1. Submit all documents identified below by the due dates specified by the System Agency. Grantee will submit documents to the assigned contract manager and designated substance abuse mailbox, XxxxxxxxxXxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx, unless otherwise noted. Xxxxxxx’s duty to submit required documents will survive the termination or expiration of this Contract. Report Form Due Date* Program Staffing Form By the 30th day after the Contract start date. Within 10 business days of a revision. Copy of CPS, APS, and/or ACPS certifications of any supervisory employees and any other employees having a current certification/designation By the 30th day after the Contract start date, and within 10 days of any new certifications or renewals. CMBHS Security Attestation Form and Listing of Authorized Users September 15th and March 15th Curriculum Implementation Plan (CIP) – Fall Semester By the 30th day after the Contract start date. CIP – Spring Semester January 31 CIP –Summer Term May 31 Financial Status Reports (FSRs) Last business day of the month following the end of each quarter of the fiscal term. *Last FSR is due 45 days after the end of this fiscal term. Performance Measures 15th of each month following the month being reported. Submit into the CMBHS reporting system. Curriculum Outcome Measures Reports Due within 20 calendar days after the curriculum cycle has been completed. Submit into the CMBHS reporting system each individual curriculum cycle and the associated outcomes. Closeout Documents – Annual Report 45 days after the end of the fiscal term.
2. Xxxxxxx’s duty to submit required documents will survive the termination or expiration of this Contract.
3. In regions 8, 9, 10, and 11, document the number of participants receiving services who are residents of a Colonia (an unincorporated community within 62 miles of the international border), which will be reported along with the monthly performance measures submitted into the CMBHS system.
4. Comply with the System Agency’s definition of completion rate as follows: Completion rate is the number of youth who complete the curriculum cycle being reported (the number of youth that attend the required number of curriculum sessions) divided by the number of youth who were enrolled per group cycle. Grantee will achieve an 80% completion rate per curriculum cycle.
5. Provide per request for the System Agency information that supports performance measures, required reports, information or data relate...
SUBMISSION SCHEDULE AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. 1. Grantee will submit all documents identified below to the designated substance abuse mailbox (XxxxxxxxxXxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx), unless otherwise noted, by the due dates specified by System Agency.
2. Xxxxxxx’s duty to submit required documents will survive the termination or expiration of this Contract. Report Name Due Date* Financial Status Report (FSR) Last business day of the month following the end of each state fiscal quarter of the Contract term. ** Final FSR due within 45 days after the end of this Contract term. Performance Measures Due 15th day of the following month Security Attestation Form and List of Authorized Users • FY2019-within 15 days of contract execution • FY2020-September 15 & March 15 RSS TTOR Monthly Activities Report Due 15th day of the following month Closeout documents Annually, 45 days after the end of the Contract term * If the Due Date is on a weekend or holiday, the Due Date is the next business day.
SUBMISSION SCHEDULE AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. X. Xxxxxxx will submit all documents identified below to the System Agency by the applicable due date outlined below. The following reports must be submitted to System Agency through CMBHS, an alternate System Agency submission system, or emailed to the SUD Mailbox, The reporting table documents the required submission system.
B. All reports required to be submitted via email to the SUD Mailbox require the following:
1. The assigned Contract Manager is copied on all emails to System Agency.
2. The email subject line required naming convention is as follows:
C. All reporting communications should include Xxxxxxx’s Contract Number, legal entity name, and purpose in the email subject line.
X. Xxxxxxx will submit CMBHS Security Attestation Form biannually, according to dates set by the System Agency.
X. Xxxxxxx will submit the Behavioral Health Disparities Impact Statement within 60 days of Contract execution and annually within 60 days of each new FY.
X. Xxxxxxx will submit Performance Measures in CMBHS by the 15th day of the month following the month being reported.
X. Xxxxxxx will submit a Quarterly Narrative by the 15th of the month following the end of each quarter.
X. Xxxxxxx will submit a Quality Management Quarterly Report by the 15th of the month following the end of each quarter.
X. Xxxxxxx will submit FY closeout documents by October 15th. The final closeout after Contract ends and/or terminated is due to System Agency within 45 days after the date the Contract ends.
J. Comply with Xxxxxxx’s duty to submit required documents that survives the termination or expiration of this Contract.
K. Comply when System Agency may require additional deliverable in accordance with federal and/or state requirements.
L. The Reporting Requirements are listed below: Requirement Report Name Due Date* Transmission Method
SUBMISSION SCHEDULE AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. A. Grantee will submit all documents identified below to the System Agency by the applicable due date outlined below. The following reports below must be submitted to System Agency through Clinical Management For Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) and/or any alternative method required by System Agency. Grantee is required to maintain access to required systems or platforms for the term of this Grant Agreement.
