Utility Engineering Sample Clauses
Utility Engineering. Utility Engineering includes the identification of utility conflicts, coordination, compliance with the UAR, and resolution of utility conflicts. The Engineer shall coordinate all activities with the State, or the State’s designee, to facilitate the orderly progress and timely completion of the State’s design phase.
Utility Engineering. Utility Engineering include the identification of utility conflicts, coordination, compliance with the UAR, and resolution of utility conflicts. The Engineer shall coordinate all activities with the State, or the State’s designee, to facilitate the orderly progress and timely completion of the State’s design phase.
Utility Engineering. Provide utility engineering services in accordance with the NJDOT Capital Project Procedures.
Utility Engineering. The parcels shall be developed in accordance with the development restriction recommendations outlined in the following reports: - Geotechnical Investigation Report, North Silverado Subdivision, prepared by ParklandGEO (File No CA0266), dated December 23, 2016. - Grading and Slopes Letter, North Silverado Subdivision, Calgary Alberta, prepared by ParklandGEO (File No. CA0266), dated June 15, 2017.
Utility Engineering. 1. The Engineer shall develop PS&E and special details including structural details to accommodate or adjust utilities, including but not limited to fiber optic, communications, water, and wastewater. The Engineer shall develop PS&E and special details for betterment utilities (Forced betterments and Elective betterments) as well as the betterment cost estimate (See the State’s ROW Utility Manual chapter 7). Prior to developing any special utility detail or PS&E set, the Engineer shall notify the State in writing regarding each utility conflict that may require an accommodation.
a. The Engineer shall prepare utility design plans to show the existing and proposed utility facilities in both plan and profile.
b. The Engineer shall overlay the utility design plan onto the highway design plan to show existing and proposed highway features, including highway ROW lines, proposed ROW lines and all control of access lines.
c. The Engineer shall prepare the utility design plans to depict sufficient information that will enable the State to verify compliance with UAR including but not limited to depth of cover, casing requirements, vent locations, manhole sizes, for each utility design.
2. The Engineer shall develop a 3D model of the existing and relocated utilities. The cross sections must depict existing and relocated utilities. (refer to FC 160) If necessary, the Utility Engineer shall develop a 3D utility grid under the shared use path in order to assign specific locations for relocation of existing utilities. The Engineer shall coordinate the assigned locations with the utility owners. The Engineer shall use DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F241E99-CBD7-4989-A074-6D52EF0E6522 Xxxxxxxx Xx. 00-0XXX0000 Xxxxxxx’s 3D design technology in the design and preparation of the 3D model.
3. As directed by the State, the Engineer shall coordinate with each utility to develop each PS&E package and special details. The Engineer shall develop each utility detail or PS&E package in compliance with the State’s UAR.
4. The Engineer shall develop a detailed estimate of quantities and construction cost estimate in standard State bid format. If necessary, the Engineer shall develop betterment costs.
5. The Engineer shall prepare General Notes and shall identify and provide a list of governing standard specifications, special specifications, and special provisions and the appropriate reference items. The Engineer shall prepare each plan sheet, detail sheet, special specification, special provi...
Utility Engineering. Review existing utility information for conflicts with the proposed Project and provide a utility conflict analysis. • Provide a conceptual utility relocation plan. • Review utility plans for compliance with the appropriate policies, compatibility with the Project features, betterment inclusion and constructability. • Provide oversight review of location, materials, and backfilling of trenches associated with utility adjustments; not responsible for actual location of utilities. CTRMA General Engineering Consultant Atkins - Man-hour Breakdown & Fee Estimate Xxxxx Road SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL TOTAL Direct Expenses 1 Project Management & Administration $ 455,635 $ 18,320 $ 473,955 2 Environmental Assessment $ 124,849 $ 2,470 $ 127,319 3 Design Services $ 1,446,304 $ 4,030 $ 1,450,334 4 Construction Supervision, Inspection, and Testing $ 1,666,534 $ 86,240 $ 1,752,774 5 Utility Adjustment Coordination $ 170,300 $ 2,250 $ 172,550 Subtotals $ 3,863,623 $ 113,310 $ 3,976,933 Contingency 13% $ 517,001 TOTAL (rounded) $ 4,500,000 Page 1 of 1 April 25, 2018 A B C D E F TOTAL 1 Project Management & Administration (Estimated Average Labor Rates) $
1.1 Project Management 200 960 80 1240
Utility Engineering. Provide utility engineering services for the affected utilities in conflict with the noise walls
Utility Engineering. The Engineer shall perform engineering services consisting of Utility Engineering as describe below. As used below, “ensure” means to make certain that something has happened or will happen, and includes an obligation to deploy the appropriate level of engineering or other technical expertise, consistent with the complexity, cost, and level of risk associated with a task. Ensure does not require the completion of any task assigned to a separate entity under any other agreement. Utility Engineering include the identification of utility conflicts, coordination, compliance with the “Utility Accommodation Rules”, and resolution of utility conflicts. The Engineer shall coordinate all activities with the State’s designee to facilitate the orderly progress and timely completion of the State’s design phase.
Utility Engineering. Utility Engineering includes the identification of utility conflicts, coordination, compliance with the TAC, and resolution of utility conflicts. The Engineer shall coordinate all activities with the Owner to facilitate the orderly progress and timely completion of the project design phase.
A. Utility Engineering Activities
1. Utility Layout (Roll Plot):
a. Facilities in conflict with the proposed project that are to be relocated.
b. Facilities to be removed or abandoned in place.
c. Facilities that are going to be moved underground.
d. Facilities that an exception will be applied.
e. Facilities to remain in service and in place because of roadway design adjustments and meeting the current TAC.
f. If there are additional facilities, not shown in the SUE documents, which require relocation, the Engineer shall coordinate this information with the Owner immediately upon discovery.
Utility Engineering. Add the following to the first paragraph: Provide Utility Engineering for the following intersections: Texas Ave/27th St and Texas Ave/Xxxxxxxx St for the installation of traffic signals. All other Utility Engineering will be provided by others under a separate agreement for Phase 2B.