Act 1992. On commencement of employment, and annually thereafter, the employee can nominate, in writing, a complying superannuation fund of their choice into which the employer will make superannuation contributions. The default fund for an employee who fails to make an election in accordance with the relevant legislation will be Retail Employee’s Superannuation Trust.
Act 1992. This Election does not apply to the extent that it relates to relevant employment income which is employment income of the earner by virtue of Chapter 3A of Part VII of ITEPA (employment income: securities with artificially depressed market value).
Act 1992. The Governor in Council, by proclamation published in the Government Gazette may declare specified land forming part of a park to be a wilderness zone if the land—
Act 1992. Employees who are designated by the employer as Duly Authorised Officers shall receive an annual allowance (pro-rata for part time staff) payable fortnightly on the following basis: Hutt Valley $2,500 Wairarapa $2,500 Midcentral $2,500 (See side letter for Mental Health Emergency Team DAO payments) Taranaki $2,500 Hawkes’ Bay $2,500 Bay of Plenty $2,500 Northland $2,500 Lakes $2,500 Waikato $2,500 Tairawhiti $2,500 Whanganui $2,500 Southern $3,400 South Canterbury $3,400 Canterbury $3,000 & $500 Capital & Coast $5,177 The DAO allowance for Capital and Coast District’s Crisis Team will be $5,177 per annum until the standard DAO payments exceed this. This amount is an entitlement to those employees who are on a base salary plus benefits. This allowance will be paid pro rata for part-time employees.
Act 1992. You may elect for a salary sacrifice arrangement where we, on your behalf, contribute an additional amount from your gross pay into your super fund.
Act 1992. Expressions corresponding to expressions that are defined in the Act have the meaning so defined.
Act 1992. For eligible Employees, nine percent (9%) of the Employee’s ordinary time earnings will be paid into a complying fund of the Employee’s choice, or by mutual agreement, into a fund nominated by the Employer.
Act 1992. Ordinary time earnings” is as defined in the Metal Engineering and Associated Industries (Superannuation) Award 2000 which is incorporated into this Agreement in accordance with clause 5. Where an employee receives workers compensation payments, income protection payments or make-up payments made in respect of time off work, then the employer shall contribute superannuation in respect of those payments to a maximum of 52 weeks.
Act 1992. From the commencement of this Agreement to 30th June 2025, the practice’s SG contributions must be paid into the employee’s nominated superannuation fund at least every three months, at the legislated rate of 11.5%. From 1st July 2025, the practice’s SG contributions must be paid into the employee’s nominated superannuation fund at least every three months, at the legislated rate of 12%. From 1st July 2026, employers will be required to pay SG contributions at the same time as the payment of the registrar’s salary and wages. Superannuation is payable on all ordinary time earnings. The applicable SG rate will be applied to the registrar’s base rate of pay or percentage of xxxxxxxx/ receipts, whichever is higher.