B. If the due date is on a weekend or a holiday, the due date is the following business day.
C. All reporting communications should include Xxxxxxx’s Contract Number, legal entity name, and purpose in the email subject line.
D. Grantee will submit CMBHS Security Attestation Form biannually, according to dates set by the System Agency.
E. Grantee shall respond to System Agency requests and provide information and/or data meeting federal and state legislative requirements as requested and within the timelines specified.
F. Grantee will comply when System Agency may require additional deliverables that do not constitute an additional cost in excess of the existing funding, to comply with federal and/or state mandates. System Agency will provide written notice to the Grantee as soon as practicable but no later than ten (10) business days prior to the effective date of additional deliverables.
G. Submission requirements will survive the termination or expiration of the contract.
H. The reports to submit each fiscal year are as follows: Requirement Deliverable Due Date Submission System Deliverable Naming Convention Section V (H) Sustainability Plan Each FY October 15th CMBHS FY2X Sustainability Plan Section V (K) and (L) Media Evaluation Plans for the Opioid Misuse Public Awareness Campaign and PMP Campaign Each FY September 15th CMBHS FY2X Media Evaluation Plans Section V (O) Annual Report Each FY September 15th CMBHS FY2X Annual Report Attachment B CloseOut Each FY October 15th CMBHS FY2X Close Out Section VII CMBHS Security Attestation Each FY September 15th and March 15th CMBHS FY2X Sept CMBHS Attestation Form FY2X Mar CMBHS Attestation Form Each FY Section V (J) Quality Management Activities Report Q1: December 15th Q2: March 15th Q3: June 15th Q4: September 15th CMBHS FY2X QX QM Monitoring Activity Report Each FY Attachment B Financial Status Reports (FSRs) Q1: December 31st Q2: March 31st Q3: June 30th Q4: September 30th CMBHS FY2X QX FSR Each FY Attachment B General Ledger Q1: December 31st Q2: March 31st Q3: June 30th Q4: September 30th CMBHS FY...
a. Submit all documents identified below by the dates specified by the System Agency.
b. System Agency-approved required forms/templates are located at xxxx://, unless otherwise noted.
c. Xxxxxxx will submit documents to the assigned contract manager and designated substance abuse mailbox XxxxxxxxxXxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx, unless otherwise noted.
d. Xxxxxxx’s duty to submit required documents will survive the termination or expiration of this Contract.
e. Provide per request of the System Agency information and data that supports performance measures, required reports, information or data related to the scope of work of the Grantee solicitation document approved by the System Agency. . Report Name Due Date* Program Staffing Form September 30 Copy of current CPS, ACPS, or APS certifications/designations of the Prevention Program Director and all certified/designated prevention staff along with the Program Staffing Form September 30 CMBHS Security Attestation Form and Listing of Authorized Users September 15th and March 15th PRC Implementation Plan October 15 PRC Mid-Year Report March 31st Regional Needs Assessment July 30 Post Regional Needs Assessment to website and submit email August 31 PRC Final Report September 15th Performance Measures 15th of each month following the month being reported. Submit into the CMBHS reporting system. Financial Status Reports (FSRs) Last business day of the month following the end of each quarter of the fiscal term. *FSR due is due 45 days after the end of this fiscal term. Closeout Documents – Annual Report 45 days after the end of this fiscal term.
SUBMISSION SCHEDULE AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. A. Contractor shall submit all reports, invoices, and supporting documents to the HHSC XxxxxxxxxXxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx mailbox. Copies of those items also shall be submitted electronically to the HHSC Contract Representative at the email address provided in Attachment A[Supp]-1(H).
B. All other communication regarding the Contract shall be directed to HHSC via the XxxxxxxxxXxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.
SUBMISSION SCHEDULE AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. The Security Administrators must fully understand the legal, organizational, professional, and service delivery consequences of making changes to various documents in CMBHS. Security Administrators will verify that they have been provided training and have the competency needed to fulfill their responsibilities.
SUBMISSION SCHEDULE AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. 1. Grantee will submit all documents identified below to the designated substance abuse mailbox (XxxxxxxxxXxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx), unless otherwise noted, by the due dates specified by System Agency.
