Study Staff Personal Data Sample Clauses

Study Staff Personal Data. 6.1 Osobní údaje Studijního personálu Both prior to and during the course of the Study, the Investigator and his/her teams may be called upon to provide "Personal Data," as defined in the applicable data protection legislation enacted under the same or equivalent/similar national legislation (collectively "Data Protection Legislation"). This data falls within the scope of the law and regulations relating to the protection of Personal Data, in particular Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on Personal Data Processing, as amended and may be used by IQVIA, GSK, and their affiliates in compliance with Data Protection Legislation, including as set forth below and for the length of time reasonably necessary for the purposes below. Jak před zahájením, tak i v průběhu provádění Studie, Zkoušející a jeho/její tým mohou být požádáni o poskytnutí „Osobních údajů“, jak jsou tyto definovány příslušnými právními předpisy na ochranu osobních údajů, vydanými na základě shodné či ekvivalentní/obdobné národní legislativy (společně dále jen „Předpisy na ochranu osobních údajů“). Tyto údaje spadají do rámce právních předpisů na úseku ochrany Osobních údajů, konkrétně zákona č. 110/2019 Sb., o zpracování osobních údajů, v platném znění, a mohou být používány společností IQVIA, GSK a jejich přidruženými subjekty v souladu s Předpisy na ochranu osobních údajů, včetně toho, jak je uvedeno níže, a to po dobu přiměřeně potřebnou k níže uvedeným účelům. GSK, IQVIA, and Institution will cooperate with each other to take the necessary measures to ensure adherence to Data Protection Legislation. Institution is responsible for supplying the Investigator and Study Staff with sufficient information regarding the collection of, handling, and use of their Personal Data. GSK, IQVIA a Poskytovatel budou vzájemně spolupracovat na potřebných opatřeních k zajištění dodržování Předpisů na ochranu osobních údajů. Poskytovatel odpovídá za to, že Zkoušejícímu a Studijnímu personálu poskytne dostatečné informace ohledně shromažďování jejich Osobních údajů, nakládání s nimi a jejich použití. This Personal Data may include names, contact information, work experience and professional qualifications, publications, resumes, educational background and information related to financial disclosures or other potential conflict of interest, and Tyto Osobní údaje mohou zahrnovat jména, kontaktní informace, pracovní zkušenosti a profesní kvalifikaci, přehled publikací, resumé, informace o absolvovaném vzdělání, a informace t...
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Study Staff Personal Data. 6.1 Osobní údaje Studijního personálu Both prior to and during the course of the Study, the Investigator and his/her teams may be called upon to provide “Personal Data”, as defined in the applicable data protection legislation enacted under the same or equivalent/similar national legislation (collectively “Data Protection Legislation”). This data falls within the scope of the law and regulations relating to the protection of Personal Data, in particular General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on Personal Data Processing, and may be used by IQVIA, GSK, and their affiliates in compliance with Data Protection Legislation, including as set forth below and for the length of time reasonably necessary Jak před zahájením, tak i v průběhu provádění Studie, Zkoušející a jeho/její tým mohou být požádáni o poskytnutí „Osobních údajů“ definovaných v příslušné legislativě na ochranu osobních údajů přijaté její transpozicí do národního práva nebo v ekvivalentní/podobné národní legislativě (společně „Legislativa na ochranu osobních údajů“). Tyto údaje spadají do rámce právních předpisů na úseku ochrany osobních údajů, zejména Obecného nařízení (EU) 2016/679 o ochraně osobních údajů („GDPR“) a zákona č. 110/2019 Sb., o zpracování osobních údajů, v platném znění, a mohou být používány společností IQVIA, GSK a jejich přidruženými subjekty v souladu s Legislativou na ochranu for the purposes below. osobních údajů, jak je uvedeno níže, a po přiměřenou dobu nezbytnou k níže uvedeným účelům. GSK, IQVIA, and Institution will cooperate with each other to take the necessary measures to ensure adherence to Data Protection Legislation. Sponsor is responsible for supplying the Investigator and Study Staff with sufficient information regarding the collection of, handling, and use of their Personal Data. This Personal Data may include names, contact information, work experience and professional qualifications, publications, resumes, educational background and information related to financial disclosures or other potential conflict of interest, and payments made to Payee(s) under this Agreement for the following purposes: i. the conduct of clinical trials and/or statistical analysis; ii. verification by governmental or regulatory agencies, the GSK, IQVIA, and their agents and affiliates; iii. compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; iv. publication on v. storage in databases to facilitate the selection of investigators for future cl...
