Sick Day definition
Examples of Sick Day in a sentence
Participating Teachers will not be required to donate additional days to the Sick Day Bank unless the Board and the Association agree that additional donations are necessary to keep the Sick Leave Bank operative.
If the Sick Day Bank Committee determines that an illness or disability which qualifies for utilization of days from the Sick Day Bank does not exist, or if sufficient medical verification of such an illness or disability is not provided to the Committee, it may deny the Application.
Enrollment in the Sick Day Bank shall be continuous from year to year until a member withdraws.
The sick day accumulation of any member owing days to the Sick Day Bank shall not be permitted to exceed fifteen (15) days.
In the event a member retires with an outstanding balance owed to the Sick Day Bank, or terminates his/her employment with the Akron Public Schools, any accumulation of sick days at that time shall be used as payback days.