Guarantee Musterklauseln

Guarantee. Subject as provided below, BNPP unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees by way of deed poll to each Guaranteed Party that, if for any reason BNPP B.V. does not (i) pay any sum payable by it or perform any other obligation in respect of any Security, or any IPED Agreement, on the date specified for such payment or performance and/or (ii) comply with any of the Undertakings, then BNPP will, in accordance with the terms and conditions of such Security (the “Conditions”) or the terms of such IPED Agreement, the Scheme or the Deed of Irrevocable Offer (as the case may be), pay that sum in the currency in which such payment is due in immediately available funds forthwith upon demand or, as the case may be, perform or procure the performance of the relevant obligation that BNPP B.V. has failed to perform on the due date for such performance forthwith upon demand, subject to Clause 12. If for any reason BNPP B.V. does not satisfy such obligations when the same become due, BNPP hereby undertakes to make, or cause to be made, such payment or satisfy or cause to be satisfied such obligations as though BNPP were the principal obligor in respect of such obligation after a demand has been made on BNPP pursuant to Clause 12 hereof PROVIDED THAT in the case of Securities where the obligations of BNPP B.V. which fall to be satisfied by BNPP constitute the delivery of the Entitlement to the Holders, BNPP will as soon as possible deliver or procure delivery of such Entitlement using the method of delivery specified in the applicable Conditions.
Guarantee. In addition to the statutory warranty, Kalmar provides the following guarantee:
Guarantee a) In his capacity as a specialist, the Supplier guarantees that the delivery item is free of any defects affecting its value or suitability for the use assumed, meets all properties as warranted and all services and specifications as specified. The Supplier is bound to perform permanently appropriate quality controls. The delivery item must meet the provisions of public law applicable at the place of destination.
Guarantee. Our products are the result of long years of development work. They are manufactured with great care and are subject to strict self-monitoring. Whether the merchandise accords with the contract shall be evaluated solely on the basis of the content of the quotation submitted by us or the written documents used by us. Public oral statements on our part or on the part of the manufacturers, irrespective of whether we were aware or could have been aware of them, shall have no effect whatever if such are not expressly mentioned in the quotation of the written documents used by us. Performance under guarantee shall be effected at our discretion by the repair of the object of purchase or the replacement of the deficient part, exchange, or reduction of price. The right of Principals to repudiation of contract shall mutually excluded. Replaced parts shall pass into our possession. The wages and costs for the installation and removal shall be borne by Principals. It shall be at our discretion whether a deficient item is to be replaced by a faultless item of the same type. Principals shall expressly waive, for themselves and their successors in law, the claiming of any indirect or direct damages (consequential damages and/or loss of profits) incurred by the object of sale as a result of simple or wilful negligence. Excluded from warranty and guarantee shall be damages which are attibutable to improper or negligent treatment of the object of purchase. Claims under guarantee and warranty shall only be acknowledged if notified in writing immediately after the determination of the deficiency, but at the latest within three days of receipt of the merchandise. Oral or telephone communication shall not be deemed sufficient. The term of the guarantee, inasmuch as relates to movable items, shall be reduced to six months. The special recourse of Art. 933b ABGB (General Civil Code) shall only be permissible within the statutory deadline periods of Art. 933 ABGB. The right of recourse shall be nullified if the deficiency, which was not identifiable despite inspection in the due and proper manner, is not expressly notified in writing within three days of its becoming identifiable. Oral or telephone communication shall not be deemed suffcient.
Guarantee. 1. Security notices
Guarantee. 1. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, we shall be obliged to deliver the goods of a merchantable quality.
Guarantee. 11.1.The Supplier assumes full warranty for the purchase order or delivery schedule-compliant, complete and flawless execution of the delivery and scope of service, in particular for the generally expected and, in any case, assured properties mentioned in public statements, according to samples or patterns, and for compliance of the deliveries and/or misc. services with all applicable and valid legal and regulatory requirements at the specified destination and/or the markets specified by Q-Drives. The Supplier is to provably notify Q-Drives of all risks usually associated with the scope of delivery and service. In the same way, the Supplier is liable for the goods and components which he delivers, but does not produce, or for services rendered. Q-Drives is entitled to retain the entire outstanding purchase price or fee until the defect is remedied in full.
Guarantee. 16.1 The warranty period shall be one year from execution of the delivery or provision of the service or, if acceptance is required, from acceptance. This period shall not apply to claims for damages by the Client arising from injury to life, limb or health or from wilful or grossly negligent breaches of duty by the Contractor or its vicarious agents, which shall become time-barred in accordance with the statutory provisions. 16.2 Preliminary and intermediate products or products sent for inspection must be carefully inspected or checked by the Client immediately upon receipt. In the case of printed products, the risk of any errors shall be transferred to the Client with the declaration of approval for printing, provided that these are not errors that only occurred or could only be recognised during the production process following the declaration of approval for printing. The same shall apply to all other declarations of release by the Client with regard to preliminary and intermediate products or products. 16.3 Obvious defects must be reported in writing within a period of one week from receipt of the goods, hidden defects within a period of one week after discovery; otherwise the assertion of the warranty claim is excluded.
Guarantee. 3.1. CT can at any time request the details of a credit card (Visa or Mastercard, card number, expiry date and API Code) as guarantee of payment for a binding booking and have a corre- sponding amount blocked on the credit card.
Guarantee. 4.1 UST guarantees the use of faultless raw materials and care in manufacture.