Study Staff Personal Data. 6.1 Osobní údaje Studijního personálu Both prior to and during the course of the Study, the Investigator and his/her teams may be called upon to provide “Personal Data”, as defined in the applicable data protection legislation enacted under the same or equivalent/similar national legislation (collectively “Data Protection Legislation”). This data falls within the scope of the law and regulations relating to the protection of Personal Data, in particular Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on Personal Data Processing, and Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679 from 7 April 2016 on Personal Data Protection („GDPR“) and may be used by IQVIA, GSK, and their affiliates in compliance with Data Protection Legislation, including as set forth below and for the length of time reasonably necessary for the purposes below. For the Investigator and Study Team members, this Personal Data may include names, contact information, work experience and professional qualifications, publications, resumes, educational background and information related to financial disclosures or other potential conflict of interest, and payments made to Payee(s) under this Agreement for the following purposes: Jak před zahájením, tak i v průběhu provádění Studie, Zkoušející a jeho/její tým mohou být požádáni o poskytnutí „Osobních údajů“ definovaných v příslušné legislativě xx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx transpozicí do národního práva nebo v ekvivalentní/podobné národní legislativě (společně „Legislativa na ochranu osobních údajů“). Tyto údaje spadají do rámce právních předpisů na úseku ochrany osobních údajů, konkrétně zákona č. 110/2019 Sb., o zpracování osobních údajů, v platném znění, a Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2016/679 ze dne 27. dubna 2016 o ochraně osobních údajů („GDPR“) a mohou být používány společností IQVIA, GSK a jejich přidruženými subjekty v souladu s Legislativou na ochranu osobních údajů, jak je uvedeno níže, a po přiměřenou dobu nezbytnou k níže uvedeným účelům. Ohledně Zkoušejícího a členů Studijního týmu tyto osobní údaje mohou zahrnovat jména, kontaktní informace, pracovní zkušenosti a profesní kvalifikaci, přehled publikací, resumé, informace o absolvovaném vzdělání, a informace týkající se finančních vztahů nebo dalších potenciálních střetů zájmů a údaje o platbách uskutečněných vůči Příjemci plateb dle této Smlouvy, a to pro následující účely: i. the conduct of clinical trials and/or statistical analysis; ii. verification by gover...
Study Staff Personal Data. Both prior to and during the course of the Study, the Investigator and Study Staff may be called upon to provide personal data. Site shall collect, handle, process, store and use all personal data of Investigator and Study Staff in accordance with the Applicable Law.This data falls within the scope of the law and regulations relating to the protection of personal data, in particular Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on Personal Data Protection, as amended. For the Investigator, this personal data may include names, contact information, work experience and professional qualifications, publications, resumes, educational background and information related to potential Dual Capacity conflict of interest, and payments made to Payee(s) under this Agreement for the following purposes: (i) the conduct of clinical trials, (ii) verification by governmental or regulatory agencies, the Sponsor, Quintiles, and their agents and affiliates, (iii) compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, (iv) publication on and websites and databases that serve a comparable purpose; (v) storage in databases to facilitate the selection of investigators for future clinical trials; and (vi) anti-corruption compliance. Names of members of Study Staff may be processed in Quintiles’ study contacts database for study-related purposes only. The Institution acknowledges that the Investigator consents to Sponsor’s, its designees’, and Quintiles’ collection, processing, storage, and use of his or her personal data for the purposes 5.6 Přetrvávající platnost Tento článek 5 „Práva na zveřejnění” zůstane v platnosti i v případě ukončení platnosti či po vypršení platnosti této Smlouvy.
Study Staff Personal Data. Both prior to and during the course of the Study, the Investigator and his/her teams may be called upon to provide “Personal Data”, as defined in the applicable data protection legislation enacted under the same or equivalent/similar national legislation (collectively "Data Protection Legislation"). This data falls within the scope of the law and regulations relating to the protection Of Personal Data, in particular Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on Personal Data Processing, as amended and may be used by IQVIA, GSK, and their affiliates in compliance with Data Protection Legislation, including as set forth below and for the length of time reasonably necessary for the purposes below. GSK, IQVIA, and Institution will cooperate with each other to take the necessary measures to ensure adherence to Data Protection Legislation. This Personal Data may include names, contact information, work experience and professional qualifications, publications, resumes, educational background and information related to financial disclosures or other potential conflict of interest, and GSK, vždy uvede, že byl ve Studii zkoušejícím lékařem. 5.5 P oužití názvu či jména Kromě případů uvedených v této Smlouvě není žádná strana této Smlouvy oprávněna použít jména či názvu jiné Strany, názvu GSK, a to v souvislosti s jakoukoli reklamní činností, k publikačním či marketingovým účelům bez předchozího písemného svolení, s výjimkou případů, kdy GSK a IQVIA budou oprávněni použít název Zdravotnického zařízení v souvislosti s publikacemi týkajícími se Studie a v rámci komunikace, včetně xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx hodnocením a pro účely newsletterů vydávaných v souvislosti se Studií.
