Examples of Milestone Deliverable in a sentence
Milestone Deliverable Estimated Delivery (Months after Award) Insert list of milestones Insert list of deliverables associated with each milestone (at a minimum, the proposed prototype and a final report must be included as deliverables) Insert estimated lead time in terms of months after award for each milestone/deliverable.
When the services of the Prime Consultant are desired, the Commission will provide the Prime Consultant with a letter-form Request for Task Order Assignment Proposal, with accompanying Task Order Assignment Agreement, Sample Key Project Milestone Deliverable Dates, Problem Statement, Sample Consultant’s Scope of Services, Sample Project Schedule, and Sample Fee Summary.
Unless otherwise agreed, Service Provider shall perform comprehensive testing (e.g. unit, string, integration, stress, volume, system testing) on each such Milestone Deliverable prior to submitting such item to DIR for Acceptance.
The Acceptance Review Period shall begin on the date that Service Provider provides written notification to DIR that the Milestone Deliverable is ready to be reviewed by DIR.
During the Acceptance Review Period, DIR and DIR Customers shall review and may further test each Milestone Deliverable, individually and collectively, to determine whether such item(s) contain any type of Noncompliance.
Your proposal shall include a transmittal letter and the following six (6) items in this order: 1) Task Order Agreement Form; 2) the Commission’s Problem Statement; 3) the Consultant’s Scope of Services; 4) Key Milestone Deliverable Dates; 5) the Consultant’s Schedule; and 6) Fee Breakdown and Summary; each of which shall be included and made a part of this Task Order Assignment Agreement.
Your execution of this form and the entry of the appropriate information (i.e. Assignment Project Engineer, Subcontractor Participants, Estimated Schedule Duration, Estimated Staff Hours and Estimated Charges & Expenses) along with the submission of Key Milestone Deliverable Dates , the Commission’s Problem Statement , the Consultant’s Scope of Services, Schedule and Fee Breakdown and Summary constitute your required “submittal package”.
This will include traffic and revenue studies, revenue generation technology plan, preliminary design and engineering plans, and structure(s), operation and maintenance Reports with exhibits/ Schedule Milestone Deliverable Name Reference to Exhibits D, E, F, G and (Tasks) Summary Description Submittal Format DeliveryDate/ Deadline* management plans, specific warranties and guarantees, specific risk management, mitigation and allocation plans, system supply plans, anticipated 3rd party agreements.
Furthermore, in the event of a discovery of a latent defect in a previously Accepted Milestone Deliverable or other Deliverable, where such latent defect would have qualified as a Noncompliance at the time of Acceptance, upon notification by DIR or the applicable DIR Customer Service Provider will, at no additional charge, repair or replace or otherwise correct the Noncompliance to the level of performance specified in the Agreement.
If DIR does not Accept a Milestone Deliverable, DIR shall provide Service Provider a notice of Noncompliance as described below.