Project Coordination and Meetings. The purpose of this task is to provide coordination and direction to the project team and subconsultants. The approach to project coordination is to host project meetings with key project team members and representatives from the City. These meetings shall have specific agendas addressing and resolving project issues as they are encountered. The following meetings are anticipated: Bi-weekly project team coordination meetings held with the City Public Outreach kickoff meeting Formal design review meetings conducted at the completion of the major milestones. Internal design team meetings Internal team coordination meetings will occur bi-weekly by conference call and be one hour in length. Up to six (6) consultant team members will be in attendance. Project management team meetings will occur twice a month, be two hours in length and occur in Bend. Up to two (2) consultant team members will be in attendance. Design review meetings will take place in person and in Bend. The meetings will be two (2) hours and up to five (5) consultant team members will be in attendance. Design review meetings will be combined with Project Management team meetings when possible.
Project Coordination and Meetings. The purpose of this task is to provide coordination and direction to the project team and subconsultants. The approach to project coordination is to hold project meetings with key project team members and representatives from the City. These meetings will have specific agendas addressing and resolving project issues as they are encountered. The following meetings are included: Project kick off meeting Monthly project team coordination meetings held with the City Bi-weekly project team meetings (Internal to Consultant) Bi-weekly team meetings will be held via teleconference, for 1 hour and include up to four (4) consultant staff. Project kickoff meeting will be held in Bend, for two (2) hours and include up to two (2) consultant staff. Monthly project team meetings with City will occur in Bend, for up to two (2) hours and include up to two (2) consultant staff.
Project Coordination and Meetings. 2.2.1 Stantec will coordinate and attend up to four (4) project meetings with the City Manager, Planning Department, Public Works Department and other City staff. March 1, 2017
2.2.2 Stantec will conduct a public workshop within the Study area with interested citizens after the Finding of Necessity Analysis has been conducted.
Project Coordination and Meetings. The purpose of this task is to provide coordination and direction to the project team and subconsultants and representatives of the City to review progress of design development, understand potential impacts to delivery schedule, anticipate changes in design and schedule that impact cost. Consultant shall facilitate the following meetings: • Project kick-off meeting • Weekly PM check-in meetings • Bi-weekly consultant team meetings. Assumptions: • Project Kick Off Meeting will be in person in Bend. Assumed to be two (2) hours in length, with up to six (6) consultant staff members in attendance. • Weekly PM meetings will be held virtually, 30 minutes in length and up to two (2) consultant staff members will be in attendance. • Bi-weekly (every two weeks) team meetings will be held virtually, one (1) hour in length with up to six (6) consultants in attendance.
Project Coordination and Meetings. MPO Work Sessions Consultant Team
Project Coordination and Meetings. The purpose of this task is to provide coordination and direction to the project team and subconsultants. The approach to project coordination is to host project meetings with key project team members and representatives from the City. These meetings shall have a specific purpose to address and resolve issues as they are encountered. The following meetings are anticipated: ▪ Project management coordination meetings held with the City, biweekly through 30% design and monthly through final design. ▪ Internal design team meetings, biweekly for duration of project. ▪ For budgeting purposes, it is assumed that project management coordination meetings will occur biweekly for the first five (5) months, then monthly for the final nine (9), be one hour in length and occur in Bend. Up to two (2) Contractor team members will be in attendance. ▪ Internal team coordination meetings will occur biweekly by conference call and be
Project Coordination and Meetings. Conference Calls Task 2.1
Project Coordination and Meetings. The purpose of this task is to provide coordination and direction to the project team and subconsultants and representatives of the City to review progress of design development, understand potential impacts to delivery schedule, anticipate changes in design and schedule that impact cost. Consultant shall facilitate the following meetings: • Weekly PM check-in meetings • Bi-weekly consultant team meetings. Assumptions: • Weekly PM meetings will be held virtually, 30 minutes in length and up to two (2) consultant staff members will be in attendance. • Bi-weekly (every two weeks) team meetings will be held virtually, one (1) hour in length with up to six (6) consultants in attendance.
Project Coordination and Meetings. Engineer will coordinate with the project team, contractor, and City throughout the project related to schedule, budget, and status updates. Monthly coordination meetings are anticipated. Meeting minutes will be prepared for project coordination meetings and distributed to attendees. Monthly progress reports will be prepared and submitted with monthly invoices to document project progress. Engineer shall attend a preconstruction meeting to facilitate understanding of the contract requirements by all parties involved. The meeting will be conducted by the Engineer. Meeting minutes will be prepared by the Engineer. Engineer shall attend on-site bi-monthly (twice per month) construction progress meetings. Engineer shall prepare agenda and meeting notes. This is based on an estimated construction schedule of 14 months. Engineer shall attend special on-site meetings (not conducted on the same day as the regularly scheduled meetings) at the request of the City to discuss and assist in resolving construction issues. The intent of these meetings is to expedite the submittal review process and resolve contract change orders and requests for information. Fifteen (15) additional meetings have been assumed for this task. • Monthly progress reports with invoices • Meeting minutes Engineer shall prepare written responses to the Contractor’s written questions and concerns that arise during construction through the RFI process. Engineer shall provide clarification or direction to the Contractor through written responses to these requests for information. This task is estimated to include fifty (50) RFIs.
Project Coordination and Meetings. This Scope of Services includes the following project coordination and meetings: • Xxxxxxx Associates and KHA will attend one (1) project kickoff meeting to discuss all projects concurrently and one (1) additional meeting at the airport’s discretion. All in- person meetings will be conducted at the Airport Administrative Office. The costs for the meetings (labor and travel expenses) will be divided equally between Project Nos. 1 through 4. This Scope of Services also includes teleconferences between members of the project team, the Sponsor, and FAA, if needed. Xxxxxxx Associates will facilitate all teleconferences, as directed by the Sponsor. KHA will participate in a total of up to three (3) teleconferences (inclusive of all projects).