Study Staff Personal Data. Both prior to and during the course of the Study, the Site and its Study Staff may be called upon to provide IQVIA and the Sponsor with Personal Data. This data falls within the scope of the law and regulations relating to the protection of personal data, in particular Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on Personal Data Protection, as amended. 6.1 Osobní údaje Studijního personálu Jak před zahájením, tak i v průběhu provádění Studie mohou být Místo provádění klinického hodnocení a jeho Studijní personál požádáni o poskytnutí svých osobních údajů společnosti IQVIA a Zadavateli. Tyto údaje spadají do rámce právních předpisů na úseku ochrany osobních údajů, konkrétně zákona č. 101/2000 Sb., na ochranu osobních údajů, v platném znění. This Personal Data may include Investigator or Study Staff names, contact information, work experience and professional qualifications, publications, resumes, educational background and information related to potential Dual Capacity conflict of interest, and payments made to Payee(s) under this Agreement (as defined in Tyto Osobní údaje mohou zahrnovat jména Zkoušejícího nebo Studijního personálu, kontaktní informace, pracovní zkušenosti a profesní kvalifikaci, přehled publikací, resumé, informace o absolvovaném vzdělání a informace týkající se potenciálních střetů zájmů v souvislosti s výkonem Duální funkce, a údaje o platbách uskutečněných
Study Staff Personal Data. Both prior to and during the course of the Study, the Investigator and Study Staff may be called upon to provide personal data. Site shall collect, handle, process, store and use all personal data of Investigator and Study Staff in accordance with the Applicable Law.This data falls within the scope of the law and rozsahu v této souvislosti, jakékoli Nepublikované údaje jakékoli třetí straně ani nezveřejní jakákoli Studijní data či údaje jakékoli třetí straně, a to v rozsahu xxxxxx, xxxxx x xxxxx xxxxx xxx zpřístupněny v jakékoli publikaci, prezentaci či jiném odhalení na základě části 5.1 nebo 5.2. 5.4 K ontakty s médii Zdravotnické zařízení nebude a zajistí, že zaměstnanci Zdravotnického zařízení nebudou poskytovat jakékoli rozhovory či jiné formy kontaktů s médii, zejména s vydavatelstvími novin, provozovateli radiového vysílání, provozovateli televizního vysílání a společnostmi působícími na internetu, a to v souvislosti se Studií, Hodnoceným léčivem, Objevy nebo Studijními daty a údaji, bez předchozího písemného svolení Zadavatele. Toto ustanovení nebrání možnosti publikovat či prezentovat Studijní data a údaje v souladu s tímto Článkem 5. 5.5 Použití názvu či jména, registrace a oznamování Žádná Strana této Smlouvy není oprávněna použít jména či názvu jiné Strany a názvu Zadavatele, a to v souvislosti s jakoukoli reklamní činností, k publikačním či marketingovým účelům bez předchozího písemného svolení, s výjimkou případů, kdy Zadavatel a Quintiles budou oprávněni použít názvu Zdravotnického zařízení v souvislosti s publikacemi týkajícími se Studie a v rámci komunikace, včetně xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx hodnocením a pro účely newsletterů vydávaných v souvislosti se Studií. Zadavatel bude Studii registrovat v souladu s příslušnými právními předpisy a bude oznamovat výsledky Studie veřejně ve lhůtě a v rozsahu uloženém příslušnými právními předpisy.
AutoNDA by SimpleDocs
Study Staff Personal Data. Both prior to and during the course of the Study, the Investigator and his/her teams may be called upon to provide "Personal Data," as defined in the applicable data protection legislation enacted under the same or equivalent/similar national legislation (collectively "Data Protection Legislation"). This data falls within the scope of the law and regulations relating to the protection Of Personal Data, in particular Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on Personal Data Processing, as amended and may be used by IQVIA, GSK, and their affiliates in compliance with Data Protection Legislation, including as set forth below and for the length of time reasonably necessary for the purposes below. GSK, IQVIA, and Institution will cooperate with each other to take the necessary measures to ensure adherence to Data Protection Legislation. This Personal Data may include names, contact information, work experience and professional qualifications, publications, resumes, educational background and information related to financial disclosures or other potential conflict of interest, and payments made to Payee(s) under this Agreement for the following purposes: (i) the conduct of clinical trials and/or statistical analysis, (ii) verification by governmental or regulatory agencies, the GSK, IQVIA, and their agents and affiliates, (iii) compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, (iv) publication on and websites and databases that serve a comparable purpose; (v) storage in databases to facilitate the selection of investigators for future clinical trials or other business; and pro účely newsletterů vydávaných v souvislosti se Studií.

