RPF definition
RPF means the Recipient’s resettlement policy framework for carrying out the Project, satisfactory to the Association, dated March 26, 2009, as such framework may be amended from time to time by agreement of the Recipient and the Association, which sets out, inter alia, the principles and objectives of the RPF, the institutional and implementation arrangements, the requirements of a resettlement action plan including, the eligibility criteria for assistance and rehabilitation entitlements, as well as the monitoring and reporting arrangements to ensure compliance with the provisions of the RPF.
RPF means the resettlement policy framework adopted by the Recipient on January 20, 2011, setting forth, inter alia, a brief description of the Project and components for which land acquisition and Resettlement are required, the principles and objectives governing Resettlement preparation and implementation, and a description of the process for preparing and approving site-specific Resettlement Action Plans.
RPF means the Resettlement Policy Framework of the Recipient dated February 28, 2010, setting forth, inter alia, guidelines, procedures, timetable and other specifications of the resettlement/compensation to be made under the Project to Affected Persons and referred to in paragraph D.1 of Section II of Schedule 2 to this Agreement.
Examples of RPF in a sentence
The Borrower shall cause the Project Implementing Entity to ensure that remedial measures are taken during the implementation and operation of the Project in accordance with the provisions set forth in the ESMP and the RPF.
More Definitions of RPF
RPF means the Resettlement Policy Framework, dated February 28, 2008, defining the modalities for land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitation of displaced persons under Components A and C of the Project.
RPF means the framework of the Recipient dated February 2007 and revised in May 2007, as the said framework may be amended and/or supplemented from time to time with prior approval in writing by the Association, setting forth resettlement procedures, institutional arrangements, eligibility criteria, entitlements and compensation, including valuation procedures, budget, public consultation and participation, monitoring and evaluation and disclosure.
RPF means the Resettlement Policy Framework of the Recipient dated June 26, 2009, and disclosed at the World Bank’s Infoshop on July 1, 2009, outlining the policies and procedures to be implemented in the event that specific activities implemented under the Project have potentially negative impacts on the livelihoods, assets and land of the affected population, as the said framework may be amended and/or supplemented from time to time with the prior written consent of the World Bank, and such term includes any schedules to such document.
RPF means the framework dated, March 2007, prepared by the Recipient and approved by the Association, for land acquisition or other associated Project impacts, resettlement and compensation under the Project, and in accordance with which Resettlement Action Plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Association for its approval, as the same may be amended from time to time with the concurrence of the Association.
RPF means the Borrower’s resettlement policy framework for the Project provided to the Bank on March 28, 2010, setting forth the rules, procedures and guidelines for the acquisition of land and/or other assets from persons affected by the Project (if any), and/or the resettlement and rehabilitation of such persons (if any), and the compensation thereof.
RPF means the resettlement policy framework to be prepared and adopted by the Recipient, satisfactory to the Association, and disclosed on the Association’s website, which sets out the resettlement principles, guidelines, organizational arrangements (including consultation and budget), and design criteria for the preparation of resettlement action plans under the Project, as such framework may be amended from time to time with the prior written agreement of the Association.
RPF means the Recipient’s resettlement policy framework for the Project, set forth in the document entitled “Cadre de Politique de Réinstallation des Populations” dated December 1, 2009 approved by the Association and disclosed in the Recipient’s territory on December 11, 2009.