Summons Sample Clauses
Summons. The summons must be in the same form as a warrant except that it must re- quire the defendant to appear before the court at a stated time and place.
Summons. Leave with pay shall be granted to satisfy the requirements of a legal summons when connected to a job related matter. The unit member shall notify the principal in advance of such absence. Full pay shall be allowed except where the unit member is found guilty of a criminal offense.
Summons. The summons shall be in the same form as the warrant except that it shall summon the defendant to appear before a mag- istrate 1 at a stated time and place.
Summons. 6.6.1 EK Services will issue a Summons where a customer has not made payment in accordance with the previous notices issued.
6.6.2 EK Services will make application for a summons to be issued by applying to the appropriate Magistrate’s Court requesting that the customer liable for Council Tax or Business Rates appears before the court to show why they have not paid the sum(s) outstanding.
6.6.3 A summons will be issued at least 14 days before the court hearing date and state the full amount outstanding (including additional costs incurred), the time and the place the customer is required to attend Court.
6.6.4 All summonses will be issued with a leaflet which specifically identifies the areas of disputes that can be heard in a Magistrates Court. Magistrates are unable to discuss arrangements for payment and EK Services will actively encourage customers to contact us immediately to discuss a reasonable arrangement for payment.
6.6.5 When a customer has agreed an arrangement for payment with EK Services, there will be no requirement to attend Court unless the customer wishes to do so.
6.6.6 The costs charged to the customer by EK Services for a Summons, are made up of both EK Services administration costs and court costs. EK Services have to make payment to the Court for the issue of a Summons and therefore, only in exceptional circumstances will summons costs be removed or a summons withdrawn.
6.6.7 The normal service of a summons will be by first class post and in accordance with the regulations.
Summons. Two hours' wages will be is paid if an employee who is specially summoned arrives during ordinary working hours and does not have to work anyway. If the employee is required to wait, hourly wages will be paid from the beginning of the waiting period until the work is started or it becomes clear that the person in question is not required to work anyway. If, after a special summons, an employee arrives on a Sunday or public holiday or at other times outside of ordinary daytime hours, the employee shall be paid for at least 3 hours, calculated according to the stipulated hourly payment that applies until 21:00.
Summons. Where an employee is summoned as a witness in a court proceeding or as a witness on behalf of the Company, the pay provisions as in Article 19.02 shall apply.
Summons. The summons must be in the same form as a warrant except that it must re- TITLE 18, APPENDIX—RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Page 44 quire the defendant to appear before the court at a stated time and place.
Summons. The summons of the General Meetings shall be made in writing and sent to each partner at the address provided for such purpose, including the place, day and time of the meeting, as well as the agenda with a concrete statement of the matters to be discussed. A minimum of fifteen days should be provided between the summons and the day established for the Meeting on first call. The date and time when of Meetings on second call shall also be recorded, and the term between both meetings shall not be less than one hour.
Summons. Axtel and Telmex hereby irrevocably agree that they may only be summoned for any action or procedure associated to this Agreement in the conventional domicile stated herein.
Summons. Summons will be queued up as violations meet the criteria for summons processing. As court dockets will allow, associates will select summons to be escalated to court and will generate summons documents. One summons will be generated for each violation record. Once a summons has been generated, the Service Center will no longer be able to post a payment or process a dispute. Summons amounts will include: civil penalty admin fee, toll, and any other charges. At the hearing the judge will also apply court charges. Rules governing civil penalties are as follows: • 1st offence $50 civil penalty • 2nd offence $150 civil penalty • 3rd offence $250 civil penalty • 4th offence $500 civil penalty