Related to Study Staff Personal Data

  • Processing of Personal Data 1.1. With regard to the Processing of Personal Data, You are the controller and determine the purposes and means of Processing of Personal Data You provide to Us (“Controller”) and You appoint Us as a processor (“Processor”) to process such Personal Data (hereinafter, “Data”) on Your behalf (hereinafter, “Processing”). 1.2. The details of the type and purpose of Processing are defined in the Exhibits attached hereto. Except where the DPA stipulates obligations beyond the Term of the Agreement, the duration of this DPA shall be the same as the Agreement Term. 1.3. You shall be solely responsible for compliance with Your obligations under the applicable Data Protection Laws, including, but not limited to, the lawful disclosure and transfer of Personal Data to Us by upload of source data into the Cloud Service or otherwise. 1.4. Processing shall include all activities detailed in this Agreement and the instructions issued by You. You may, in writing, modify, amend, or replace such instructions by issuing such further instructions to the point of contact designated by Us. Instructions not foreseen in or covered by the Agreement shall be treated as requests for changes. You shall, without undue delay, confirm in writing any instruction issued orally. Where We believe that an instruction would be in breach of applicable law, We shall notify You of such belief without undue delay. We shall be entitled to suspend performance on such instruction until You confirm or modify such instruction. 1.5. We shall ensure that all personnel involved in Processing of Customer Data and other such persons as may be involved in Processing shall only do so within the scope of the instructions. We shall ensure that any person Processing Customer Data is subject to confidentiality obligations similar to the confidentiality terms of the Agreement. All such confidentiality obligations shall survive the termination or expiration of such Processing.

