CHECKOFF OF UNION DUES. The Employer agrees to the compulsory checkoff of all Union dues as a condition of employment. Said dues to be paid and deducted bi-weekly and forwarded to the Union Secretary monthly with a list of those paying dues and the amount each pays, and his/her hourly rate of pay.
CHECKOFF OF UNION DUES. The Company shall deduct Union dues including, where applicable, initiation fees and assessments, on a weekly basis, from the total earnings of each employee covered by this agreement. The amount of dues shall be calculated in accordance with the Union’s Constitution.
CHECKOFF OF UNION DUES. The Employer agrees to deduct from the pay of each employee employed by the Employer any monthly dues or assessments levied, in accordance with the Union By-Laws and owing to the Union. Deductions shall be made from the payroll of each month and shall be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union not later than the 10th day of the month following, accompanied by a list of all employees from whose wages the deductions have been made. A statement of the total gross earnings of the bargaining unit on which the dues have been assessed shall be included.
CHECKOFF OF UNION DUES. Section A. The Employer agrees to require the Payroll Department to deduct from the paycheck of each employee who has signed an authorized payroll deduction card a sum certified by the Union for Union dues. Such deductions to be made each month beginning with the month specified on the payroll deduction card. Pay deductions may be terminated by the employee by giving thirty (30) days' written notice to the Secretary of the Local. Upon receipt of such notice, the Secretary shall, within five (5) days thereafter, notify the Payroll Department in writing to stop deductions. Section B. The Union agrees to represent all members of the unit fairly without regard to Union membership or non-membership or other factors. Section C. The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of this Article.
CHECKOFF OF UNION DUES. The Corporation agrees, during the term of this Agreement, to deduct from the pay of all employees in the bargaining unit, an amount equal to the regular monthly dues, as certified by the Union, and to remit the same prior to the end of such month to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union, along with a list of names of employees from whose wages deductions have been made and the amounts so deducted and a total of all regular wages paid to bargaining unit employees exclusive of fringe benefits. (1981)(1985)
CHECKOFF OF UNION DUES. 10.1 Each pay period OC shall, as a condition of employment, deduct from the wages or salary of each employee in the bargaining unit, the amount of the regular dues payable to the BCGEU. 10.2 OC shall deduct from any employee, upon written consent of that employee, any assessments levied in accordance with the BCGEU Constitution and/or By-laws. 10.3 Deduction of union dues shall be made in each pay period. Dues or payments in lieu shall be considered owing in the period for which they are deducted. 10.4 OC agrees to make every reasonable effort to provide on a biweekly basis the following information electronically to the President of the BCGEU: ➢ employee surname ➢ employee first name ➢ address ➢ gender ➢ birth date ➢ base job classificationstart datehourly salarydues amount ➢ month-to-date dues ➢ social insurance number 10.5 OC shall include on each employee's T-4 statement the amount of the deductions paid to the Union by the employee in the previous year. 10.6 Before OC is obliged to deduct any amount under Clause 10.1 of this article, the Union must advise OC, in writing, of the amount of its regular dues. The amount so advised shall continue to be the amount to be deducted until changed by further written notice to OC signed by the President of the BCGEU. 10.7 Employees shall, as a condition of continued employment, complete an Assignment of Wages form providing for the deduction of union dues.
CHECKOFF OF UNION DUES. 4.01 Employees occupying positions within the bargaining unit shall be members of the Union. 4.02 All Employees occupying positions in the bargaining unit shall complete forms authorizing the Employer to make payroll deductions for Union dues and the Employer agrees to deduct from the pay of each such Employee, an amount specified by the Union in its Constitution, and to remit the deductions monthly to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union, along with a list of Employees from whom deductions have been made, not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the month for which the deductions were made. The provincial Secretary Treasurer of the NSGEU or designate shall provide the Employer with appropriate notification of any change in the deductions for Union dues. 4.03 The Employer shall deduct Union dues for all members of the bargaining unit commencing the first full pay period after the employee becomes a member of the bargaining unit. 4.04 The Employer shall advise the President of the Local of Employees being hired, terminating or resigning when it remits union dues each month. 4.05 The Union agrees to indemnify and save the Employer harmless against any claim or liability arising out of the application of this Article except any claim or liability arising out of an error committed by the Employer. 4.06 The Employer shall indicate on each employee’s T4 slip the amount that the employee has had deducted under this article.
CHECKOFF OF UNION DUES. At the time of employment the Employer shall require an employee to sign a checkoff form authorizing the Employer to deduct from his earnings and to pay to the Union an amount equal to the current monthly dues and assessments as established by the Union in accordance with its Constitution and/or By-Laws.
CHECKOFF OF UNION DUES. Section A. The Employer agrees to require the payroll department to deduct from the paycheck of each employee who has signed an authorized payroll deduction card a sum certified by the Union for Union dues. Such deductions to be made each month beginning with the month specified on the payroll deduction card. The employee may terminate pay deductions by giving thirty days written notice to the Secretary of the Local. Upon receipt of such notice, the Secretary shall, within five days thereafter, notify the Payroll Department in writing to stop deductions. Section B. The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of this Article.
CHECKOFF OF UNION DUES a. At the time of employment the Employer shall require an employee to sign a checkoff form authorizing the Employer to deduct from their earnings and to pay to the Union an amount equal to the current monthly Union dues and initiation fees as established by the Union in accordance with its Constitution and/or Bylaws. b. Deductions shall be made from the Payroll on a bi-weekly basis for all employees, and shall be forwarded to the Local Union office bi-weekly, accompanied by a list of the names of all employees from whose wages the deductions have been made.