreeTagger (Xxxxxxx, 1994) that integrates a lemmatizer and uses the XXXX tagset for Spanish. The accuracy for both tagging and lemmatization is 98% tested against a 100K words test set. XXXXXX (Xxxxxxxx et al., 2008) is an NLP tool focusing on semi-structured information from clinical reports. This tool tags clinical texts with morpho- semantic information and anonymizes the reports by covering sensitive patient information. It also detects biomedical concepts using specialized biomedical lexica and thesauri. SUPAR (Xxxxxxxxx et al., 1998) is an NLP tool aiming at full or partial syntactic analysis and anaphora resolution. SUPAR works for Spanish and English and outputs morphosyntactically tagged sentences with pronominal anaphora resolution. An accuracy of 81% was reported for partial parsing on a 9600 words...
Spanish. ❖ Languages available via live operator answer by pressing 9 when connected to the IVR system: Acholi Afrikaans Akan Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Xxxxxxx Assyrian Azerbaijani Bambara Basque Basaa Behdini Belorusian Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Burmese Cantonese Cape Verde Catalan Cebuano Chamorro Cherokee Chuukese Croatian Czech Danish Dari (Persian) Dimli Dinka Duala Hmong Ho Hungarian Ibang Igbo (Ibo) Icelandic Ilocano Indonesian Italian Jakartanese Japanese Javanese Kanjobal Kannada Xxxxx Kashmiri Kazakh Khmer (Cambodian) Kikuyu Kinyarwanda Kirghiz Kirundi Korean Kpele Xxxxx Kurdish Laotian Latin Latvian Lebanese Lingala Lithuanian Luganda Papiamento Pashto Polish Portuguese Portuguese Brazilian Potwari Pulaar Punjabi Quechua Quiche Rhade Romanian Russian Samoan Xxxx Serbian Serbo Croatian Shanghainese Shona Sichuan Sicilian Sindhi Sinhalese Slovak Slovenian Somali Soninke Sorani Sotho Sudanese Swahili Swedish Tagalog Dutch Efik Estonian Ethiopian Ewe Farsi (Persian) Fijian Finnish Flemish French French Canadian Frisian (West) Fukinese Fula Fulani Fuzhou Ga Gaelic Georgian German Grebo Greek Gujarati Haitian Creole Haka Burmese Hakka Hausa Hebrew Hindi Maay Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Mam Mandarin Xxxxxxxx Mandinka Mankon Marathi Marshallese Mien Mina Mixteco Alto Mixteco Bajo Moldovan Mongolian Moroccan Arabic Nahuati Navajo Nepali Norwegian Nuer Ojibay Oromo Pahari Pampangan Tahitian Taiwanese Tajiki Xxxxxx Tamil Tatar Telugu Teochew Thai Tibetan Tigrigna – Tigrinya Toishanese Tongan Tsonga Tshiluba Turkish Turkmen Twi Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Visayan (Cebuano) Welsh Wolof Yiddish Yoruba Zulu We offer two NUMERIC data fields to be gathered at the time of the call. Please indicate what information you require us to gather in order to connect with an interpreter. This information will be included on your invoice and call detail records on our client portal. (i.e. employee ID, cost center, location code) Numeric Data Field 1: Numeric Data Field 2: Please check if no additional data collection is required. Any changes to this process may incur additional charges. In consideration for CTS providing CLIENT the following CTS Services, CLIENT shall pay to CTS the following:
Spanish. The current principal of Gem Prep: Pocatello is bilingual in Spanish and actively participates in enrollment activities. Enrollment information advises that all prospective students will be given the opportunity to enroll in the public charter school regardless of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, social or economic status, or special needs.
