General Information Musterklauseln

General Information. (1) The latest ZHS program, which is published on a semester basis, provides information about ZHS courses along with dates, times, and if applicable, further conditions.
General Information. The United States Consulate in Frankfurt requires professional services and contractor cost proposals to perform the renovation of H and G wing 2nd floor.
General Information. The award is given 2 times a year, in summer and winter. The jury appointed by the organizer con- sists of various female experts in the outdoor and sports industry. The jury tests and evaluates the products in the ca- tegories functionality, processing quality, material selection, sustainability, innovation, purpose / tar- get group and design. The results will be published for the first time during the awards ceremony. Be- fore that, only a list of the submitted products will be published. The announcement of the winners and the award ceremony will take place in a public setting. If this is not possible, the award ceremony will be held via live stream. The specific date will be announced in the respective announcement. There is no right of appeal.. The jury members undertake to maintain confiden- tiality about the awarded ratings and nominations until the official announcement of all winners. The submitted samples should be as they are inten- ded to be brought to the customers. If there are any finalisations to be made, please note this in the detailed product questionnaire. Incomplete application documents or incomplete products do not entitle to participate in the award. Participants may be excluded from the competition. The Award is open for this years and next years pro- ducts - as to say: products that are not commer- cially available until after the award ceremony on July 31, 2021. I.e. for the WOMEN’S GEAR AWARD Alle oben genannten Gebühren (Teilnahme- gebüh- ren und Zusatzgebühren für die Pakete) sind Netto- beträge zzgl. MwSt. Die Anmeldung ist verbindlich und verpflichtet zur vollständigen Zahlung der ent- sprechenden Gebühren und Kosten. KontraPixel ist der Vertragspartner für alle Be- werbungen des WOMEN‘S GEAR AWARD #she is outdoors. Die Rechnung wird ab Juni 2021 an die, in der Online-Bewerbung angegebenen, Anmelde- bzw. Rechnungsadresse geschickt. Bei einer Änderung der Rechnungsadresse nach dem Einsendeschluss wird eine Bearbeitungsge- xxxx von 50,00 Euro erhoben.
General Information. Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH (FSG) operates the Airport Lounge at Stuttgart Airport in Xxxxxxxx 0 Xxxxx 0. Every passenger can visit the lounge after the general passenger security check for an additional fee. FSG provides information on its website about the respecti- ve opening hours, services and fees. FSG may change the opening hours or services at any time. There is no guarantee of a seat. Due to the limited space available, FSG reserves the right to restrict ac- cess to the lounge. Customers may be denied access in this case. If a lounge is open beyond the published daily hours, this does not constitute an obligation on the part of FSG for additional days. Due to the country‘s current hygiene regulations and depending on demand, there may be restrictions regar- ding the food and beverage offer. There is no guarantee of entitlement to certain food and beverages. The consumption and consumption of food and beverages from the lounge is only permitted in the lounge. Food and beverages may not be packed and/or taken away. The display of flight times and departure gates in the lounge is without guarantee. Passengers are obliged to obtain information from their airline about boarding and departure times and about local conditions at the airport. The lounge service is not responsible nor guarantees that passengers will reach their departure gates (boarding) on time. No announcements are made in the lounge. Passengers are therefore required to inform themselves about the departure times on their own responsibility. These terms and conditions apply to the use of the aforementioned lounge, not also to other lounges. The customer‘s terms and conditions shall not apply, even if FSG is aware of such and does not expressly object to them.
General Information. Our Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall apply exclusively; we shall only recognize any general terms and conditions of business of the supplier that conflict with or deviate from our Terms and Conditions of Purchase if we have expressly agreed to them in writing. The acceptance of goods or services of the supplier (hereinafter: subject matter of the contract) or their payment does not constitute consent. 2 Conclusion and amendment of the contract 2.1 Orders, framework agreements, acceptances, delivery call-offs, supply contracts and other legal transactions to be concluded between us and the supplier as well as their amendments and supplements must be in text form. 2.2 Inquiries by us to the supplier are merely invitations to the supplier to submit an offer. 2.3 Cost estimates are binding and are not to be remunerated unless expressly agreed otherwise. 2.4 The supplier must confirm our order in writing immediately, at the latest within 5 working days of receipt, otherwise we are entitled to cancel our order. 2.5 We may demand changes to the subject matter of the contract in terms of design and execution within the scope of what is reasonable for the supplier. In doing so, the consequences, in particular with regard to additional and reduced costs and delivery dates, shall be regulated appropriately and amicably. Changes by the supplier require our prior written approval in writing to be effective. 2.6 The supplier is obliged to check drawings, calculations, specifications and other requirements of us for errors and contradictions by himself within the scope of his general and special technical knowledge and to report and clarify any concerns to us immediately in writing. 2.7 The supplier shall bear the procurement risk for the goods. 3. delivery dates, transfer of risk and transport 3.1 The delivery dates and periods specified in the order or the delivery schedule are binding. 3.2 Unless otherwise agreed, delivery shall be made DDP Incoterms 2010 to us or to the place of delivery specified by us. 3.3 Compliance with the delivery date or delivery period shall be determined by the date of receipt of the subject matter of the contract and the shipping documents by us or by the place of receipt designated by us. 3.4 If agreed deadlines are not met, the statutory provisions shall apply. If the supplier has difficulties with regard to production, the supply of input materials, compliance with the delivery date or similar circumstances which prevent him from d...
General Information. 1. 1 These NHS set out the requirements that Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG) suppliers (synonyms = providers, contractors, business partners, service providers, etc.) must observe in their business transactions with FhG (from the initial phase through to execution of an order) and in their business dealings with their own employees, suppliers and other interested parties.
General Information. There are no servers installed in the data processor's own offices The servers operated by Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL ("AWS") are located in data centres in Germany. You can find more information on the security processes at the AWS data centre here: o AWS Cloud Security o AWS Privacy Policy o Data Protection in Germany o AWS overview of the security processes
General Information a. The following general terms of delivery and business (hereinafter referred to as the GTC) apply to all offers, deliveries and services performed by the photographer.
General Information. (a) The following General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (“GTC”) shall apply to any and all contracts with suppliers (hereinafter the “Supplier”) which involve the purchase of goods, work or services (Dienstleistungen according to sec. 611 BGB), by Sky Deutschland GmbH or any other company of the Sky Deutschland Group (hereinafter the "Purchaser”). The companies of the Sky Deutschland Group are the following:
General Information. 1. Our general terms and conditions of sale and delivery are valid for our deliveries and services, including all extra and obligatory performances.