Minuted note definition

Minuted note. The parties to the collective agreement recommend that the agreement be concluded in the form of a model agreement prepared jointly by the parties.
Minuted note. The practical arrangements concerning course participation are agreed between the deputy of the negotiating senior staff representative or the deputy of the senior staff representative and the employer, with the deputy nevertheless participating in courses during no more than three (3) days in a calendar year. Notification of the intention to take part in training must be provided in good time and no later than two (2) weeks before the course begins. Participation in YTN senior staff representative training may not have a detrimental effect on the salary or other benefits of the senior staff representative.
Minuted note. The existing pay committees based on Appendix 8e continue their operations.

Examples of Minuted note in a sentence

  • Minuted note 1: Competence development and training, as referred to in this stipulation, may include various forms, but the purpose is not to use them for carrying out daily work.

  • Minuted note 2: In 2020, 12 hours are reserved for competence development and training, as the increase in working time is abolished as of 1 July 2020.

  • Minuted note: The partial child-care leave for teachers within the scope of work- ing time based on teaching obligations is implemented as agreed on by the employer and the teacher.

  • Minuted note: The practical arrangements concerning course participation are agreed between the deputy of the negotiating shop xxxxxxx or the deputy of the workplace shop xxxxxxx and the employer, with the deputy shop stew- ard nevertheless participating in courses during no more than three (3) days in a calendar year.

  • Minuted note: The practical arrangements concerning course participation are agreed between the deputy of the negotiating shop xxxxxxx or the deputy of the workplace shop xxxxxxx and the employer, with the deputy shop xxxxxxx nevertheless participating in courses during no more than three (3) days in a calendar year.

More Definitions of Minuted note

Minuted note. For staff representatives falling within the scope of the total working time system for teaching and research staff, job release pursuant to this agreement shall be incorporated into the plan of working hours. Comment: Section 34 of the Act on Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement and Cooperation on Occupational Safety and Health at Workplaces63 prescribes the following concerning use of time by a labour protection delegate: When determining the time required for performing the duties of a labour protection delegate consideration shall be given to the number of employees represented by the delegate, to the regional scale of the workplace, to the number of working locations and the nature of the work that is done at them, to factors arising from the organisation of work that affect the extent of the delegate’s duties, and to other inconvenience, hazard and workload factors referred to in the Occupational Safety and Health Act that affect the safety and the physical and mental health of employees. If no other agreement is reached on the time allocation of a labour protection delegate and no fewer than ten employees work regularly at the workplace, then, having regard to the foregoing factors, the employer shall release the delegate from regular work for the purpose of attending to the duties of a delegate for no less than four hours in each period of four consecutive calendar weeks, unless such job release would so considerably inconvenience production or the employer’s operations that it would constitute a temporary impediment to such release.
Minuted note. For staff representatives falling within the scope of the total working time system for teaching and research staff, job release pursuant to this agreement shall be incorporated into the plan of working hours. When determining the time required for performing the duties of a labour protection delegate consideration shall be given to the number of employees represented by the delegate, to the regional scale of the workplace, to the number of working locations and the nature of the work that is done at them, to factors arising from the organisation of work that affect the extent of the delegate’s duties, and to other inconvenience, hazard and workload factors referred to in the Occupational Safety and Health Act that affect the safety and the physical and mental health of employees. If no other agreement is reached on the time allocation of a labour protection delegate and no fewer than ten employees work regularly at the workplace, then, having regard to the foregoing factors, the employer shall release the delegate from regular work for the purpose of attending to the duties of a delegate for no less than four hours in each period of four consecutive calendar weeks, unless such job release would so considerably inconvenience production or the employer’s operations that it would constitute a temporary impediment to such release.
Minuted note. The federations shall emphasise correct and consistent interpretation of the scope of application regulation with respect to current and new salaried employees. Any dispute over the scope of the agreement in the workplace shall be processed by means of an expedited negotiation procedure between the federations. The parties may hear representatives of senior salaried employees if necessary. An external expert body may also be consulted at the request of either of the parties in order to reach a solution. Helsinki, 22 January 2002 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY FEDERATION OF FINLAND UNION OF SALARIED EMPLOYEES TU I GENERAL PROVISIONS
Minuted note. The existing pay committees based on Appendix 8e con- tinue their operations.
Minuted note. For staff representatives falling within the scope of the to- tal working time system for teaching and research staff, job release pur- suant to this agreement shall be incorporated into the plan of working hours. Comment: Section 34 of the Act on Occupational Safety and Health En- forcement and Cooperation on Occupational Safety and Health at Work- places prescribes the following concerning use of time by a labour protection delegate: When determining the time required for performing the duties of a labour protection delegate consideration shall be given to the number of em- ployees represented by the delegate, to the regional scale of the work- place, to the number of working locations and the nature of the work that is done at them, to factors arising from the organisation of work that af- fect the extent of the delegate’s duties, and to other inconvenience, haz- ard and workload factors referred to in the Occupational Safety and Health Act that affect the safety and the physical and mental health of employees. If no other agreement is reached on the time allocation of a labour pro- tection delegate and no fewer than ten employees work regularly at the workplace, then, having regard to the foregoing factors, the employer shall release the delegate from regular work for the purpose of attending to the duties of a delegate for no less than four hours in each period of four consecutive calendar weeks, unless such job release would so con- siderably inconvenience production or the employer’s operations that it would constitute a temporary impediment to such release.
Minuted note. The provisions of this section shall be complied with as of 1 June 2023 for those senior salaried employees who comply with the amendments to the Health Insurance Act that entered into force on 1 August 2022 and whose right to pregnancy or parental leave com- mences on or after 1 June 2023. If the provisions of the Health Insurance Act concerning family leaves in force on 31 July 2022 are complied with for senior salaried employ- ees or the right to pregnancy, special pregnancy or parental leave in accordance with the Health Insurance Act has started before 1 June 2023, the provisions of the collective agreement concerning maternity and paternity leave in force on 31 May 2023 shall be complied with. If the provisions of the Health Insurance Act effective after 1 August 2022 are complied with, any paid maternity, paternity and adoption leave already taken in accordance with the collective agreement in force on 31 May 2023 will be deducted from the paid leave under the family leave provisions of the collective agreement that entered into force on 1 June 2023.
Minuted note. The parties acknowledge that senior salaried employ- ees are also obliged to monitor the accumulation of working hours. If a senior salaried employee is close to exceeding the maximum accu- mulation of working hours, the parties recommend that the employer and the senior salaried employee discuss the accumulation of working hours. The discussion can cover the work situation of the senior sala- ried employee and the accumulation of working hours, and how to en- sure that the accumulations of flexible working hours remain within the limits of the maximum and minimum accumulations.