I GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. The Provider shall subject to the availability of the beds extend priority admission facility tothe beneficiaries.
2. The Provider hereby ensures that it has cover of adequate insurance policy against any erroror omission in treatment as also negligence by its doctors and Para-medical staff and shallkeep such policies in force during the subsistence of this agreement.
3. The Provider shall endeavor to have an officer of the Provider assigned for the patients andshall endeavor to ensure that such officer learns various types of medical benefit offered by different insurance plans.
4. The Provider shall allow the representative/s of AITPAL to visit the patients and generally discuss the medical treatment to be given by the Provider to the patients provided always thefinal decision with respect to the line of treatment to be given to the patients shall be that ofthe Provider and its team of doctors, and the representatives of AITPAL shall not interferewith the same, However they have the right to know the treatment plan and discuss the samewith the provider.
5. If found necessary by AITPAL to depute an authorized representative, the Provider shall allowwith prior appointment or otherwise, the authorized representatives to have an access to the standardized billing and medical records, Electronic Medical Records, Indoor Case Papers,(Without any charge ) International Coding of Diseases after the patient is discharged orduring the period of the hospitalization. Provider will not charge any additional cost
6. The Provider shall comply with the statutory requirements and follow the law of the land.
7. Network Provider agrees to have medical audit/bills audit, periodically, and as and when necessary through an authorized person(s) appointed by AITPAL. Free access will be providedto all systems and data related to medical xxxx under audit, whether physical or electronic,whenever asked by such representative
8. The Provider will convey to the Doctor treating the patient to keep the patient only for therequired number of days of treatment and carry out only the required investigation and treatment for the ailment for which he/she is admitted and the decision in this regard of theattached Doctor shall be final and binding on the parties. In the event of any complications and/or emergency the treatment for the same will be included and permitted as necessary treatment and the attached Doctor shall at all times have the rights to treat the patient as the/she consider...
I GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section 1 Scope of application 1 Section 2 The right of association 2 Section 3 Commitment to industrial peace. 2
I GENERAL PROVISIONS. This Intergovernmental Agreement is made and executed pursuant to the provisions of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Clause of the Illinois Constitution. (Ill. Const. 1970, Article VII, Sec. 10) as well as the provisions of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1973, as amended (5 ILCS 220/1 et seq.). Upon joint action of the governing boards of each member district, this Intergovernmental Agreement shall amend and supersede the Intergovernmental Agreements entitled “Northwest Suburban Career Cooperative (a regional vocational education system) Joint Agreement” entered into January of 1985 and amended in September of 1986, March of 1994, March of 1997, March of 2004, and April of 2012.
1.1 This Eighty-Sixth Supplemental Indenture is executed and shall be construed as an indenture supplemental to the Original Indenture, and shall form a part thereof, and the Original Indenture, as heretofore and as hereby supplemented and amended, is hereby confirmed. All capitalized terms used in this Eighty-Sixth Supplemental Indenture but not defined herein shall have the same meanings ascribed to them in the Original Indenture, as such terms may have been or may be amended or modified from time to time pursuant to the Indenture, except in cases where the context clearly indicates otherwise. All references herein to Sections, Articles, definitions or other provisions of the Original Indenture shall be to such Sections, Articles, definitions or other provisions as they may be amended or modified from time to time pursuant to the Indenture.
I GENERAL PROVISIONS. The Parties shall make good faith efforts to abide by the requirements and procedures for Forecasting and Outage Notification described in Article 3 and Appendix A, herein, and shall agree upon reasonable changes to these requirements and procedures from time to time as necessary
(a) support Buyer's compliance with the California Independent System Operator's ("CAISO") Scheduling requirements related to the Agreement; (b) accommodate changes to the Parties' respective technology and organizational structure, (c) address changes in the Operating and Scheduling procedures of Seller, Buyer and the CAISO, including automated Forecast and Outage submissions. The Parties agree that the forecasts and Outages generated by, or otherwise resulting from, the Forecasting and Notification requirements and procedures in this Amendment are non~binding on Seller.
I GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section 1 Scope. 1 Section 2 Annex agreements. 1 Section 3 The right of association 1 Section 4 Commitment to industrial peace. 2 Section 5 Equal treatment of all workers 2 Section 6 Commencement of employment. 2 Section 7 End of employment. 4 Section 8 Lay-off. 7
I GENERAL PROVISIONS. Participating Dentist or Participating Group Practice agrees to provide Dental Services to all eligible members of ADP and to provide such services in the same manner in which, and with the same availability as, Participating Dentist provides services to his or her other patients. Participating Dentist agrees not to differentiate or discriminate in the treatment or quality of care of eligible ADP members.
I GENERAL PROVISIONS. The Contract on usage of transmission network (hereinafter referred to as: Contract) regulates conditions under which Consumer can use the transmission system for transmission of electric power and energy.
I GENERAL PROVISIONS. These General Business Terms and Conditions are a part of the Purchase Agreement concluded by and between the Seller and the Buyer. Any deviations from the General Business Terms and Conditions shall be agreed between the Parties in writing and added as an amendment to the Purchase Agreement. Any unilateral changes and/or amendments to these General Business Terms and Conditions shall be deemed invalid.