Student Placement definition

Student Placement means the provision of supervised education and research opportunities for Students. The supervised education must be:
Student Placement. Students with special needs, recognized through formal staffing procedures, may be included in regular classes. If the educational value for either the student or the classroom is a questionable one, the classroom teacher may refer the questions of placement to a committee for a possible change or modification of that placement. The committee will consist of 1) the classroom teacher, 2) the building principal, 3) a person designated by the exclusive representative, and 4) the director of special education or the superintendent’s designee. The committee shall then make recommendations regarding said student placement to the superintendent of schools for further action. Other students who have persistently extreme difficulty in adjusting to the normal school classroom environment or who represent an unusual or peculiar problem to themselves or the classroom of students will have the same referral procedure outlined above.

Examples of Student Placement in a sentence

  • The Education Provider's liability to indemnify the Student Placement Provider pursuant to the above clause shall be reduced proportionately to the extent that an act, error or omission of the Student Placement Provider contributed to the loss, damage, injury or expense.

  • In relation to the Student Placement, I undertake that [please tick]:  I will not communicate, publish or release any confidential information of the Student Placement Provider and will keep all patient information strictly confidential.

  • The Student Placement Provider's liability to indemnify the Education Provider or the Student is reduced proportionately to the extent that any negligent act or omission by the Education Provider or the Student contributed to the injury, loss or damage.

  • Provisions applicable to VET Students This clause 20 applies only to Student Placements in which the Students who are participating, or will participate, in the Student Placement are VET Students.

  • Applicable supervision model(s) As negotiated and agreed by both parties to meet the learning objectives for the student placement Direct supports provided by Student Placement Provider  Fees and payment terms There is no charge for the 2023/2024 summer student placement at this time.

  • The Education Provider is not liable for any negligent act or omission of the Student Placement Provider, its employees or agents, that results in injury to, or loss or damage of personal property of, a Student.

  • The Student Placement Provider will indemnify the Student for any civil liability claim arising directly out of the provision of emergency medical or like assistance provided by the Student when in attendance as a bystander at the premises of the Student Placement Provider and where there is no expectation of payment or other reward by the Student.

  • The Education Provider must ensure that any supervision requirements of the relevant VET training package: are communicated to and agreed upon by the Student Placement Provider prior to the commencement of the Student Placement; are monitored for compliance by the Education Provider during the Student Placement; and where appropriate, the VET Student is informed of those requirements and the requirement to comply with them.

  • For the purposes of subclause 20.1(a), the supervision requirements may include the qualifications of any supervisor, the reporting of the VET Student's progress, tasks to be undertaken by the VET Student, the modes of delivery of any instructions during the supervision, the safety of the VET Student during the Placement Period, the safety of Patients of the Student Placement Provider and other legal duties.

  • The Student Placement Provider indemnifies the Education Provider and the Student for any negligent act or omission by its employees, agents or contractors that results in any injury, loss or damage to the Student or to the Education Provider's property being used by the Student Placement Provider under this Agreement.

More Definitions of Student Placement

Student Placement means a visit for the purposes of clinical practice, academic endeavour, or research activities, and can be on a reciprocal arrangement for exchange, or an outward/incoming visit only.
Student Placement means a curricular industry based experience that is a required component of the Course, provided by the Host for the Student. Thesis means any written thesis or approved alternative research component that the Student is required to submit to Monash to fulfil the requirements of their Course. Signed: (Student) Signature Date Name Executed as an agreement. SIGNED for and on behalf of MONASH UNIVERSITY: Print name Signature Title Date SIGNED for and behalf of [NAME OF PARTY]: (Host) Print name Signature
Student Placement a student who temporarily attends at the workplace in the context of their education for work experience and without pay.
Student Placement means a person from a recognized post secondary institution who is participating with the Employer in a practicum. The Student Placement is not a member of the Bargaining Unit and is not covered by the collective agreement. The Student Placement shall not reduce the hours of work or benefits of Bargaining Unit members.
Student Placement means the number of students successfully placed in employment following the completion of their program as reported to the applicable accreditors.

Related to Student Placement

  • product placement means any form of audiovisual commercial communication consisting of the inclusion of or reference to a product, a service or the trade mark thereof so that it is featured within a programme, in return for payment or for similar consideration;

  • commercial place means a place used as an office or for business or commercial purposes.