A9.01 The parties acknowledge the mutual benefits to be derived from consultation and are prepared to engage in consultation on matters of concern to either party.
A9.02 The union-management consultation committee established for this purpose may discuss any matters of mutual interest or concern and make recommendations to the Institute and the Employer. However, the committee has no jurisdiction to add to, rescind, disregard or, in any way, amend any provision of this Agreement or to require any action to be taken by either the Institute or the Employer.
A9.03 The Employer agrees that new policies bearing on the employees will not be introduced, and existing policies will not be cancelled or amended, in such a manner as to affect the rights and entitlements of the employees, until such time as the Institute has been given a reasonable opportunity to consider and meaningfully consult on the Employer's proposals through participation on the union-management consultation committee.
A9.04 This consultation process may be initiated by either party. However, the union-management consultation committee shall meet at least once per quarter unless otherwise agreed.
A9.05 Minutes of the union-management consultation committee meetings shall be signed by at least one member of each party and retained on file. A copy shall be posted on designated hospital bulletin boards.
UNION MANAGEMENT CONSULTATION. 38.1 A Union-Management consultation committee will be formed, comprised of not more than three members from each party, to provide a channel of ongoing communication for the discussion of matters of mutual concern. Such matters will include employee suggestions with respect to future business, charter trips, assignments and tours.
UNION MANAGEMENT CONSULTATION. In order to xxxxxx positive and open communications and to take a joint problem solving approach to concerns as they arise, the Company and the Union agree to meet on a monthly basis, or more frequently as required.
UNION MANAGEMENT CONSULTATION. The parties acknowledge the mutual benefits to be derived from joint consultation and are prepared to enter into discussions aimed at the development and introduction of appropriate processes for the purpose of providing joint consultation on matters of common interest. Upon request of either party, the parties to this Collective Agreement shall consult meaningfully and constructively at the appropriate level about contemplated changes in conditions of employment or working conditions not covered by this collective agreement. The Authority agrees to give the Alliance reasonable opportunity to consider and to consult meaningfully and constructively prior to introducing new or changing policies affecting conditions of employment or working conditions not governed by this Collective Agreement. Grievances shall not be dealt with at joint consultation under this Article. The Union Management Consultation Committee Committee”) will have no authority to amend or alter this Collective Agreement. The parties agree that guidelines for joint consultation will be developed by the Committee within, unless otherwise agreed, three (3) months of ratification of this Collective Agreement, and such guidelines shall be subject to amendment by mutual consent only.
UNION MANAGEMENT CONSULTATION. Coastal Community Credit Union and the Union recognize the benefits of establishing a mechanism for the ongoing discussion of a variety of issues which may be of interest to both and the benefits that open and early discussions is a positive step in building a stronger relationship between both parties.
UNION MANAGEMENT CONSULTATION. 7.1 The parties acknowledge the mutual benefits to be derived from joint consultation and are prepared to enter into discussions aimed at the development and introduction of appropriate processes for the purpose of providing joint consultation on matters of common interest.
7.2 Upon request of either party and at a minimum of once per month, the parties to this Collective Agreement shall consult meaningfully and constructively at the appropriate level about contemplated changes in conditions of employment or working conditions not covered by this collective agreement.
7.3 Grievances shall not be dealt with at joint consultation under this Article.
7.4 The Union Management Consultation Committee ("UMC Committee") will have no authority to amend or alter this Collective Agreement.
7.5 The parties agree that guidelines for joint consultation will be developed by the UMC Committee within one (1) month of ratification of this Collective Agreement, unless otherwise agreed, and such guidelines shall be subject to amendment by mutual consent only. The PSAC Regional Representative assigned to this Local will assist the Employer and the Union Local representatives in developing an effective consultative process.
UNION MANAGEMENT CONSULTATION. The Railway and the Union recognize the benefits of establishing a mechanism for the ongoing discussion of concerns and problems that may arise during the term of the collective agreement between the parties.
UNION MANAGEMENT CONSULTATION. 8.01 The Union and the Employer agree that meaningful consultation between the parties is essential to creating and maintaining a harmonious and productive work place.
8.02 To this end, there shall be a Union/Management Consultation Committee composed of an equal number of Union and Employer representatives.
8.03 Such Committee shall meet no less than once every six (6) months, and at any other time at the request of either party, to discuss any matter which is of interest to the employees, the Union, or the Employer.
8.04 This forum shall not be used to discuss grievances or to amend the collective agreement.
UNION MANAGEMENT CONSULTATION. I The parties acknowledge the mutual benefits to be derived from joint consultation and are prepared to enter into discussions for the purpose of providing a joint consultation process on matters of common interest. Upon request of either party, the parties to this collective agreement shall consult meaningfully and constructively at the appropriate level about contemplated changes in conditions of employment or working conditions not covered by this collective agreement. The Authority agrees to give reasonable opportunity to consider and to consult meaningfully and constructively prior to introducing new or changing policies affecting conditions of employment or working conditions not governed by this collective agreement. Grievances shall not be dealt with at joint consultation under this Article. The Union Management Consultation Committee Committee") will have no authority to amend or alter this collective agreement. The parties agree that guidelines for joint consultation will be developed by the Committee within, unless otherwise agreed, three (3) months of ratification of this collective agreement, and such guidelines shall be subject to amendment by mutual consent only.
UNION MANAGEMENT CONSULTATION. 7.01 The parties acknowledge the mutual benefits to be derived from joint consultation.
7.02 Joint consultation meetings will be held when required, at the request of either party.
7.03 Joint consultation meetings will have no authority to amend or alter the Collective Agreement or deal with grievances.