SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT a. If Developer fails to materially comply with any of the provisions, requirements, conditions, standards or other terms of this Agreement, County may utilize the remedies for noncompliance available under 2 CFR § 200.338. This Agreement may also be terminated in whole or in part, subject to the provisions of 2 CFR § 200.339, as applicable.
SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Upon sixty (60) days written notice, either party may suspend or terminate this Agreement without cause. The source agency may suspend or terminate the Agreement immediately for cause under any of the following circumstances: Use of information provided under this Agreement for an unauthorized purpose, as outlined in Article III; Failure to comply with the requirements for receiving information as outlined in Article IV; Failure to protect the confidentiality of information or to protect such information against unauthorized access or disclosure as outlined under Article V; Unauthorized sharing of information under this Agreement with third parties, vendors, contractors, or subcontractors as outlined in Article VII: Failure to obtain approval to release reports or files and provide copies of such reports or files as outlined in Article VIII; Access to data or information in a manner or by staff not authorized to receive data or information as outlined in Appendix B. The termination or suspension of the Agreement shall be effective immediately upon notification of the recipient agency. The source agency shall provide a written explanation of the termination or suspension within thirty (30) days after the notification to the recipient agency. The recipient agency shall cooperate with the source agency in investigations of individual staff violations and shall take appropriate actions against staff who commit violations of this Agreement. Any suspension of this Agreement shall remain in effect until the source agency is satisfied that the recipient agency is in compliance with the terms of the Agreement. The source agency may also suspend or terminate the access of individual recipient agency staff to data under this Agreement without suspending or terminating the overall Agreement. The penalties under state and federal law for violations of confidentiality requirements pertaining to Confidential Information or PII may apply to the recipient agency or individual recipient agency staff regardless of actions taken by the source agency to suspend or terminate the Agreement. Suspension or termination of the Agreement shall not preclude the source agency from seeking prosecution of individuals or other imposition of penalties on the recipient agency for confidentiality violations as provided under state or federal law. The confidentiality and disclosure requirements of this Agreement survive the termination, for whatever reason, of the Agreement itself, subject to...
SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 9.1. This agreement is incorporated as part of your conditions of employment or appointment by us. The terms of this agreement will apply for the duration of such employment or appointment, or until either party terminates this agreement in writing. 9.2. If your employment or appointment by us is terminated, this agreement will automatically be terminated. 9.3. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate this agreement, by deactivating your user account, without prior notification, in the event of any of the following – 8.2.1. you breach the terms of this agreement, 8.2.2. we are required to do so to comply with a legal requirement, or 8.2.3. your conduct compromises the rights or interests of any person. 9.4. We will provide you with advance notice before taking action as noted above, describe the reason for our action, and give you an opportunity to fix the problem, unless we reasonably believe that doing so would – 8.3.1. cause harm or liability to any person; 8.3.2. violate a law or a legal enforcement requirement; 8.3.3. compromise an investigation; or 8.3.4. compromise the operation, security, availability, or integrity of our ICT systems. 9.5. Upon termination of this agreement, the company data associated with your user account will be retained by us, as described in our data retention standard. 9.6. Upon termination of this agreement, we may require certified proof of the forensic destruction of company data, as described under clause 4.3.
SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. A. Upon 45 days written notice to the other party to this agreement, any party may suspend or terminate this agreement without cause. B. Notwithstanding the term specified in Article III, the DOSC may suspend this agreement immediately after notification to the agency agreement coordinator, if Act 270 user or individual under the responsibility of an Act 270 user does any of the following: 1. Uses information provided under this agreement for a purpose not allowed by this agreement; 2. Fails to protect the confidentiality of the information provided; or 3. Fails to protect such information against unauthorized access or disclosure. C. Any suspension of this agreement for any one or more of the reasons specified above shall remain in effect until the Act 270 user comes into compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, as determined by all parties, or until a new agreement between the parties is reached. D. The confidentiality and disclosure requirements of this agreement survive the suspension or termination of this agreement, subject to applicable state and federal laws, regulations and policies.
SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 12.1. We may from time to time without notice suspend the Service or disconnect or deny your access to the Service: 12. 1.1. during any technical failure, modification or maintenance involved in the Service provided that we will use reasonable endeavours to procure the resumption of the Services as soon as reasonably practicable; or 12. 1.2. if you fail to comply with any provision in this agreement (including failure to pay charges due), or do, or allow to be done, anything which in our opinion may have the effect of jeopardising the operation of the Service, until the breach (if capable of remedy) is remedied.
SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. We may suspend or terminate this agreement in whole or in part for any reason or no reason without notice or liability to you, including in connection with the termination of the ZOO Gift Card program. If we terminate this agreement without cause, we will refund or issue credits equal to the balance held in your ZOO Gift Card account.
SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Upon 60 (sixty) days written notice, either party may suspend or terminate this agreement without cause. The source agency may suspend or terminate the agreement immediately for cause under any of the following circumstances: A. Use of information provided under this agreement for an unauthorized purpose, as outlined in Article III; B. Failure to comply with the requirements for sharing information as outlined in Article IV; X. Xxxxxxx to make reimbursement for the cost of information as outlined in Article V; X. Xxxxxxx to protect the confidentiality of information or to protect such information against unauthorized access or disclosure as outlined under Article VI; X. Xxxxxxxxxxxx use of information under this agreement by third parties or vendors as outlined in Article VIII: F. Failure to obtain approval to release reports or files and provide copies of such reports or files as outlined in Article IX; G. Access to data or information in a manner or by staff not authorized to receive data or information as outlined in Appendix B. The termination or suspension of the agreement shall be effective immediately upon notification of the recipient agency. The source agency shall provide a written explanation of the termination or suspension within 30 (thirty) days after the notification to the recipient agency. The recipient agency shall cooperate with the source agency in investigations of individual staff violations and shall take appropriate actions against staff who commit violations of this agreement. Any suspension of this agreement shall remain in effect until the source agency is satisfied that the recipient agency is in compliance with the terms of the agreement. The source agency may also suspend or terminate the access of individual recipient agency staff to data under this agreement without suspending or terminating the overall agreement. The penalties under state and federal law for violations of confidentiality requirements pertaining to individually identifiable information may apply to the recipient agency or individual recipient agency staff regardless of actions taken by the source agency to suspend or terminate the agreement. Suspension or termination of the agreement shall not preclude the source agency from seeking prosecution of individuals or other imposition of penalties on the recipient agency for confidentiality violations as provided under state or federal law. The confidentiality and disclosure requirements of this agreement survive ...
SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT a. Either party may suspend this Agreement for a fixed period of time or indefinitely in the event that any Force Majeure affects their need for the Services or their ability to perform the Services, provided that upon any such suspension the parties shall promptly consult in good faith with the aim of overcoming and/or mitigating the impact of the Force Majeure in a mutually acceptable manner. b. The Production Company may terminate this Agreement by notice in writing if: i. Company is in default under this Agreement and fails to remedy such default within 48 hours of receipt of notice from the Production Company requiring the default to be remedied; ii. Company goes into liquidation, bankruptcy or receivership or has a receiver, trustee, administrator or statutory manager appointed over any or all of its assets; or iii. an event of Force Majeure continues for more than 42 days; c. On termination of this Agreement: i. the Production Company may enter into other agreements for the provision of the Services; ii. the Production Company will be entitled to retain all rights granted to it under this Agreement; iii. the details of Quote including amount of Fees for services may not be disclosed to other Companies or parties for the purpose of entering into a new agreement; iv. the Production Company will only be liable to pay the portion of the Fee based on specific Services already rendered before the date of termination and no further compensation shall be payable; and v. Company will promptly provide to the Production Company all documents and other materials relating to the Production in Company’s possession or control. vi. The termination of this Agreement will be without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the parties immediately before termination.
SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. The Contractor shall retain reporting-related records and provide access to the records for the time period specified in 45 CFR Part 74, Subpart D, or 45 CFR 92.42. Financial and programmatic records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records of the Contractor or subcontractor that are required by the terms of this Agreement or a subcontract, or may reasonably be considered pertinent to this Agreement or subcontract must be retained.
SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. If the Grantee fails to comply with the conditions of this Agreement, the PCHTF may, after reasonable notice to the Grantee, suspend the Agreement and withhold further disbursement of grant proceeds or prohibit the Grantee from incurring additional obligations to be paid from grant funds pending corrective action by the Grantee or a decision by the Polk County Housing Trust Fund to terminate this Agreement. The PCHTF may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part, at any time, whenever it has determined that the Grantee has failed to comply with the conditions of this Agreement. The Administrator shall notify the Grantee of said determination and the reasons thereof, together with the effective date of the termination. Further, any costs previously paid from grant proceeds, which are subsequently determined to be unallowable through audit or other procedures, shall be returned to the PCHTF within thirty (30) days of such determination and subsequent notice. Either party may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part when they agree that the continuation of the grant project would fail to produce beneficial results commensurate with the expenditure of funds.