  • Your Personal Data 17.1. PCSIL is a registered Data Controller with the Data Protection Commission in Ireland. 17.2. In order for us to provide you with the services relating to your Account, we are required to collect and process personal data about you, Additional Cardholders and Authorised Persons, with your consent or on a legal basis to meet our obligations for Anti-Money Laundering legislation or other governmental organisation. Where applicable, if an Account holder is under 16, then parental consent is explicitly required. 17.3. Your consent will be sought for collection of your data and you have the right to agree or decline. Where you decline consent for the collection and processing of your data, we reserve our right to discontinue service due to our obligations as a financial services institution. 17.4. We may disclose or check your personal data with other organisations and obtain further information about you in order to verify your identity and comply with applicable money laundering and governmental regulations. A record of our enquiries will be left on your file. 17.5. We may pass your personal data on to third-party service providers contracted to PCSIL in the course of dealing with your Account. Any third parties that we may share your data with are obliged to keep your details secure, and to use them only to fulfil the service they provide you on our behalf. Where we transfer the personal data to a third country or international organisation, we ensure this is done securely and that they meet a minimum standard of data protection in their country. 17.6. You have the right to receive information concerning the personal data we hold about you and to rectify such data where it is inaccurate or incomplete. You have the right to object to or withdraw any consent you have given for certain types of processing such as direct marketing. 17.7. Your data will be retained for 6 years after the end of the provision of services to you, where your data will be destroyed in compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. 17.8. In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed by us (or third parties as described in 17.5 above), or how your complaint has been handled, you have the right to lodge a complaint directly with the supervisory authority and PCSIL’s Data Protection Officer. 17.9. Our Privacy Policy provides full details on your rights as a data subject and our obligations as a data controller. Please read this document carefully and ensure you understand your rights.

  • Transfer of Personal Information Supplier warrants to DXC that Personal Information provided to Supplier or obtained by Supplier under this Agreement on behalf of DXC (including any SOW) shall not be transferred across national boundaries unless authorized by law or specified within this Agreement or the applicable SOW as authorized for transfer across national boundaries. Supplier agrees that any such transfer will only be made in compliance with applicable Data Privacy Laws. If there is a conflict between this Section ‘Data Protection and Privacy’ and the other provisions of this Agreement, the requirements of this Section shall take precedence.

  • Transfer of Personal Data The Participant authorizes, agrees and unambiguously consents to the transmission by the Company (or any Subsidiary) of any personal data information related to the RSUs awarded under this Agreement for legitimate business purposes (including, without limitation, the administration of the Plan). This authorization and consent is freely given by the Participant.

  • Types of Personal Data Contact Information, the extent of which is determined and controlled by the Customer in its sole discretion, and other Personal Data such as navigational data (including website usage information), email data, system usage data, application integration data, and other electronic data submitted, stored, sent, or received by end users via the Subscription Service.

  • Personal Data Registry Operator shall (i) notify each ICANN-­‐accredited registrar that is a party to the registry-­‐registrar agreement for the TLD of the purposes for which data about any identified or identifiable natural person (“Personal Data”) submitted to Registry Operator by such registrar is collected and used under this Agreement or otherwise and the intended recipients (or categories of recipients) of such Personal Data, and (ii) require such registrar to obtain the consent of each registrant in the TLD for such collection and use of Personal Data. Registry Operator shall take reasonable steps to protect Personal Data collected from such registrar from loss, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction. Registry Operator shall not use or authorize the use of Personal Data in a way that is incompatible with the notice provided to registrars.

  • Transfers of Personal Data Oracle may store or transfer Your Content on a global basis as necessary for the Purpose(s). Oracle and its affiliates may perform certain aspects of the Services (e.g., administration, maintenance, support, disaster recovery, data processing, etc.) from locations and through subcontractors, worldwide. Data transfers are made subject to the terms of the EU Standard Contractual Clauses for Controllers (“Clauses”) if: (a) You (or Your data partner) share, use, or process Personal Data under this Agreement; and (b) such data transfer is: (i) subject to any restrictions or requirements under Directive 95/46/EC or Regulation (EU) 2016/679 repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation); and (ii) made to countries, jurisdictions or recipients outside the EEA or Switzerland not recognized by the European Commission as ensuring an adequate level of protection pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC or General Data Protection Regulation. You and Oracle agree that incorporation of the Clauses into this Agreement acts as a legally-binding execution of the Clauses as entered into between Oracle (acting in its own name and in the name and on behalf of the Oracle affiliates) and You (acting in Your own name and in the name and on behalf of Your affiliates).

