Stakeholder consultations. Stakeholder consultation is useful for gathering environmental data, understanding likely impacts, determining community and individual preferences, selecting Project alternatives and designing viable and sustainable mitigation and compensation plans. Stakeholder consultation in the EIA process is undertaken during the Project design, implementation and initial operation. The aim is to disseminate information to interested and affected parties (stakeholders), solicit their views and consult on sensitive issues. Inadequate public consultation can result in significant information gaps, which could mislead environmental planners undertaking an environmental assessment. Lack of attention to communication and consultation processes can generate individual, community, or regional opposition to a project. This can ultimately be a cause of substantial delays, increased costs, and unsatisfactory compromise solutions, which could have been avoided through earlier consultations. Participation is therefore a process through which different stakeholders influence and share their views regarding development initiatives and the decisions and resources that affect them.
Stakeholder consultations. The Parties agree to use their best endeavours to ensure that all relevant stakeholders continue to be consulted in an effective manner in connection with the implementation and operation of the EESS Law. INTERPRETATION A reference in this Agreement to the EESS, or EESS Law, includes the supporting Uniform Equipment Safety Rules. Terms defined in the body of this Agreement bear, unless the context otherwise requires, the same meaning throughout this Agreement. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts.
Stakeholder consultations. Regarding Task 1.2, we will conduct a deep dive on operations of the highway system, and also generally address operations of the other modes. We will utilize the best empirical sources available to identify truck movements, performance, freight land use and last-mile, and other issues as deemed important during the course of this study. Some of the data sources to accomplish this are publicly available—including truck volume and other infrastructure-related data that can be obtained from IADOT, ILDOT and others. Others sources will be acquired by the CPCS Team to support the project. As example, publicly available data sets will be used in combination with truck GPS data provided by our team member, ATRI, to understand how the system is used and detailed quantification of truck movements. While the National Performance Measurement Research Data Set (NPMRDS) is available from FHWA free of charge, and is useful for performance analysis (i.e. congestion and reliability), at its most fundamental level, it only provides average speed at 5 minutes periods. We have concluded that for the purposes of this study— with its focus on truck corridors that are not interstate corridors—that the raw ATRI data is more robust. For example, the raw ATRI data can be structured to individual trips, thus giving a sense of truck volumes for roads. ATRI data is based on sample heavy trucks. It does not provide an absolute count of truck volumes, like a counting station, but it provides relative volumes by corridor, which will be used for identifying the key truck corridors. Additionally, ATRI's GPS data includes unit IDs so origin-destination (OD) activities within and through a region can be assessed and it can be used to monitor activity at freight generators and truck parking locations. We will use this data as a cost- effective means to satisfy the RFP requirement to conduct truck OD surveys.
Stakeholder consultations. An action plan that includes timelines and resources for the implementation of the reforms.
Stakeholder consultations. In accordance with Article 7(1), ▐describe the mechanism used for and the results of the consultations carried out, for the development of this plan as well as the emergency plan, with:
Stakeholder consultations. All EU Member States, stakeholders from the entire aviation value chain and social partners, including notably trade unions, have been consulted at the different stages during the negotiations. Comments made in this process have been taken into account. • Collection and use of expertise Not applicable. • Impact assessment Not applicable. • Regulatory fitness and simplification Not applicable. • Fundamental rights Not applicable.
Stakeholder consultations. 1. The Commission shall, in a timely and transparent manner and on regular basis, closely cooperate with private and public stakeholders, including SME representatives, social partners and civil society, to collect information and develop recommended policies, measures and actions for the purposes of the implementation of this Decision. The Commission shall register the consultations carried out in accordance with this Article.
2. The Member States shall, in a timely manner and in line with national legislation, consult private and public stakeholders, including SME representatives, social partners, civil society, as well as regional and local representatives, when adopting their national roadmaps and their adjustments.
Stakeholder consultations. One-on-one meetings were conducted with identified subject matter experts. They were presented the project narrative, a high level summary of the intent and design of components to include in the smartphone app. Their input was sought on components featured in the smartphone app, and domain-specific guidance on the technical solutions to support app development such that the product meets the needs and expectations of patients and caregivers, is easy to use, and will provide the palliative care team with useful and valid information.
Stakeholder consultations. In order to enable the civil society, including NGOs, to participate in project implementation, consultations of UNECE with Moldovan entities resulted in the proposal to organize (back-to- back with Steering Committee meetings) meeting of competent stakeholders. The following was achieved as of 31 January 2010: The first meeting with some 70 interested participants took place on 20 January 2010 (see also annex V). Representatives of the civil society who participated in the first Stakeholder consultation on 20 January 2010 will be actively involved in the further 2 The composition will be communicated to SDC upon receipt of the final version of the ministerial order. project implementation, particularly the identification and prioritization of problems, the consultations on the proposed targets and the relevant programme of measures as well as the final agreement on the targets and target dates.
Stakeholder consultations. In accordance with Article 7(1), please describe the mechanism used for and the results of the consultations carried out, for the development of this plan as well as the emergency plan, with: gas undertakings relevant organisations representing the interests of households relevant organisations representing the interests of industrial gas consumers, including electricity producers national regulatory authority