Spanish. Students acquire basic communicative skills in Spanish based on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students converse using increasingly appropriate pronunciation, intonation, and inflection. Students demonstrate comprehension of writing text using vocabulary, context clues, and cognates. They will learn to respond appropriately to oral dialogues, questions, and classroom instruction, and students will produce complete written sentences in an organized paragraph responding to prompts. The first semester of Spanish I is taken in 7th grade and the second semester in 8th grade. Students will earn high school credit and high school GPA upon successful completion of both the 7th and 8th grade curriculum. Students are required to take 7th grade Spanish in order to enroll in 8th grade Spanish. This is a high school level class, follows the scope and sequence of HS Spanish I and has the same grading criteria as District 202 High Schools. Students will take the High School semester finals at the end of 7th grade and 8th grade accordingly. Students will complete 7th and 8th grade successfully in order to move on to Spanish II/Spanish II Honors when they enter high school High school credit will only be earned once the student has successfully completed Spanish I in 7th and 8th grade. The Response to Intervention Multi-Tiered System of Supports process looks at teaching methods, materials, and the content being taught. It also looks at the classroom setting and the behavioral and learning needs of the student. The MTSS process begins when a parent or school staff member has a concern about a student’s academic progress or behavior. A meeting will be scheduled to discuss what interventions may be used to help your child. Intervention Strategy • An intervention is a strategy or course of action designed to make a positive difference in the area support is needed. During the Multi-Tiered System of Supports discussion: o Questions to define the problem will be asked. o Reasons will be explained. o Expectations for the student will be determined. o Successful and unsuccessful strategies will be reviewed. o Interventions will be designed for the student’s needs. For example, these interventions may include modifying classroom materials or developing additional social skills.
Spanish. XX Living Lab es un proyecto financiado por la Comunidad Europa que persigue la creación de una plataforma en la cual se mapearán y apoyarán grupos formales o comunidades informales de ciudadanos que gestionan fab-lab, incubadoras, espacios de co- creación, centros sociales creados en vacíos urbanos regenerados. Estas prácticas innovadoras se consideran “Generative commons”, porque xx xxxxx en el intercambio y la colaboración entre los ciudadanos creando nuevos vínculos entre las instituciones públicas y las comunidades locales, estableciendo nuevos modelos de gobernanza de la dimensión urbana basados en la solidaridad, la inclusión, la participación, la economía y la sostenibilidad ambiental y social. xX.XX está constituido por un consorcio de expertos: universidades y organizaciones no profit y for profit trabajarán juntos con el fin de: i) reunir las iniciativas que generan bienes comunes utilizando una plataforma digital colaborativa que mapeará las iniciativas ciudadanas, así como las instituciones públicas que participan en nuevos Formas de asociación con las comunidades locales. De esta manera, los bienes comunes y las Administraciones Públicas pueden finalmente conectarse en una nueva red capaz de promover el intercambio de buenas prácticas y soluciones legales; ii) evaluar un grupo de casos piloto para comprender qué factores socioeconómicos, culturales y legales permiten que las experiencias autoorganizadas xxxx 5 sostenibles y que las instituciones públicas xxxx útiles para su desarrollo; iii) utilizar los resultados de la evaluación para ampliar los bienes comunes sostenibles y las políticas locales innovadoras. El proyecto producirá una serie de pautas y kits de herramientas para apoyar a las autoridades y los bienes comunes generativos para lograr un desarrollo sostenible a través de herramientas que fomente la participación ciudadana y la construcción de comunidades, un kit de herramientas que fomente los usos temporales, herramientas y modelos para la gobernanza de los bienes comunes y un kit de herramientas legales. Xx xxxxxxxxx está liderado por la Università degli Studi di Torino con la Universidad de Newcastle upon Tyne, Open Lab Athens, Community Land Trust Bruxelles, Universitat de Barcelona, Spazi Indecisi, Xxxxxxxx Xx Xxxxx y Eutropian. Contactos Sitio web: xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx Correo electrónico: xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxx.xx FRENCH xX.XX - Generative European Commons Living Lab est un projet financé par l’Union européenne qu...
Spanish. Item 7 was kept as in the original language version, but this question may not be relevant to the Spanish social and healthcare system; - As in French, in item 11, “contact” could be understood as reaching a person (e.g., to obtain information) yet, since “relationships” has been the intended meaning, it has been translated into “les relations”;