Submission of Grievances and Responses Sample Clauses
Submission of Grievances and Responses. All grievances and requests for arbitration must be submitted to the University’s chief human resources officer or designee, by fax, hard copy, and/or electronic mail, who will be responsible for distributing the grievance or request to the appropriate University representative for response. All University responses will be submitted to the Union’s Spokane business office by hard copy or fax.
Submission of Grievances and Responses. All grievances and demands for arbitration must be submitted to the College’s Vice President of Human Resources or designee by electronic mail, hard copy and/or fax. The Vice President of Human Resources will be responsible for distributing the grievance/demand to the appropriate College representative for response. All College responses will be submitted to the President of the Association by electronic mail, hard copy and/or fax.
Submission of Grievances and Responses. All grievances, responses and requests for arbitration must be submitted by hard copy, mail, and electronic mail to the Employer’s Human Resources Manager.
Submission of Grievances and Responses. 12.4.1 All grievances and requests for arbitration must be submitted to the University’s Human Resources Office, by fax, hard copy, or electronic mail. University responses will be submitted to the UFE’s business office by fax, hard copy, or electronic mail.
12.4.2 Grievances shall include the following:
(a) the specific term(s) of the Agreement allegedly violated, misinterpreted, or misapplied;
(b) a statement of the grievance; and
(c) the remedy sought.
Submission of Grievances and Responses. All grievances, responses, and requests for arbitration shall be submitted by electronic mail.
Submission of Grievances and Responses. All grievances and demands for arbitration must be submitted to the City’s Human Resources Director or designee by electronic mail, hard copy and/or fax. The City’s Human Resources Director will be responsible for distributing the grievance/demand to the appropriate City representative for response. All City responses will be submitted to the chair of the Joint Labor Committee by electronic mail, hard copy and/or fax.
Submission of Grievances and Responses. All grievances and requests for arbitration must be submitted to the University’s Seattle Human Resources office, by hard copy or electronic mail. University responses will be submitted to the Union’s business office by hard copy or electronic mail, with copies to the Union xxxxxxx and grievant (if applicable). Unless mutually agreed, grievances alleging multiple contract violations that do not arise out of a nucleus of common facts must be submitted, and will be processed, separately. Grievances shall include the following:
a. the specific provision(s) of the Agreement allegedly violated, misinterpreted, or misapplied;
b. a statement of the facts upon which the grievance is based, including the date on which the alleged grievance occurred; and
c. the remedy sought. Unless mutually agreed, no new issues may be added to a grievance once it has been submitted at Step 1. The University and the Union shall supply each other with requested information reasonably needed to facilitate the processing of the grievance. Meetings to discuss any grievance shall be scheduled at mutually convenient times.
a. Step
1. The Union shall submit the grievance within thirty (30) calendar days of the day the faculty member(s) or the Union knew or reasonably should have known of the event(s) giving rise to the grievance. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the Associate Xxxxxxx or designee will meet in person or by telephone with a union xxxxxxx and/or staff representative and the grievant. The date of the meeting will be mutually agreed upon within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the grievance and when possible the meeting will take place within the aforementioned fourteen (14) calendar days. The format (face-to-face or by telephone) for the meeting will be set by mutual agreement. The Associate Xxxxxxx or designee will respond to the grievance in writing within seven (7) calendar days after the meeting.
b. Step 2. Should Step 1 fail to resolve the grievance, within fourteen (14) calendar days following receipt of the Step 1 response, Union may advance the written grievance to the CAO (or equivalent) for their consideration. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the CAO or designee will meet in person or by telephone with a union xxxxxxx and/or staff representative and the grievant. The date of the meeting will be mutually agreed upon within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the grievance and when possible the meeting will take place within the aforementi...
Submission of Grievances and Responses. 3.5.1 All grievances and requests for arbitration must be submitted to the University’s Human Resources Office and may be sent to relevant supervisor(s), by hard copy or
3.5.2 Unless mutually agreed, multiple grievances arising out of unrelated events must be submitted, and will be processed, separately.
3.5.3 Grievances shall include the following:
A. the specific provision(s) of the Agreement allegedly violated, misinterpreted, or misapplied;
B. a statement of the facts upon which the grievance is based, including the date on which the alleged grievance occurred; and
C. the remedy sought.
Submission of Grievances and Responses. Section 20.4.1 All grievances and requests for arbitration must be submitted to the Employer’s Human Resources Office, by hard copy, or electronic mail. Employer responses will be
1. the specific term(s) of the Agreement allegedly violated, misinterpreted, or misapplied;
2. the date on which the alleged grievance occurred; and
3. the remedy sought.
Submission of Grievances and Responses