2. Xxxxxxx’s duty to submit required documents will survive the termination or expiration of this Contract. Report Name Due Date Financial Status Report (FSR) Last business day of the month following the end of each quarter of the Contract term. * Final FSR due within 45 days after the end of this fiscal term. Performance Measures Due 15th day of the following month Security Attestation Form and List of Authorized Users Within 15 days of contract execution and March 15th Closeout documents 45 days after the end of this fiscal term. Grantee Shall:
1. Designate a Security Administrator and a back-up Security Administrator. The Security Administrator is required to implement and maintain a system for management of user accounts/user roles to ensure that all the CMBHS user accounts are current.
2. Establish and maintain a security policy that ensures adequate system security and protection of confidential information.
3. Notify the CMBHS Help-desk within ten (10) business days of any change to the designated Security Administrator or the back-up Security Administrator.
4. Ensure that access to CMBHS is restricted to only authorized users. Performing Agency shall, within 24 hours, remove access to users who are no longer authorized to have access to secure data.
5. In addition to CMBHS Helpdesk notification, Performing Agency shall submit a signed CMBHS Security Attestation Form and a list of Performing agency’s employees, contracted laborers and subcontractors authorized to have access to secure data. The CMBHS Security Attestation Form shall be submitted electronically within fifteen (15) days of contract execution, and March 15 to the designated Substance Abuse mailbox (XxxxxxxxxXxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx).
SUBMISSION SCHEDULE AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. X. Xxxxxxx shall submit required reports of monitoring activities to System Agency by the applicable due date outlined below. The following reports must be submitted to System Agency to GlobalScape EFT (xxxxx:// or by CMBHS by the required due date and report name described in Table 1: Submission Requirements:
1. Grantee shall submit all documents listed in the table displayed in this section by the Due Date stated.
2. Grantee shall note that if the due date is on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the following business day.
3. Grantee shall submit a Financial Status Report (FSR), quarterly in CMBHS. FSR are due the last business day of the month following the end of each quarter.
4. Grantee shall submit monthly invoices in Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) by the 15th of the following month.
5. Grantee shall submit annual Contract Closeout documentation, this is required each fiscal year, and a final contract closeout will be due October 15.
6. Grantee shall submit a CMBHS Security Attestation Form, the form shall be submitted electronically on or before September 15th and March 15th to the to the designated folder in GlobalScape EFT.
7. Grantee shall report the performance measures for the previous month’s activities in CMBHS by the 15th of the current month.
8. Xxxxxxx’s duty to submit documents will survive the termination or expiration of this Contract.
B. System Agency will monitor Xxxxxxx’s performance of the requirements in this Attachment and compliance with the Contract’s terms and conditions.
SUBMISSION SCHEDULE AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. A. Grantee will submit all documents identified below to the System Agency by the applicable due date outlined below. The following reports must be submitted to System Agency through CMBHS, an alternate System Agency submission system, or emailed to the SUD Mailbox, The reporting table documents the required submission system.
B. Grantee will submit all reports required to be submitted via email to the SUD Mailbox require the following:
1. The assigned CM is copied on all emails to System Agency.
2. The email subject line required naming convention is as follows:
C. All communications excluding deliverable submission will include Xxxxxxx’s Contract Number, legal entity name, and purpose in the email subject line.
D. Grantee will submit CMBHS Security Attestation Form biannually, according to dates set by the System Agency.
E. Grantee will submit Performance Measures in CMBHS by the 15th day of the month following the month being reported.
F. Grantee will submit Behavioral Health Disparities Impact Statement within sixty (60) days of Contract effective date and annually within sixty (60) days of each new FY.
G. Grantee will submit an updated Regional Service Directory by December 15 and June 15 each year of the Contract term.
H. Grantee will submit Quarterly Narrative Report due the 15th of the month following the end of each quarter.
I. Grantee will submit Quality Management Quarterly Report due the last business day of the month following the end of each FY quarter of the Contract.
J. Grantee will submit FY closeout documents by October 15th. The final Contract closeout will be submitted 45 days after the Contract end date or termination. Attachment A Narrative Report Each State FY; Quarterly: Q 1: December 15th Q 2: March 15th Q 3: June 15th Q 4: September 15th SUD Mailbox: Attachment A Quality Management Quarterly Report Each State FY; Quarterly: Q 1: December 15th Q 2: March 15th Q 3: June 15th Q 4: September 15th SUD Mailbox: Attachment A Closeout documents, per State FY of Agreement Each State FY: October 15th SUD Mailbox: Attachment A Final Close-out @ Contract end date or termination Each State FY: 45 days after the Contract end date or termination SUD Mailbox: **For the Financial Status Report, General Ledger Documentation, and FSR to GL Worksheet, the documentation is due on October 15th for Q4.