Start of Service Sample Clauses
Start of Service. (a) Start of Service for TERMINATION Service will occur concurrently with the activation of each circuit comprising Service Interconnections relevant to WilTel TERMINATION Service.
(b) Start of Service for 800 ORIGINATION Service will occur concurrently with the activation of each circuit comprising Service Interconnections relevant to 800 ORIGINATION Service.
(c) Start of Service for SWITCHED Service will occur on (i) an ANI by ANI basis concurrently with the activation of each ANI to be served, and (ii) an 800 Number by 800 Number basis concurrently with the activation of each 800 Number.
(d) Start of Service for DEDICATED ACCESS Service will occur concurrently with the activation of each circuit comprising Service Interconnections relevant to DEDICATED ACCESS Service.
(e) Start of Service for TRAVEL CARD Service will occur on a Code by Code basis concurrently with the activation of each Code.
Start of Service. The EETS provider will put the EETS into service for the performance-related HVC on the following date:
a) Pilot operation: ......................
b) Regular operation: according to the approval decision
Start of Service. The Requested Start Date (“RSD”) for each Service shall be requested by Customer while ordering and set forth on the activation notice. Sangoma will make commercially reasonable efforts to meet the RSDs. The installation interval shall be determined on an individual basis. Sangoma shall make reasonable efforts to provide Services within its Standard Service Installation Interval or by the RSD set forth on the Sales Order. It is understood that failure of Sangoma to deliver by either such date shall not constitute a default under these Switchvox Cloud Terms and Sangoma shall not be liable to pay Customer any penalties or damages stemming from its failure to meet such Standard Service Installation Intervals. If Customer requests to either delay or otherwise replace its confirmed start date, additional charges and fees may apply. Additional charges will also apply if Customer cancels an installation appointment without proper notice or otherwise fails to make proper arrangements for its installation, which results in Sangoma having to reschedule to complete installation.
Start of Service. NP shall make reasonable efforts to provide Services within a standard of service installation interval. It is understood that failure of NP to deliver Service by such date shall not require NP to issue service credits or pay Customer any penalties or monetary damages. If Customer requests to either delay or otherwise replace its confirmed start date, additional charges and fees may apply at NP’s discretion. Additional charges may also apply if Customer cancels an installation appointment without proper notice or otherwise fails to make proper arrangements for its installation, which results in NP having to reschedule to complete installation.
a) NP will notify the Customer within 48 hours from the time that NP has completed testing and the Service is available for use. Upon notification, the Customer will be billed applicable usage charges, regardless of when Customer actually begins using the Service. The Customer must give written notice to NP that the Service is in material non-compliance with the applicable Service Agreement within two (2) business days after service is available for use; otherwise, the Customer shall be deemed to have accepted such Service.
b) NP shall test the Services to verify that they meet the applicable specifications and service level commitments set forth in the applicable Addendum or Service Agreement before the Service is made available to the Customer. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement or in any Service Agreement, this shall be the extent of the testing performed by NP. Customer has sole responsibility for installation, testing, and operation of any applicable software acquired from NP for installation on Customer’s own equipment, broadband access acquired from third parties, and all Customer owned facilities, services, and equipment. Customer is also responsible for ensuring that the Services are compatible with its existing systems and devices. NP shall only be responsible for the installation of the Services as agreed upon in Addendum(s), Purchase, and/or Service Agreement(s). Additional services provided to Customer by NP will be governed by the specific Service Agreement or by an equivalent statement of work.
Start of Service. WilTel’s obligation to provide and Customer’s obligation to accept and pay for non-usage sensitive charges for Service shall be binding to the extent provided for in this Agreement upon the submission of an acceptable Service Request to WilTel by Customer. Customer’s obligation to pay for usage sensitive charges for Switched Services shall commence with respect to any Service as of the earlier of (i) the “Requested Service Date” set forth in each Service Request, or (ii) the date the Service in question is made available to Customer and used (“Start of Service”). Start of Service for particular Services shall be further described in the Service Schedule relevant to the Switched Service in question.
Start of Service. The Fuel card provider shall provide the payment service for the traffic charges in the ordi- nary operation on the date specified in the approval decision.
Start of Service. Start of Service for CLASSIC 2000 CARRIER TERMINATION Service will be concurrent with the activation of each circuit comprising a Carrier Service Interconnection (as defined in the PET) relevant to CLASSIC 2000 CARRIER TERMINATION Service.
Start of Service. Start of Service for the various Switched Services will occur as described below: -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE START OF SERVICE -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- TERMINATION Service Concurrently with the activation of each circuit comprising Carrier Service Interconnections relevant to TERMINATION Service -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- TOLL FREE ORIGINATION Service Concurrently with the activation of each circuit comprising Carrier Service Interconnections relevant to TOLL FREE ORIGINATION Service -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- SWITCHED ACCESS Service ANI by ANI basis concurrently with the activation of each ANI to be served, and a TOLL FREE Number by TOLL FREE Number basis concurrently with activation of each TOLL FREE Number -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DEDICATED ACCESS Service Concurrently with the activation of each circuit comprising Dedicated Service Interconnections -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- TRAVEL CARD Service Code by Code basis concurrently with the activation of each Code. -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
Start of Service. The sale of Electricity by us to you for your premises will start on the date on which your assigned meter identifier number has been transferred to us by AEMO. Pool Services and charges will start after Our Pool Equipment has been set-to-work. This will be done either by Pooled Energy staff on a mutually agreed date or, in the case of Our Pool Equipment installed by the pool owner, the date when the equipment commences operation, in either case, this will be called the “Pool Services Start Date” and will normally be as soon as practicable after the end of the Cooling-Off Period.
Start of Service. The supplier shall provide a login (username and password) to the Customer. This login gives customers access to a self-service portal to manage their organization and create virtual servers, assign server resources as well as configure firewall. It also allow the Customer to administer users (rights, passwords and access) to their organization. The self-service portal is also the tool for upgrading and downgrading resources as well as getting access to estimated resource utilization.