  • Use of Personal Data By executing this Stock Agreement, Participant acknowledges and agrees to the collection, use, processing and transfer of certain personal data, including his or her name, salary, nationality, job title, position and details of all past Awards and current Awards outstanding under the Plan (“Data”), for the purpose of managing and administering the Plan. The Participant is not obliged to consent to such collection, use, processing and transfer of personal data, but a refusal to provide such consent may affect his or her ability to participate in the Plan. The Company, or its Subsidiaries, may transfer Data among themselves or to third parties as necessary for the purpose of implementation, administration and management of the Plan. These various recipients of Data may be located elsewhere throughout the world. The Participant authorizes these various recipients of Data to receive, possess, use, retain and transfer the Data, in electronic or other form, for the purposes of implementing, administering and managing the Plan. The Participant may, at any time, review Data with respect to the Participant and require any necessary amendments to such Data. The Participant may withdraw his or her consent to use Data herein by notifying the Company in writing; however, the Participant understands that by withdrawing his or her consent to use Data, the Participant may affect his or her ability to participate in the Plan.

  • Handling Sensitive Personal Information and Breach Notification A. As part of its contract with HHSC Contractor may receive or create sensitive personal information, as section 521.002 of the Business and Commerce Code defines that phrase. Contractor must use appropriate safeguards to protect this sensitive personal information. These safeguards must include maintaining the sensitive personal information in a form that is unusable, unreadable, or indecipherable to unauthorized persons. Contractor may consult the “Guidance to Render Unsecured Protected Health Information Unusable, Unreadable, or Indecipherable to Unauthorized Individuals” issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to determine ways to meet this standard. B. Contractor must notify HHSC of any confirmed or suspected unauthorized acquisition, access, use or disclosure of sensitive personal information related to this Contract, including any breach of system security, as section 521.053 of the Business and Commerce Code defines that phrase. Contractor must submit a written report to HHSC as soon as possible but no later than 10 business days after discovering the unauthorized acquisition, access, use or disclosure. The written report must identify everyone whose sensitive personal information has been or is reasonably believed to have been compromised. C. Contractor must either disclose the unauthorized acquisition, access, use or disclosure to everyone whose sensitive personal information has been or is reasonably believed to have been compromised or pay the expenses associated with HHSC doing the disclosure if: 1. Contractor experiences a breach of system security involving information owned by HHSC for which disclosure or notification is required under section 521.053 of the Business and Commerce Code; or 2. Contractor experiences a breach of unsecured protected health information, as 45 C.F.R. §164.402 defines that phrase, and HHSC becomes responsible for doing the notification required by 45 C.F.R. §164.404. HHSC may, at its discretion, waive Contractor's payment of expenses associated with HHSC doing the disclosure.

  • Processing of Customer Personal Data 3.1 UKG will: 3.1.1 comply with all applicable Data Protection Laws in the Processing of Customer Personal Data; and 3.1.2 not Process Customer Personal Data other than for the purpose, and in accordance with, the relevant Customer’s instructions as documented in the Agreement and this DPA, unless Processing is required by the Data Protection Laws to which the relevant UKG Processor is subject, in which case UKG to the extent permitted by the Data Protection Laws, will inform Customer of that legal requirement before the Processing of that Customer Personal Data. 3.2 Customer hereby: 3.2.1 instructs UKG (and authorizes UKG to instruct each Subprocessor) to: (a) Process Customer Personal Data; and (b) in particular, transfer Customer Personal Data to any country or territory subject to the provisions of this DPA, in each case as reasonably necessary for the provision of the Services and consistent with the Agreement. 3.2.2 warrants and represents that it is and will at all relevant times remain duly and effectively authorized to give the instructions set out in Section 3.2.1 on behalf of each relevant Customer Affiliate; and 3.2.3 warrants and represents that it has all necessary rights in relation to the Customer Personal Data and/or has collected all necessary consents from Data Subjects to Process Customer Personal Data to the extent required by Applicable Law. 3.3 Schedule 1 to this DPA sets out certain information regarding UKG’s Processing of Customer Personal Data as required by Article 28(3) of the GDPR (and equivalent requirements of other Data Protection Laws).

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