SUPERANNUATION FUND CONTRIBUTIONS. Subject to the provisions of the Industrial Relations Xxx 0000, a council shall make superannuation contributions to the Local Government Superannuation Scheme and not to any other superannuation fund.
10.1 Council will contribute the minimum amount required under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) to a complying fund of the employee’s choice except as otherwise noted.
10.2 Should an employee fail to advise Council of an approved fund of the employee’s choice, Council will contribute the minimum amount required to the Local Government Superannuation Scheme applicable to the employee concerned. Information on the fund is available on request to Council. An employee may, on written request to the employer, sacrifice all or part of their salary into superannuation in line with Australian Taxation Office provisions and Council’s salary sacrifice arrangements. Council will continue to pay an amount equal to 10% of the grossed up salary to superannuation in these circumstances,or other amount as determined by legislation from time to time.
10.3 Subject to this clause, eligible employees may, with the consent of the employer, cash out some or all of their Excess LSL into their respective superannuation fund.
10.4 Any Excess LSL cashed out in accordance with this clause shall be paid to the employee at the employee’s ordinary pay. For example, after 10 years of service the agreement provides 13 weeks long service leave whereas the act provides eight weeks. The excess long service leave that an employee can cash out would be five weeks or any part thereof.
10.5 Eligible employees who have Excess LSL cashed out under this clause must enter into a salary sacrifice arrangement for the equivalent amount to be paid into the superannuation fund as ordinary time earnings, unless the employee has reached their concessional contribution cap.
10.6 Notwithstanding sub-clause 8.8 of the Agreement, any salary sacrifice arrangement made under this clause shall not be treated as an approved benefit for superannuation purposes.
SUPERANNUATION FUND CONTRIBUTIONS. 8.1 Council will contribute the minimum amount required under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) to a complying fund of the employee’s choice.
8.2 Should an employee fail to advise Council of an approved fund of the employee’s choice, we will contribute the minimum amount required to the Local Government Superannuation Scheme applicable to the employee concerned. Information on the fund is available on request to Council.
8.3 An Employee may, on written request to the employer, sacrifice all or part of their salary into superannuation in line with Australian Taxation Office provisions and Council’s salary sacrifice arrangements. Council will continue to pay an amount equal to 9% of the grossed up salary to superannuation in these circumstances.
SUPERANNUATION FUND CONTRIBUTIONS. (a) Subject to the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW), Council shall make superannuation contributions to any complying Australian superannuation fund nominated by the employee.
i. A complying super fund is one that receives concessional tax treatment from the Australian Taxation Office and is regulated under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth).
(b) Unless an alternate complying superannuation fund is nominated by the employee, the default fund shall be the Local Government Superannuation Scheme.
(c) Employer superannuation contributions are based upon the employee’s ordinary pay as defined in Clause 9 (iv) and at the rates provided in the table below: First Pay Period 1/7/2018 First Pay Period 1/7/2019 First Pay Period 1/7/2020 Total 12% 12% 12%
SUPERANNUATION FUND CONTRIBUTIONS. Subject to the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act 1996, Council shall make superannuation contributions to the Local Government Superannuation Scheme and not to any other superannuation fund. Compulsory employer superannuation guarantee contributions for Landfill and Weighbridge Attendants shall be based on a fixed thirty-six (36) standard hours per week basis only, and be inclusive of the Kimbriki 10% loading. Compulsory employer superannuation guarantee contributions for Works Co- ordinators shall be based on a fixed thirty-eight (38) standard hours per week basis only, and be inclusive of the Kimbriki 10% loading.
19.1 Subject to the provisions of the relevant legislation, KEE will make superannuation contributions to Active Super or to any other superannuation fund of the employee’s choice in accordance with the relevant legislation.
19.2 Compulsory employer superannuation guarantee contributions for Centre Attendants will be based on hours worked up to 76 hours per fortnight.
19.3 Compulsory employer superannuation guarantee contributions for Works Coordinators will be based on a fixed thirty-eight (38) standard hours per week basis.
SUPERANNUATION FUND CONTRIBUTIONS a) Subject to the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW), the employer shall make superannuation contributions to the Local Government Superannuation Scheme and not to any other superannuation fund.
SUPERANNUATION FUND CONTRIBUTIONS. Subject to the provisions of the Industrial Relations Xxx 0000, the Service shall make superannuation contributions to a complying Superannuation Scheme.
SUPERANNUATION FUND CONTRIBUTIONS. Subject to the provisions of the relevant legislation, KEE will make superannuation contributions to the Local Government Superannuation Scheme or to any other superannuation fund of the employee’s choice in accordance with the relevant legislation.
SUPERANNUATION FUND CONTRIBUTIONS. Subject to the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW), Council shall make Superannuation Contributions to any complying superannuation fund nominated by the employee.