UNION SYSTEM. 3-4.01 Every teacher in the employ of the board who is a member of the union on the date of the coming into force of the entente must remain a member for the duration of the entente, subject to clauses 3-4.04 and 3-4.05.
3-4.02 Every teacher in the employ of the board who is not a member of the union on the date of the coming into force of the entente and who later becomes a member of the union must remain a member for the duration of the entente, subject to clauses 3-4.04 and 3-4.05.
3-4.03 As of the date of the coming into force of the entente, every teacher must, upon his or her engagement, sign an application form for membership in the union. If accepted by the union, the teacher must remain a member of the union for the duration of the entente, subject to clauses 3-4.04 and 3-4.05. The union shall provide the board with the form. Within fifteen (15) days of receiving the application form for membership filled out by a new teacher, the board shall forward it to the union.
3-4.04 Every teacher who is a member of the union may resign from the union. Such a resignation shall in no way affect his or her employment ties as a teacher.
3-4.05 The fact that a teacher is refused membership in the union or is expelled from the ranks of the union shall in no way affect his or her employment ties as a teacher.
UNION SYSTEM. This matter is the subject of clauses negotiated and agreed at the local or regional level in accordance with the Act respecting the process of negotiation of the collective agreements in the public and parapublic sectors (CQLR, chapter R-8.2).
UNION SYSTEM. 3-4.01 Every teacher in the employ of the board who is a member of the union on the date of the coming into force of the agreement must remain a member for the duration of the agreement, subject to clauses 3-4.04 and 3-4.05.
3-4.02 Every teacher in the employ of the board who is not a member of the union on the date of the coming into force of the agreement and who later becomes a member of the union must remain a member for the duration of the agreement, subject to clauses 3-4.04 and 3-4.05.
3-4.03 With the coming into force of the agreement, every teacher must, upon his or her engagement, sign an application form, provided by the union, for membership in the union. If accepted by the union, the teacher must remain a member of the union for the duration of the agreement, subject to clauses 3-4.04 and 3-4.
UNION SYSTEM. 3-7.01 Employees who are members of the union on the date of the coming into force of the agreement and those who become members thereafter must so remain, subject to the provisions of clause 3-7.03.
3-7.02 Any employee hired after the date of the coming into force of the agreement must become a member of the union, subject to the provisions of clause 3-7.03.
3-7.03 The fact that an employee is refused or expelled from the union shall in no way affect his or her employment ties with the board.
3-7.04 For the purpose of applying this article, the board shall give an employee hired after the date of the coming into force of the agreement an application form for membership in the union in accordance with the aforementioned union system provisions. An employee shall complete the form when he or she is hired and shall return it to the union through the board. The board must return the form to the union within ten (10) days after the employee is hired. The union shall provide the board with the form.
UNION SYSTEM. 4.01 All employees who are members in good standing of the Union at the time this collective agreement goes into effect and all those who become mem- bers afterwards must maintain their union membership for the duration of the collective agreement as a condition of continued employment.
4.02 The Employer informs all new employees that they must become members of the Union within fifteen (15) days of their first day of work as a condition of their continued employment and their membership applications must be made on the form provided by the Union for this purpose.
4.03 However, the Employer is not obliged to dismiss an employee because the Union has expelled her from its ranks. However, the said employee remains subject to the checkoff of union dues. 6 | FIQ ARTICLE 5
UNION SYSTEM. Article 3-4.00 shall apply
UNION SYSTEM. 3-4.01 The employees who are members of the union on the date of the coming into force of the agreement and those who become members thereafter, must so remain, subject to the provisions of clause 3-4.03.
3-4.02 An employee who is hired after the coming into force of the agreement must become a member of the union, subject to the provisions of clause 3-4.03.
3-4.03 The fact that an employee is refused, expelled or resigns from the union shall in no way affect his or her employment ties with the board.
3-4.04 For the purposes of applying this article, the board shall give an application form for membership in the union to the employee who is hired after the coming into force of the agreement in accordance with the aforementioned union system provisions. The employee hired after the coming into force of the agreement shall complete and return the form to the union through the board. The union shall provide the board with membership application forms.
UNION SYSTEM. 3-4.01 Any employee of the Center who is a member of the Union on the date of coming into force of the Agreement shall, as a condition of employment, remain a member for the duration of the Agreement.
3-4.02 After the date of coming into force of the Agreement, any candidate must, at the time of her engagement, sign the application for membership in the Union appearing in Appendix B. If the application is accepted by the Union, she must, as a condition of employment, remain a member for the duration of the Agreement. It is understood that this process will be done by the Union representative, outside of her working hours.
3-4.03 Every new employee must become a member of the Union in the thirty
3-4.01 Every teacher in the employ of the School Board who is a member of the Union on the date of the coming into force of the Entente must remain a member for the duration of the Entente, subject to Clauses 3-4.04 and 3-4.05.
3-4.02 Every teacher in the employ of the School Board who is not a member of the Union on the date of the coming into force of the Entente and who later becomes a member of the Union must remain a member for the duration of the Entente, subject to Clauses 3-4.04 and 3-4.05.
3-4.03 As of the date of the coming into force of the Entente, every teacher must, upon his or her engagement, sign an application form for membership in the Union (Appendix B). If accepted by the Union, the teacher must remain a member of the Union for the duration of the Entente, subject to Clauses 3-4.04 and 3-4.
UNION SYSTEM. Every teacher in the employ of the board who is a member of the union on the date of the coming into force of the agreement must remain a member for the duration of the agreement, subject to clauses 3-4.04 and